For Rhonda

Hey Rhonda,

Just wanted to real quick ask how you are feeling.

Still got the Notre Dame bells going? I am so hoping not.

K, just wanted to check. Hoping all is well.
Thanks for checking on me are a sweetheart. Yes, still got the bells........You are so right bout it being hard to get off Paxil...... I'm just taking crumbs, but without em I feel too bad to do anything........ I can't stand the submarine head. You wouldn't think a crumb would make that much of a difference. I'm going to try to live with the "head" thing this weekend & not take even my crumbs since I won't have to be going anywhere.....................
I am such a BEAR right now! My kids don't want to be around me b/c I chew their heads off!!!!!!!.....................................................Anyway, keep praying for me that this will end soon!!!..........................K, gotta run. There is a buck with my name on it waiting for me today!!..............

How are you doing? How about that fiesty mom of yours?.....................\
COWBOYS rule!!!!
Oh Rhonda........see it's that meanie part.......however ya spell meanie.

Try and stay away from if we only could, right?

I'm sorry ya still have that, but it does stay with ya...........for awhile.......your doing good..........when do ya see that Doctor again?

K, don't beat me up.........LOL........and don't go tripping no little kids.

Ummmm, a buck with your name on money or a dude it's all good.
LMAO Bryn!! Buck=Deer!! ......and I'll try not to trip any kids.......
You always make me laugh when I need it!!
Where you at a hunting cabin?

Now I am cracking up.

You go hunting I guess Rhonda? Season is open in PA well yeah right around now. My girlfriends husband, dad and brother and her son go each year.

Don't tell me you're going to be standing in a Bakers Tree Stand......yeah I know what that is.........LOL........standing in a tree being quiet and ya can't go tinkle anywhere.........well you enjoy it go for it.........LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You got camaflouge and all and the bright as heck stuff ya have to wear I hope......of course ya do........that stuff rocks for sledding as well.......good gear!

Have a good one and hope ya do well..........venison is very good eating.

I hope Hedi Klum don't read this board........or Pam Anderson.
LMAO Again! no hunting club....I live in the country.....Got deer stands all over our property.
BTW....I'm cooking deer steak right now and I love anything camo or bright hunters orange. I live for deer season.

Night...Night! I'll go to sleep with a smile tonight instead of being sad. Thank you!
Wow, sweetest girl on this board and she's out shooting Bambi's parents, LOL!
You know I'm kidding, Buddy. My son hunts on our land too I've never been hunting but I like to fish. Yeah, a lot of the time I toss them back, lol.
So how are you feeling? You sound pretty good. (you know, aside from wanting to drop kick little kids, lol)
What's up in your world, Bryn?
Hey Kat! I'm doing o.k. I have good & bad days. This is a bad day, infact I may kill someone today if this ringing in my head doesn't stop soon. LOL

You know I used to couldn't stand the idea of shooting a deer. I would beg my mother not to hunt when I was younger. But I love it now. Deer hunting goes all the way back to the indian days (i'm sure before that) so I think it is just a part of God's intentions as long as you don't do it for the wrong reasons. I know it was soo good last night!

You doing O.K.?
Save a human, kill a deer, lol.
My ears ring sometimes. Try holding your nose and blowing, it makes your ears pop and on occasion that will make it stop.
I'm fairly okay with hunting as long as it doesn't go to waste. We love deer meat so it's acceptable to me. Ever had deer jerky? Omg, melts in your mouth.
You have to cook deer properly, though. (I know you must know this, lol) What's the word for what it tastes like if you don't? Wild? gamey?
LOL!! Good one.............Yea I know what you mean bout wild tasting. I can't stand meat to taste like that. Kinda like I don't like my fish too fishy....hard to explain that one. I don't like any other wild animal meat..just deer. I love the jerky. I'm going to make some next week.
Rhonda, I feel ya girl, I don't like fishy fish. I can eat the heck outta some Bambi...mmm mmm good.

I didn't like salmon till Dylan got a taste for it when we visited Justin, my oldest. I started buying wild salmon filets and yummy! I marinated them in olive oil and grilled them outside...out of this world...
(psst, Rhonda, omg, did you hear that? Janet eats Bambi!)
j/k Janet, lol.
ok guys
i will refrain from any comments, as you all know i am an animal lover!!! but one question? how can you shoot a deer with those beautiful brown eyes looking at you?
as time passes i become more and more nauseous about eating any meat. i know i wear items that are from animals like leather in shoes, but i refuse to wear real fur, i would refuse to wear a mink coat,i respect every ones right to their own opinions, just letting you know about how i feel and i will leave it at that.
i guess all the snuggling with animals now and as a child which helps me so much with insecure feelings makes me so adamant in how i feel, but go figure this one, i love crab, shrimp and lobster! fish doesnt bother me to eat at all.
anyway enough of me talking about that.
rhonda, can i ask why you are quitting paxil? i have taken paxil for some time now and it has been a lifesaver for me, i cant function without it, i nose dive in the deepest depressions when i tried to switch to lexapro in rehab and once when i tried wellbutrin to help with quitting smoking, dont anyone stop an ad cold turkey, i learned my lesson on that one, i know you arent doing that rhonda as you are now taking crumbs.
How are you doing rhonda? tell me whats going on, i am here to listen. jewels
I think you shoot them in the a** when they're not looking, Julie, lol.
LMAO kat, I was thinking the same thing.

I don't like venison, but I used to quail hunt. I am not a big believer in hunting for the sport. If you are going to eat the kill, then go for it. But respect others that do, my brother hunts for the sport.

I don't wear furs now for one reason only, I don't want paint thrown on it. And I have five animals, but I don't snuggle with foxes. lol

I had this long red fox fur coat once, Sammy will know the place i speak of where I got it. Allan Furs, we both are from the same place, after about 3 weeks maybe not that long I took it back, it was so heavy it hurt my back to wear the damn thing. It was beautiful though. I swear it weighed more than me.
Lmao, Brook, great minds and all that.
What would surprise me is if we weren't thinking the same thing.
Okay, this is really it. I've got to go to the store. >sigh<
I so wanted to be a bum the whole day.
What does quail taste like?
Hey all..I'm with you Julie, how in the world can you kill an animal with eyes like that? No way, couldn't do it, won't eat it. I'm so wierd about food anyway.

My dad took my pheasant hunting when I was about 10 and when the dogs flushed the birds out, I started screaming and he missed the shot. Wonder why I was never asked to go again?
(Psst....Kat.......Janet is my kind of people)...........

Janet......I bet you can cook just about anything & it taste good...........

Brooke.........I don't care for fur either. I think I've eaten quail before. It kinda tastes like chicken don't it? Have you ever eaten gator? I bet Janet & Sarah has. It kinda tastes like chicken too!

Julie.......I respect anybody's views on hunting as long as they respect my views as well. I do trophy hunt, but we eat the meat. We never shoot more than we can freeze. Rarely shoot does. (not always the case, lol) For people who eat meat it's no different than eating say...steak or hamburger. Both come from an animal & have to be killed & butchered to go to your grocery store. Deer are beautiful animals, I agree. I do get where you are coming from by saying how can you shoot em. I really can't explain how. Some are meant for it & some are not. If they weren't killed by gun then they would over populate & food would become scarce for them. Then they die..............I am an animal lover myself. We have lots & lots of pets. Now if I go to shooting dog....then I think it's time to worry. LOL!.....Anywho, I'm not trying to sell you on hunting, just answering your question.

I'm going o.k. Thanks for asking. I have good & bad days. More bad than good. I've had a few pretty strong urges to use the past couple of days. That's when my guardian angels (Lisa for one) step in & give me an encouraging word......Like.......Do you want you arse kicked?.....just kidding. Really, my angels help by laying it all out there & showing me that I don't EVER want to go back to that place. You are so sweet to ask about me. It makes me feel good & blessed that I found this forum. How are you doing? I just want to lick the screen everytime I see that pie!! lol
Oh, the Paxil thing? I don't feel like it ever did anything for me. I think doctors over prescribe it as a fix all (not always). Also, I wasn't sure if it was real depression or just the pills. I learned that it is very difficult to stop taking & I just don't want something else that I got to take. So, I started weaning off of it a month or so are way should it be done cold turkey!

It is a good ad for those who really need it (like yourself0 I just don't think I am one of them. Now I may change my mind after I get off of em. LOL

Oh, Brooke I forgot to say i don't care for fur for the same reason....I do think they are beautiful
Rhonda I had alligator a few weeks ago for the first time, taste wise, pleasantly surprised, the texture was kinda of stringy.

Quail taste a bit gamy like a cornish hen.