For Those That Have Recieved Emails....

I want you to know how sorry I am that you are somehow being dragged into something that is even beyond my comprehension.

I came to the defense of someone that I consider a friend and for that I have been at the end of horrendous torrents of anger. I have received threatening emails with the most vulgar language attacking not only me but my daughter.

As we know there is a code of conduct amongst addicts and people as a whole that you don't attack ones family simply because you have can.

I have emailed the moderators and am really disturbed by this behaviour.

For those of you that know me, I don't mince words and I don't play games. I think that is should be ok to be friends with someone that some else isn't. Because you do that shouldn't make you a target or any less of a friend.

Its okay to have friends that other friends don't "click" with. It makes us human and unique, but not any less of a friend. Real friends can tell there friends when there wrong and when they are out of line regardless of the topic but especially regarding recovery. Someone exhibiting this behaviour has to question there recovery and why they have such deep resentments.

So for those that have received those emails...I am sorry that you are being subjected to this. I sincerely hope that you are able to choose for yourself with whom you become friendly with and are not effected by email that should not be forwarded with malice.

Not many accept this type of behaviour....its make one person seem bad in order to elevate yourself. Not wise and I hope you are able to see through it.

If you don't know what this thread is about...then accept my apologies and ignore it.

Big hugs....kee kee
kee kee:

I applaud your courage for putting it out there on the table.
I didn't get this last round of emails, and am glad to be out of the loop, yet with my very limited knowledge of what "might" be going on, I can pretty much figure it out.

I wish we could all just say it outright...not veil it anymore. Let the chips fall where they may. I think it would be an intervention of sorts.

Anyway, you just keep on being you. And in case you didn't know it, I love you!

Kee Kee,

I haven't been around for a few days. I don't know what's going on. I am glad you have contacted the moderators. This board is for recovery, period. I am concerned that this board may be shut down because of unfortunate behavior.

Don't loose any sleep over this.



I love you too!

Thank you doll.

This isn't about picking sides or being in one camp opposed to the other. It is very upsetting that there are these "camps". That's not my intent here. Not everyone has to love me or like me. I know that I am a kind respectful person, however I don't blow sunshine up peoples behind.

I know when I was in trouble and I mean deep trouble....with my addiction, I had to hear somethings that I didn't want to but today I am so thankful for that.

I struggle with addiction everyday and I am battling it just like the majority of us here. But I am growing spiritually and I have nothing but love in my heart for the addict that suffers.

I want to help...and I need help. When my journey of recovery began this place was a lifeline to me and I know to others. I want so desperately to uphold the integrity of this forum. I am sorry if this upsetting some.

I needed to get this out there....even if no one else is out there.
Hi Catherine!

No I don't think I will but I am concerned. In fact...that is exactly what was said to me as the motive for this latest round of crap.

That would be terrible, as I said...this forum was a lifeline for me then. With new people coming on each day..I know that they must feel the same as we did when we first arrived. Lost, hopeless and scared. We were so lucky and so should they be too.

Its a know fact that 2 out 10 addicts in recovery remain that way. Those are scary odds. If we can help increase those odds...wouldn't that be a miracle!
Since the moderators have the ability to identify those posting with an alias, it would seem they have the ability to keep things in order here. When one starts posting with a new name to either troll or slander, the mods should identify them or block them so the rest could get back to recovery and respectable conversation. Would be a shame to see the sight get shut down (I really doubt that anyway) but the mods should do what is in their power so that struggling newcomers dont look at this place as a joke.
Im not on any emails and this is good and bad. Of course those who have conversations off the board have the ability to strengthen bonds and develop friendships but as we have seen too often it also enables alot of gossiping and threats. There are some here that have been so caught up in the throes of addiction or still are and they truly can use this sight for those here that offer them great advice and great faith and trust. Those same people can also be at the mercy of those here to take advantage of people with problems. Mods, perhaps its time to crack down a bit on the troublemakers here. Im not talking about banning someone because you dont like their opinions, thats not helpful to anyone, but rather than you concentrate on those that post for no other reason than to wreak havoc here.
Kee Kee:

I agree with you on not picking sides, I understand you perfectly. I don't want to pick sides either...I just want to be safe posting here and sharing. Without even picking sides to anything, we get lined up in camps just by who we are friendly on the forum to. I hate that. I want to be friendly and helpful to all. I believe that is how I should conduct myself in the real world, and that is how I will conduct myself here.

I know that this site has been an incredible gift to me as well Kee Kee. It is hurtful when we notice dissension here, because we have had such respect for this place. I totally understand how you feel, because I feel it too.

The only thing we can do is "take what we need and ignore the rest". Remember that very good advice? I shudder to think what those beginning days would have been like for me had I not found this site. And I notice so many people who were here for me, really had incredible experience and advice that are no longer here. Where did they all go?

Anyway...I hope I can always find a little time each week to come here and post to newcomers who are hurting...and seeking. I guess, I just thought that if we say openly what is happening to the members here, it would alleviate some of the pressure and fear and members would return. Like Stacey's signature line says...."War is Over" (if you want it).

Hang in there honey.

Sarah, you wrote " just thought that if we say openly what is happening to the members here, it would alleviate some of the pressure and fear and members would return". May I ask - IS there something actually happening with certain members here? Or are you just speaking generally?

Hey there! Kee Kee said she was receiving emails that were angry and hostile...because she had been friendly with certain members here.

I have experienced the same thing in the past.

That is what I am referring to. It is upsetting when it happens to you. It promotes mistrust and it is unsettlling. The last thing a bunch of addicts need is someone trying to undermine the confidence they are beginning to share with others based on recovery. I know it scared the hell out of me.

I can only guess it is more of the same.



You have a perfect understanding of what it happening. That alone is so comforting.

Thank you so much as always for you kindness, warmth and understanding.

I love that in Stacy's signature too!
Kee kee,
i don't even recognize this place anymore, or some of the people...
things are crazier than ever...

I should be able to tell your friend when they are wrong without them attacking you in any way shape or form, but the thing i don't understand is how it would ever get to the point that that would happen?

I can't imagine what one would have to do to be bashed and their family bashed in such a way, much less it's pure assanine that this is almost 100% caused by he said she said, oh no she didn't... then it gets blown out of proportion. I can't wrap my head around this whole thing...

and the alias?? Whoever I was talking with last and Jan (Lilypad)...runningonempty... I sat up and helped you. i don't even want to hear you come back and try and say you do need help yada yada, if you do you aren't getting it from me anymore. If i find out you are someone i know and you are a fake and wasting my time??? oh a girl can dream.

I have stayed away for a while and i walk back and it's just people playing stupid games behind the scenes. as i have already said...i don't recognize this place or these people.

I know i'm rambling, i'm tired, and i'm irked, ...
Stace! Oh trust me on this one...I wish I could tell you that I understand because I do not. I can tell you this that it is out of my control and yours. When such a thing happens whether it be here or in the real world, I would never conduct myself in that fashion.

Who I am here, is quite simply who I am...I don't have an alter ego or a persona that I save for here.

Yes I understand it is the Internet and you take a certain risk when you share here or put your personal information out family stuff, that can be used against you in a nasty way.

It's a horrible feeling when someone tricks you, again whether it be here or in real life. No one likes to be tricked and manipulated. In everyday life this doesn't really happen to much but here we are vulnerable.

I guess I have learned a lesson and that is that you are never to old to learn a lesson! LOL..not that I thought that I was...but sometimes when your guard is down you feel comfortable you can become complacent.

Anyway... now I am rambling...sleep well. Its only 7:00pm here. Power hour has just ended so we are going to snuggle up and watch some TV. Riveting stuff tonight..Winnie the pooh!