For What It's Worth....

I for me just want to say sorry to the moderators, the newcomers, and anyone I hurt, whether it's someone I love or someone I don't usually see eye to eye with. I get upset when those of us in the so called possee post something and it gets twisted or taken as bullsh--. That in no way excuses my actions when I go off. I really do post to the new comer alot, and I've started alot of recovery threads.
They always seem to get over looked and the ones that get the most attention are the ones that a debate gets outta hand in. Anyway, for what it's worth I'm sorry, I had no right saying the things I did. I love recovery and everyone trying to keep what they got or trying to get it.
Well, thats it I guess, just wanted to say sorry.
Take care..........................................God bless...................................Bob
Dear Bob I have nothing to say to you except....THANK YOU.You have helped me as all people on here have.I may not agree with you or your methods but I do belive you want to help others who you can relate to.So as far as me no "Im sorrys"needed....take care...mj
Thanks Molly,
Have a nice day......Take care.......God bless...............................Bob
Hey Bob,
You are a great friend and have been there for me a lot, so thank you!!
Love ya and take care,Rae

you are a good man, i know your heart. for that you have my unconditional friendship. no worries dude. you just keep coming and helping, i have read where so many people count on reading from you for there support and strength. you worry about those people they are the ones who need you most. you are saving more peoples lives then you realise.

Good morning Bob. I read on another thread about how we're only 5 minutes and a bad attitude away from a relapse (thanks Rachel). I need stuff like that to remind me how difficult this journey can be, how imperfect we all are, and that just for today I will choose to embrace my recovery! Have a good one! Jim
Rae, Terrianne and Jim. I've heard that too a thousand times, were all 1 pill, 1 drink, etc.. away from picking up. Thats why I always remember what I was told, if I stay away from arms reach I can't pick up. And were all 5 minutes from success, meaning if anyone has an obsession after getting clean and sober, hang in there, it just might be the last obsession we'll ever have. Thanks for your support folks, it means alot.
Take care......................................God bless....................................Bob
Hi again,
Maybe this will help some too...
I was also taught, and it works, if I have an obsession, I tell myself, ok, I'll pick up, but I'll wait till tomorrow, I'll put it off one day, maybe then the obsession will have passed, and for today, I'll tell on my obsession, make a meeting and or a phone call. I always remember it's easier to stay clean and sober than it is to get clean and sober.
Take care.....................................God bless....................................Bob
Amen to that. I know what you mean though about putting off using for a little longer than a little longer. Funny how we as addicts must play mind games with ourselves, that is kind of sick if you think about it huh? Maybe that's why people believe this is a disease,I dunno just weird how most of our minds work exactly the same.. Normal people just can't Rae
Thanks for the post Bob.

I was going to post on the other thread but it's locked. My opinion is simply this - Bob posted his opinion. Pretty clear I think. Agree or disagree, but that's all it was. GHF used this as an opportunity to inflame the board with an irresponsible reply. Geez.
Bob I apologize for taking that all out on you. I wanted to post that but the topic got locked....

Just remember we are all in the same boat...Lets not rock it!

Sorry to anyone else I upset...

GHF...just remember your own advice the next time you feel like chiming in.... I really like what you have to say, most of the time and I do agree somewhat with you on the Sub. topic. It takes what it takes. There is no wrong path to recovery. Just get there.

Bob... you have always walked the walk and talked the talk. I am so lucky to have you in my corner.

Hey Bob,

I have been reading the board. Just been trying hard not to say anything. The way I'm feeling going through the wd's I will have a hard time saying anything too nice. Just want to say though, I'm sorry you can't seem to say anything without somebody coming along and attacking you. It's always somebody. Don't sweat it though. Not your problem. Just have to learn to ignore them, because there will be more joining this board and will be tripping the same way. Take Care.

I'm not mad or upset, but I will say in my defence, You said above,
"Lets not rock the boat" thats fine and I agree, but I didn't rock the boat.

It is time for me to move on. I came here this morning in peace, it's not you really. But there are quite a few people here that seem to jump on everything I say. I have opinions and beliefs just like everyone else. But it seems that when i voice mine, even if it's in an effort to help, I get accused of "Preaching" or "Knowing It All" accusations. I'm clean and sober and only try to share my experience strength and hope. I am a believer in, "You Can't Quit Using, Using".
We all I think have the same goal, thats to stay clean and sober or get clean and sober. I truley wish you all the best of luck, but I can't come here, in a good frame of mind like I did today and get knocked off my square for no reason.
Now I'm aware that it's not your fault, only I can allow that to happen. But alot of people here seem to think I'm heartless or whatever, but I'm not. I have feelings just like everyone else. I work a good program of recovery and try to give whats been so freely given to me. I just can't any longer be put down for my views.
The program I choose works for me, and I know for a fact it would work for those willing to work it. It's not wrong to do it some other way, thats not what I mean.
But when I share the path I chose, which is complete abstinance from all mind and mood altering substances I seem for some reason to get jumped on for it.
So, it is simply time for me to bow out and say thankyou all for your support.
Maybe online recovery isn't for me, I seem to be unable to properly word my thoughts without offending someone. That truley upsets me. I would never intentionally hurt anyone, I've been down a rough road and only wish to help.
Sometimes the best way to help is to let go. You all know how I did it and continue to do it. My story is here somewhere, and so are alot of my posts.
I really don't need to keep repeating myself anyway. I'm only rewording past posts in a sence to other people. I find myself getting into more debates rather than discussions these days anyway. I'm firm in my choice of not trying to find an easier softer way. I truley believe not paying the consequences of our actions
would be of any help. What only lasts a short time goes a long way. A reminder of how I never have to feel again for me, keeps me strong. That short period of hell for the rest of my life, God willing, seems well worth it to me. But thats just me. Again everyone thankyou, but I'm continuing on from here with face to face only. It's a selfish program and I put my recovery first.

I love you all.........Take care.......I'll keep you all in my prayers................Bob
A grateful recovering alcoholic and addict, clean and sober only by the grace of God, the fellowship of A.A. and the people in it. But For The Grace Of God Go I.
What some of you don't seem to realize is that if Bob leaves...who do you have to look up too? Do you really want recovery? If you do, then stop making excuses that this person is too mean or this person is a know it all.... who cares? Shut up, sit down and listen to those that have clean time. If you don't like what they say, tough, listen anyway. If it doesn't work for you then try the next person. But unless your clean and you've worked a hard recovery program to get there, you don't know what the hell your talking about it.

Quit whining and get on with your life. Of course it's hard. It's life. How bad do you want it?

Wake up roll call....
Bob...I am sorry to see that you have decided to leave. Sometimes a break is what we all need. I responded when I saw Redd upset and I didn't take the time to cool down or read the entire thread...That is my own fault. I already aplogized for that and hope to see you back in the future. Best of luck!


I am off to take my dogs and daughter to the park. Take care...
I will be sad to see you go, having just met you. I understand your delimia though. It seem like you are more of a help and support to people than anything and like AA says, we should Take what we like and leave the rest.
Sometimes people get offended by different opinions. We all have a voice and we are all coming from a different experience and prespective. What works for one might now work for another. Personally, I believe such as you do, but wouldn't want to push that on anyone. I just know what has worked for me.
I am here to vent, learn and hopefully be of some help to someone struggeling, as I am sure you are.
I don't know what happened yesterday, but from what I have read it was a misunderstanding or perhpaps two people with different opinions venting.
Anyway, I have to go now to go out for awhile. Like I said I will be sad to see you go, but you must do what is right to take care of you.

You know Bob I have tears rolling down my face and I am sorry you feel the need to leave.It really hurts my heart to hear you sound so sad. You are a great guy and I LOVE hearng from you..Sorry if others don't view you like I do. Recovery aside you have good intentions and you have helped many of us..You have lots of friends here don't forget that. So please stay in touch with me. Gina has my e-mail me if you need to talk. Anytime!You will be missed what can say other than love ya and wish you would stay. With a little time off the board you may want to return, I hope. Do what's best for you. Rae

you go girl!! best post i have seen all day. you sure know how to say it best. i have never seen you at a loss for the right thing to say. i'll leave it to the pro's. besides i have my own life issues getting in the way for me to clearly get across what i mean to say on the board right now. so i'm gonna just ride on your coat tails again and be your shadow today : )

to the board i echo what she says
