Formerly Known As Lortab-user

I decided to change my name. A few reasons, but the main one is that I will not be a lortab user after today, cause tomorrow after tappering for one week i will be starting detox and w/d. thanks for the suport and sorry for any confusion it might cause.
Quoth the raven, nevermore...
hi raven, i am here for ya!!

take care

Excellent decision.Great new name.Its time to shed that attachment to drugs.I never liked all the pseudonyms that people use to attach to their DOC.Its almost like that one last dependence they cant let go of.
How are you doing your first day,Raven?
Glad you changed your name....I was wondering if you were going to do that. I am so proud of you. Keep posting during your wds if you feel up to it. It helps to know you have moral support. I went through it 3 weeks ago. No fun, but you can do it!
Congrats on the name change and your decision to make a new start. Just remember stay strong itsssss allllll worth it.

First day not too bad, headache really bad, but that is normal for me, this is how i got hooked in the first place is constant headpain in the am after wakeing. So, some shakes are starting but other than that not too bad.
That's wonderful raven...i changed my name from bumpnbad to is an empowering thing to glad to see you here!
There you are. The first day is not that bad until you try to go to sleep. Personally I would recommend not even trying. Everytime I tried it made me panic and made everything worse. Drink a lot of water, take a lot of baths, distract yourself by doing as many things as possible, and I now recommend getting some prescription assistance from your doctor. Day two was rough!!!