Frank And Paula two favorite people.

I saw your thread from last night where you two made a pact to quit togther today. How's it going so far? Frank, did you find the meetings that Rachel was talking about? Paula, did you call a counselor?

It's wonderful to do this together and use eachother for hope and inspiration. But it's not enough. You need the whole package.

Get to a meeting, talk to proffessionals and whatever you do, don't use for any reason.

I think you both are pretty amazing.

Hi Lisa,

Thanks so much for you support, Yes me and Frank have made a pact to quit, today was the first day and so far so good, I feel real anxious for some reason, which is probably mostly mental because this is the time I alway take that one little pill, but so far so good for me for right now it will have to be hour by hour. I called the mental health clinic today and I have a appointment for Friday I know it is a few days off but I am determined to make it, they base it on your income and that is good since that is a problem for me. I thought alot about aa/na my husband is a alcoholic he quit drinking 15 years ago when I talked to him about my problem he was not real sympathtic but he is supportive, of course he is the one I would get them from, he takes them for medical reason, he hides them and I find them, I guess what I mean by him not being sympathtic is he says that if I really want this I can do it if I dont nothing he can do will keep me from doing it, I understand but it is hard to hear. Anyway my sister is a recovering addict you may have read her story on the success board, NeverAgain, is her name, I talked to her today she said she had a feeling that I was using again, she told me that if I decide to go to aa/na she will go with me. She has been my biggest supporter, but I know I have to do the work she can only do so much, it is like she told me if I am not serious then I will not make it. I am sorry I am rambling and I know you are probably getting eyestrain.. LOL.. just wanted you to know, that I am hanging in there.. I hope you don't mind me posting to you some, it really helps, and I need some a*ss kicking sometime, as well as some compassion.. LOL..
Hi guys, sorry to butt in, but I just wanted to say good wishes to Frank & Paula, and also thanks CowGirl for your post to me the other night. Calling me an amature at 30 pills made me laugh, but was really a wake up call! I guess we all have our war stories, and hearing your tough love was much appreciated!!!!
Thanks again.


On a good day i was taking 42 6 x 7 times a day = hell. Thats not a good day. You are going to taper down. Thats good. it works. I can tell you for sure, I tried both ways and the tapering is way way better. Sometime i think we should all be locked in a room together for a week. We would either come out clean and cured or ??????

Or we would kill each other!

Thats what I meant by ???????
Oh, I thought you meant we gals would come out pregnant! Just kidding! Good night Frank! Talk to you tomorrow.
Betsy, your way to funny! I was thinking the same thing LMAO!

Now girls
Frank and Paula,

I second CG's encouragement and admiration -- you guys are what this Board is all about. Hang in, and know that we're all behind you 100% --