MODS--- PLEASE CALL OR email me with any questions before deleting! I can provide my resume, credentials, anything you like. This is a REAL offer for help.
I'm an associate producer on a new intervention/recovery show for TLC. Kristina Wandzilak (fullcircleintervention) will be overseeing the treatment of the patients, and counseling not only them, but their families as well during a 28-day, inpatient program.
The entire program is free, but the patient must be ready for recovery, have family available and willing to help the addict with their recovery on-camera, and live somewhere in Northern California, preferably close to San Francisco.
You have my every assurance that this is a legitimate offer from a reputable board-registered interventionist and certified drug and alcohol counselor.
Mods, could you please make this sticky, so the right parties may have the chance to take advantage of this opportunity?
Michael Yates
Asylum Entertainment
310-696-4830 (office)
please only call if you meet the above requirements; living in or near San Francisco, and have immediate family ready to help you with recovery. FAMILY of an addict are also welcome to call if they feel their relative is ready.
Why didn't you write to the moderators first before posting this? Obviously, this is not a 12 step oriented treatment program, because I can think of a tradition this advertisement smacks in the face.
Oh well - no one ever said the 12 steps were the only way to recovery.
Good luck in making this one stick.
Namaste' ~
Oh well - no one ever said the 12 steps were the only way to recovery.
Good luck in making this one stick.
Namaste' ~
Hello Sammy,
I -did- email the site and mods first, but got no reply within 12 hours...and I do not have the luxury of time.
You are correct, I believe, about this not being a 12-step model. There is information on Kristina's methods here;
To be fair, however, I think this would qualify as a "notice" rather than an "advertisement". I'm selling nothing and the participant/patient is receiving tens of thousands of dollars worth of treatment for free.
Thanks for the bump!
Michael Yates
I -did- email the site and mods first, but got no reply within 12 hours...and I do not have the luxury of time.
You are correct, I believe, about this not being a 12-step model. There is information on Kristina's methods here;
To be fair, however, I think this would qualify as a "notice" rather than an "advertisement". I'm selling nothing and the participant/patient is receiving tens of thousands of dollars worth of treatment for free.
Thanks for the bump!
Michael Yates
I think any opportunity and all resources should be explored. Let those reading decide for themselves if they want to pursue a TV program.
Thanks for sharing your information with us.
Thanks for sharing your information with us.
This is for the show Intervention? If so, then why only SanFransico residents? I'm sure there are lots of addicts there but we tend to come from all over the US and beyond...
Also, I thought the show Intervention always sent thier addicts to a 12 step based program?
Not that that's the only way to get clean, I'm just curious..I watch that show every Monday night.
Also, I thought the show Intervention always sent thier addicts to a 12 step based program?
Not that that's the only way to get clean, I'm just curious..I watch that show every Monday night.
This is not for the show INTERVENTION.
It -is- about a family-based intervention, but this is also not a "surprise" or ambush intervention. The addict agrees on the date with the family, and it's a planned event. The show will be on TLC.
It's only available in San Francisco for logistical reasons. Kristina Wandzilak (who will be overseeing the treatment and personally counseling the patients) lives in San Fran, and we are only able to shoot in one city, albeit different treatment centers.
Hopefully, we will be able to offer the treatment in a different city the next time.
This is not for the show INTERVENTION.
It -is- about a family-based intervention, but this is also not a "surprise" or ambush intervention. The addict agrees on the date with the family, and it's a planned event. The show will be on TLC.
It's only available in San Francisco for logistical reasons. Kristina Wandzilak (who will be overseeing the treatment and personally counseling the patients) lives in San Fran, and we are only able to shoot in one city, albeit different treatment centers.
Hopefully, we will be able to offer the treatment in a different city the next time.
I don't know of anyone here that's from SanFran..but good luck with your show. When will it air?
Airdates are always subject to network. I work for the production company that actually makes the show, but I suspect it will be on in Jan/Feb. Keep an eye on TLC, and thanks!
It kinda, sorta, maybe sounds like you guys are legit. Forgive me for my skepticism , but I, like many addicts have been around the block more then once with places and people(dealing with recovery or anything else) that offer you a free lunch. We have all learned the hard way to "NEVER TRUST A NAKED MAN WHO OFFERS YOU HIS SHIRT." (That is the title of a book by Harvey Mccoy or similar name I think)
As recently as 6 months ago, while waiting in the lobby of a treatment place I was looking into, I started reading one of the brochures on addiction they had laying around. It was interesting, informative and captavating in the unique approach they had toward recovery and addiction.
Then it started talking about this unique breakthrough discovery about how drugs work and metabolize in the body. It spoke of this discovery as though it were fact - and accepted as such. Strange that I, nor anyone I know had ever heard of it. The next sentence cleared up everything. It stated that it was discovered by 'humanitarian' Ron Hubbard. Even though it was not one of my better days, I almost burst out laughing. (Ron Hubbard is the deceased founder of scientology which has this rather bizzare recovery program.)
I did look up your website. The biographical info. on your counselers, etc seems solid, and in general it looks good. The things I couldn't find (maybe I just missed it) are what your basic beliefs and principals are. For example, if you were to look up NA, AA, OA or a methadone program or a suboxone program, you usually have a pretty clear understanding of what they are about.
I am not saying you are not legit, but vagueness leaves me uncomfortable.
If you are legit, AND I HOPE YOU ARE, God Bless you- cause we addicts can use all the help we can get. And just think, if I lived where you are doing this, people would see me on TV, and I'd probably instantly become a movie star.
As recently as 6 months ago, while waiting in the lobby of a treatment place I was looking into, I started reading one of the brochures on addiction they had laying around. It was interesting, informative and captavating in the unique approach they had toward recovery and addiction.
Then it started talking about this unique breakthrough discovery about how drugs work and metabolize in the body. It spoke of this discovery as though it were fact - and accepted as such. Strange that I, nor anyone I know had ever heard of it. The next sentence cleared up everything. It stated that it was discovered by 'humanitarian' Ron Hubbard. Even though it was not one of my better days, I almost burst out laughing. (Ron Hubbard is the deceased founder of scientology which has this rather bizzare recovery program.)
I did look up your website. The biographical info. on your counselers, etc seems solid, and in general it looks good. The things I couldn't find (maybe I just missed it) are what your basic beliefs and principals are. For example, if you were to look up NA, AA, OA or a methadone program or a suboxone program, you usually have a pretty clear understanding of what they are about.
I am not saying you are not legit, but vagueness leaves me uncomfortable.
If you are legit, AND I HOPE YOU ARE, God Bless you- cause we addicts can use all the help we can get. And just think, if I lived where you are doing this, people would see me on TV, and I'd probably instantly become a movie star.
You are a star in my book Harry...
I too would like to know what "program" this program follows?
I too would like to know what "program" this program follows?
Regardless of what method they use. If I were a painpill junkie right now and lived in San Fransico I would jump on it. I hope you find a recipient for your care. I think it sounds like a great opportunity.
Browndog, everyone...thank you!
If you checked out Kristina's website, that's all the information I have as well, lol.
I was brought onboard just 5 days ago to assist finding people who need/want this treatment. I work for the production company that's making the TV show, not for the addiction and recovery specialists.
And while I honestly believe this show will do lots of good (for both those treated, and those inspired to seek help by watching) you're right Brown...while the treatment is 100% free, your "story" (of recovery, what your family has gone through, etc) is the price. People will know that you have/had a problem with pills, and that's a lot of privacy to sacrifice.
For thee right person, in the right circumstances however (and considering the level of treatment being given) I think it's a trade many will make.
This intervention on Nightline was partially the inspiration for Kristina's show.
WARNING: THERE IS DRUG USE IN THIS VIDEO... If seeing that bothers you, do NOT WATCH.
Any vagueness on my part is simply out of ignorance. I'll offer up any info available to make people more comfortable with the idea.
thanks again all,
Michael Yates
If you checked out Kristina's website, that's all the information I have as well, lol.
I was brought onboard just 5 days ago to assist finding people who need/want this treatment. I work for the production company that's making the TV show, not for the addiction and recovery specialists.
And while I honestly believe this show will do lots of good (for both those treated, and those inspired to seek help by watching) you're right Brown...while the treatment is 100% free, your "story" (of recovery, what your family has gone through, etc) is the price. People will know that you have/had a problem with pills, and that's a lot of privacy to sacrifice.
For thee right person, in the right circumstances however (and considering the level of treatment being given) I think it's a trade many will make.
This intervention on Nightline was partially the inspiration for Kristina's show.
WARNING: THERE IS DRUG USE IN THIS VIDEO... If seeing that bothers you, do NOT WATCH.
Any vagueness on my part is simply out of ignorance. I'll offer up any info available to make people more comfortable with the idea.
thanks again all,
Michael Yates
I appreciate your candor (if that is the right word.) On the surface it seems like a great thing and my gut feeling is it is. Like someone said earlier, if I lived there, there have been many, many times (including a few in the past year) where I would have begged, stole or borrowed to get into some kind of quality treatment. For those of us who don't have $25,000, or sometimes even $100 (there have been times Ive been lucky to have a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out) it seems like it would be like hitting an undreamed of recovery lotto.
While I am a little bit of a cynic, I am probably the easiest person to persuade, since I want something good like that to be true. It sounds like a much better way then that the intervention I saw on TV,
While I am a little bit of a cynic, I am probably the easiest person to persuade, since I want something good like that to be true. It sounds like a much better way then that the intervention I saw on TV,