Fresh Start

I am here often. Rarely post. It is a good place. We are all human and none perfect. I am not. The week before Easter I quit hydro. last week I too relapsed. Not as heavy but I thought I could have one.....
You know the rest. f***. Being the optimist that I am I will quit when the script is gone. I now know that I have to go to an NA meeting and an addictionoligst gave be a script for Revia that I did not fill. This is a drug that makes it imposible to feel the effects of Narcs. I will fill it in the morning. I'd love for someone to call me on it. Make sure I do. I have no one to be accountable to except myself.
On another note. anyone willing to just not mention AGAIN anything about the fighting? Done. Over. In the past. Let us do this. Do not give power to the negitive. ignore or apoligize. I don't even know who said what. It would appear that it has gone beyond K. You are all better than this. If bronco did not start the Easter bunnies I may not have quit cold turkey when I did. We are all different. But we are all human beings. Thank you to all. Relapsing totally sucks. I am scared of my cockyness. I was so sure I was done. I pride myself on my strength of body and mind. I am not superior. I am human.
What do you say. One big happy family. Don't make me make you hug and make up--who ever is mad.
begood... Thanks for this post :) Bee
It would seem it is now done. Now that the drama is over I guess that means I have to address the relapse. talk about freaky..... I just need to look in the mirror at the uppermiddle class mom who is a drug addict. Not so hot.

Look in that mirror every day and tell yourself that you love yourself. Do it until you believe it. You are so worth this.

I will hold you accountable tomorrow.....


Glad to hear you're not giving up. The addictive mind is so damn powerful and cunning. Seems like most of us start off with such firm resolve and certainty that this will be the very last time.....only to somehow find ourselves getting another script days, months, maybe years later. It's humbling, isn't it? We've all been there. The key is being willing to try a different way than our own, which you're doing. I look for you to be here a long time.....and I really look forward to you sharing your experience in sobriety.