Froggy Ayezzzz

Froggy, please check in and let us know how you are doing. I have spies everywhere,charged with the mission of watching over you, but I would rather hear it straight from you.
I'm here. 99 days today!! I've been going to meetings at night and sleeping during the day. Better then sleeping alll day and night right??? lol

The woman I asked to sponsor me has alot of sponsees. They asked the group last night if anyone wants to be a temp sponsor so I'm going to ask the woman who put up her hand.

I'm so excited though...the original one I asked wants to start a womens only group!!!!! I'm so stoked about this.

Please don't worry about me. I'm still kicking. Daughter and I are starting to talk.

ribbet ribbet

Hey A

She came home yesterday morning. Her dad texted me to say he was bringing her and my son in. She came in and asked "can I come home" I told her that I never asked her to leave. Went out and got her things. My baby is home!!!! Kind of tense but last night was like old times. God, I missed her.

Things are going well. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 did I mention I"m on day 100!!!!!!

much love and affection to you my dear friend
ribbett ribbett
Wow 100 days Great job ! I just "jumped off" but I did taper for 6 weeks or so. I got down to less than 3/4 of a 7.5 Lortab. I took a small 1/4 chip at 7 am before I went to work. I flushed them with my wife when we got home. I can't wait until I see 100 are Awesome !
thanks Agent
Your da bomb, Froggy!
Nahhh, just me. YOU are the bomb!!!

ribbett ribbet