The Definition of Recovery
As a result, the panel came up with a working definition of recovery as a starting point to promote better communication, research and public understanding.
In their paper, published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, the panel defines recovery as "a voluntarily maintained lifestyle characterized by sobriety, personal health, and citizenship."
"Recovery may be the best word to summarize all the positive benefits to physical, mental, and social health that can happen when alcohol- and other drug-dependent individuals get the help they need," the expert panel wrote in their article.
There Is More To It Than Sobriety
According to the panel, sobriety -- complete abstinence from alcohol and all other nonprescribed drugs -- is a necessary part of recovery but not sufficient enough to consider someone in true recovery.
The panel also listed three levels of sobriety:
Early -- one to 12 months of abstinence
Sustained -- one to five years of abstinence
Stable -- more than five years of sobriety (these individuals are said to be at lower risk of relapse)
Giving Back to Society
The panel admits that the "personal health and citizenship" portion of their definition needs refining, but that both elements are key components of recovery.
Personal health refers not only to physical and mental health, but also to social health -- participation in family and social roles. Citizenship refers to "giving back" to the community and society.
Achieving Stable Recovery
Many people are able to quit drinking or taking drugs and feel that this is all that is required to achieve recovery. The Betty Ford panel of experts believe, however, more is required to achieve a sustained, stable recovery from alcohol or drugs.
Achieving the other components of recovery -- personal health and citizenship -- affects not only the person trying to recover, but his or her family, friends and society as a whole.
Complete Article Here
thank you miss katbird for the nice info you posted. i love that site where you posted the link. the more education about this disease the better! have a blessed day! jewels
[/quote]Citizenship refers to "giving back" to the community and society .[/quote]
I really like this.
I use to think giving back meant going out and spreading the word.I would then wonder why people ran from me.LOL
Then that saying kept playing out in my head."A program of attraction not promotion"
Giving back can mean a lot of things.Voulnteering at meetings,taking the time to talk to somone who needs help,taking food over to a local half=way house,donating your time,money whatever to some of these centers that survive only on donations.
It's coming up on the Thansgiving season and it would be a great time to give something back.It doesn't have to be big and you don't have to have a lot of time.There is a mens center two blocks from where I live.Next week I'm going to pick up an extra pumpkin pie and drop it off.
I think it would be really cool for people to give some great ideals on how to give something back this season.If you have a lot of people doing small things,the end results are big .
I really like this.
I use to think giving back meant going out and spreading the word.I would then wonder why people ran from me.LOL
Then that saying kept playing out in my head."A program of attraction not promotion"
Giving back can mean a lot of things.Voulnteering at meetings,taking the time to talk to somone who needs help,taking food over to a local half=way house,donating your time,money whatever to some of these centers that survive only on donations.
It's coming up on the Thansgiving season and it would be a great time to give something back.It doesn't have to be big and you don't have to have a lot of time.There is a mens center two blocks from where I live.Next week I'm going to pick up an extra pumpkin pie and drop it off.
I think it would be really cool for people to give some great ideals on how to give something back this season.If you have a lot of people doing small things,the end results are big .