
Well, I am now on Day 2 of no vics, and this is total hell...I am craving them so bad, that I am losing my mind. I have an appt with an addictions specialist here in a couple of weeks (that is the soonest I can get in) insurance does not cover psychiatrist told me not to go to NA, cuz i would "learn bad things" (this guy is a joke). I went in one time with pink eye and he asked me if i smoked marijuana becuz my eye was red...i told him yes, only the right half thouh (he didn't like that one too much). I just feel like every where I turn I hit a brick wall. I so badly want to get off these darned pills - they have ruined my life. Please keep me in your prayers that I can do this once and for all. Thank you.
Dawn, Just think in a few hours you can say day 3 with no Vics. It does get better as time goes on. I wish I could tell you how I felt at day 2 but I don't remember. I literally stayed in bed for almost a week when I realized my gig was up. Thank god I had the support of my husband and family to help me when I could not help myself. What I am trying to say is there is light at the end of the tunnel you just gotta hang in there. Shantel
Dawn call Monday And keep calling why wait? I was told after the fact as I remember nothing about june 2004 that I called 9 times and drove the office crazy that they took my insurance over the phone and enrolled me as an out patient. Yes there is a whole story of how I got in the program. Manipulated my doctor as i was not going to a hospital but I did what I had to do to get HELP

Good luck--Jeff

Congratulations on Day 2! You should start feeling better physically in a couple of days. The mental cravings will take more work and you can't do it alone. Since the specialist isn't available anytime soon, maybe you should consider going to a meeting in the interim? You say the doctor who told you to avoid NA was a joke, so he was probably wrong about the 12 steps, too.

NA Meeting Locator

Good luck. I'll keep you in my thoughts.


Dawn........The first thing you need to do is quit giving your money to an idiot.
Dump the shrink.This isn't rocket science and you've been here before.You are going to have a rough few days ahead of you but you can do this.Most of us here have been through hell and back and are now living on the other side.
Stay plugged into this board until you feel well enough to venture out.
You are a smart cookie.You know that doing this on your own is a set up.People in the program can help you and they are not going to ask you for 125.00 an hour to do so.Sure,you can quit the drugs,go through all this hell and still be left with the same problems.The 12 steps are designed to help you attain a freedom most never think possible.
Give it some thought.My hand is always open to help if I can but real change requires real change .It's not an esoteric concept.
Good Luck
Dawn..2 days is great, just take it step by step, minute by minute. That's how I had to do it. Don't worry about tomorrow, just this minute that you're in right now. All of this will pass, but every time you take a pill, you lose a little more of your soul and end up starting over, again, and again....stop the insanity now, stop putting the pills in your mouth. I'm with Tim, dump the idiot, get to NA, AA whatever...just do something proactive. This has to come from you. Hang in there, it does get better but you have to give it a chance. Cowgirl

Hey there. I think I know how you feel. It is dread either way, right? The dread of dealing with the cravings, and withdrawals, and the dread of living another day with a monkey on your back. I get it...I have been there.

When the using gives us nothing but bad feelings, it is time to stop using. You know you cannot do this without some just hunker down. If ANYTHING throws up a roadblock to you getting well.....dismiss it. That means family, friends, Drs., jobs, whatever. NOTHING is more important than you getting yourself together...and I mean NOTHING.

You can do this Dawn, I know you can. When you are free from this addiction, you will not think about the many hardships of getting will only be grateful for your sobriety. Keep your eye on the prize...and push all the other bulls*** out of the way.

I am really proud of you for doing this...Never give up!

Many prayers,

Dawn,i know how tough day 2 is.You do feel like youre literally losing your mind.You feel its totally impossible to get through the next minute.

Hopefully the fact that we have all done this(and youve probably done it before yourself) Gives you a "little" comfort.You will get feeling better,it doesnt last forever(though it sure feels like it)Hang in there,rest as much as you can,just to get through these first few days,try and sleep,relax,occupy your mind.

Then you can concentrate on what needs to be done next,mettings,addiction specialtsts,and all the rest that will help get you back to where you once were and want to be again.

I feel your pain,it sucks,hang on tight,you'll feel better soon.And your life will start feeling much more worth while too,keep coming and posting,let us help you as much as we can.Dont think too far ahead,just get through this one minute at a time,the only way you can.~KIM

I just got in...long day, but I was looking forward to reading another post from you, updating us on how you are.

I hope you are just too yucky to be posting right now, and I am praying for you to stay strong. Things will get better, once this god awful detox period is over with...and then when you are actively seeking sobriety things will get A LOT better!

I promise Dawn, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am so grateful I made it out of the abuse...and I will be here for you, if you need me.

Stay strong can do this!!!!! Let us know what you you know, there is always a hand outstretched here.

Much love and courage,

Dawn, Today should be day 4 for you. How are things going? I hope you are starting to feel a little better. Keep the the good work. Shantel