G O O S~~afternoon

hope everyone is having a nice day..............
janet, mj, java, sweets, jewels, doug, stace, atlas..........
the morning goosers..................

and EVERYONE HERE............all you lovely posters.........

hello..................to you.............

mj.............thinking of you honey.

God Bless you all today...................

"We will never know how much good just a simple smile can do. We tell people how kind, forgiving, and understanding God is----are we the living proof?
Can they really see this kindness, this understanding, alive in us?"

Mother Teresa

Hi Thumper!

Good to see you, as always. I'm doing better today and posted an update on my dad on the other thread. Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support. ((((HUGS))))) Atlas
Atlas...............i am so glad your better................

hugs to you to.................

Just wanted to post & say hello & let you all know Im ok.Doing damage control & trying to sort things out.
Atlas please know that as I sit & read my "book"today I will say a prayer for you.& your father & well just all of what your going through.I hope more than you know that you get a chance to .....exhale.
anyways...I hope everyone has a nice day & Ill talk with everyone soon
such a nice thing to see miss molly brina green jeans posting.........

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S~M~I~L~E.................love u



That is one weird dude you have dancing above your happy saturday...LOL...I'm saying nothing more except don't send him to my house as a present! :-0

(((HUGS)))) to you and MJ. I think it's time for some TV and a nap. TTYL
I can smile right now because I know that what I'm doing is very important. I'm alive, and that's a great thing to smile about. So the withdrawals can kiss my butt. Thank you for posting these words and giving my confidence a boost!

It is a good afternoon. (or a goos afternoon, I think) I'm clean for a second day, and pretty soon my smiles will be real. :) :) :)
It's true that even a smile from a stranger can change your whole day. How powerful we are! I'm going to remember that when I get out of bed, the power of giving happiness to someone else is just as comforting as receiving it.

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welcome.............so glad to have you here.

God Bless you dear...........

you can do this.........keep posting , YOU ARE STRONG!!!

and welcome to the goos.........

we usually do a goos in the morning and queen mollyjean usually starts it..
so look for it in the morning and join us.........

lets be ................
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OH........ALTAS..............sorry but this guy wants to give you a big hug...
and he wants to take a NAP with you.............LOL
infact he is already taking a nap...........
ha ha ha ha

EDIT................i took the pic down............it was to much !!!

owww weeeeeeeeeee.......................

Hey ya Thumps..........

Goos Afternoon to you as well :)

lol @ the dancing guy................I gotta agree with Atlas on that one :)

Big Hugs..................Hope your day is going well.

Goos Afternoon Thumper, and everyone. I hope you are all having a GOOS day. I am tired and just trying to relax. I want my kids to take a nap so I can.

I like your pictures Thumper. You always put up some really cute pics. ALthough I don't know about that fat guy dancing, lol. Kinda funny.
I hear ya there Steph...........

I was so wishing mine would take a nap earlier..................My 4 year old got on the couch with me lastnight, and was kicking me in the back all night.............Woke up at 5 am and I had hardly slept at all..........put him back in bed, and was awake again early :(

Getting a second wind now, but was so tired earlier I was dozing off while they were watching a movie...........

Hope you can get you a nap, or some good sleep tonight...........

I feel you pain :(

Thumps..................You find the coolest stuff...............I mean it.
well I didn't get a nap today. Oh well, I guess I can try again tomarrow.

Man I am having so much pain in my right arm by my elbow. It feels like a sharp pain or like something is ripping. I just want it to go away, ugh.

I know how you feel though when you are so tired your falling asleep. That happens to me all the time.
thumper you are absolutely hysterical on the pics you put on the post of the fat man dancing! I LOVE your sense of humor and your style of the girl with the lip glosses winking! you are really a wonderful person, a true angel sent from the Lord! God bless your kindness and your love for others, you are so much what God wants us to be, loving and kind just like Jesus is. love you girlie jewels, you had me cracking up on those pictures, did my picture arrive yet????