Thanks for your response , Im trying to get to 20 mgs meth to go on sub, can you give me any info on how bad and what type of Wds you went through before the switch . Thank you Ray
Hi Ramon,
Soz its taken so long for me to reply, i've just got back online, hope your okay today?
I swapped to sub when i was on 30mls of meth, i had to wait til i was withdrawing then i took 1/2 of my dose of sub-this was at nightime (i cant remember wot mg it was i think it was 10mg? thats how bad my memory is) and then the next morning my full dose and to be totally honest with ya, when i made the swap, i was a little shacky for a day or so but after that it was quite easy, every drop i did (i'm now on 2mg) was in no way like withdrawing from meth or heroin(H was my d.o.c.) it was little uncomfy but totally bearable, i'd advise you to have a word with your doctor. Sorry ramon, i cant remember if you use methadone for pain management or was it to come off of pills?
I recon that sub is a better option than meth, cos you feel so much more 'normal'. now i never rattle, i just take my 2mg in the morning then i feel fine till the next day, it isnt like meth where you wake up feeling like death warmed up until you take you dose. Hope this helps? any more questions and just let me know.
Soz its taken so long for me to reply, i've just got back online, hope your okay today?
I swapped to sub when i was on 30mls of meth, i had to wait til i was withdrawing then i took 1/2 of my dose of sub-this was at nightime (i cant remember wot mg it was i think it was 10mg? thats how bad my memory is) and then the next morning my full dose and to be totally honest with ya, when i made the swap, i was a little shacky for a day or so but after that it was quite easy, every drop i did (i'm now on 2mg) was in no way like withdrawing from meth or heroin(H was my d.o.c.) it was little uncomfy but totally bearable, i'd advise you to have a word with your doctor. Sorry ramon, i cant remember if you use methadone for pain management or was it to come off of pills?
I recon that sub is a better option than meth, cos you feel so much more 'normal'. now i never rattle, i just take my 2mg in the morning then i feel fine till the next day, it isnt like meth where you wake up feeling like death warmed up until you take you dose. Hope this helps? any more questions and just let me know.