You are such a doll. You send me e-cards that brighten my day and I can't even return the favor!!!!!
I've tried to send you cards and email and it just comes back as being undeliverable. Is your email account still down?
Anyway, thank you. I love you too, kiddo and big hugs right back.
Hey Lisa,
I am so glad they brightend your day x
I didnt thiink my email wasn't working but in all honesty I do have some probs with it, I am glad you got em x
How are you doing? hope things are okay? let me know x
I am so glad they brightend your day x
I didnt thiink my email wasn't working but in all honesty I do have some probs with it, I am glad you got em x
How are you doing? hope things are okay? let me know x
Doing ok, Gabbs. Down to one horse and the trailer, a couple of saddles and some odds and ends of tack. It's so sad.
Feeling a little resentful about it lately. Have to work on that.
How's things with you?
Love you doll
Feeling a little resentful about it lately. Have to work on that.
How's things with you?
Love you doll
Hey Lisa,
I bet cha are feeling a little resentment having to let your horses go! I would say thats a natural reaction, but try to let go, remember the old sayin' as one door closes another opens! and you have a lifetime of memories, which I think you are very lucky to have (I know you know this but I'm just reminding ya)
I am fine, I got a little mad on here yesterday but thats exactly what it is, in the past so I aint dwelling on it, a very good friend pointed out, why worry about stuff you can't change, and she is sooo right, so I am just trying to get on as normal. That nasty ear infection is loads better, i went back to the docs yesterday and she was like, yeah its healing, you just need to do some more steaming!! (y'know with a bowl of boiling water, breathe the steam in) and I must say I am quite pleased with myself for going through all the pain i have done over the last month or so without the urge to use!! (y'see in the past, having any kinda pain would be an excuse to pick up, but not anymore!! the only pain meds i took were paracetamol, and very few of them!! so I am quite pleased with myself about that)
anyway enough of my babble, hope things are okay with you and you are starting to adjust to life without the horses, GOOD LUCK CG you know you are in my thoughts x
loads O love
I bet cha are feeling a little resentment having to let your horses go! I would say thats a natural reaction, but try to let go, remember the old sayin' as one door closes another opens! and you have a lifetime of memories, which I think you are very lucky to have (I know you know this but I'm just reminding ya)
I am fine, I got a little mad on here yesterday but thats exactly what it is, in the past so I aint dwelling on it, a very good friend pointed out, why worry about stuff you can't change, and she is sooo right, so I am just trying to get on as normal. That nasty ear infection is loads better, i went back to the docs yesterday and she was like, yeah its healing, you just need to do some more steaming!! (y'know with a bowl of boiling water, breathe the steam in) and I must say I am quite pleased with myself for going through all the pain i have done over the last month or so without the urge to use!! (y'see in the past, having any kinda pain would be an excuse to pick up, but not anymore!! the only pain meds i took were paracetamol, and very few of them!! so I am quite pleased with myself about that)
anyway enough of my babble, hope things are okay with you and you are starting to adjust to life without the horses, GOOD LUCK CG you know you are in my thoughts x
loads O love