Hello All,, I'm new to this site,, For the past few days I've been reading a lot of your postings. Seems like most people here are on methadone because of pain.Well, I 've been on a methadone maintainance program for sometime, ashamed to say how long, but I will,,almost 30 years,,,please don't be to hard on me. I got on when I was only 21,, I'm now soon to be 50,, as a teenager I got involved with heroin. I soon got hep b, continued to do heroin and got hep b again, to make a long story short, in order to be able to continue to get high I had to switch to methadone, my liver could not take anymore abuse.Not saying methadone is good for your liver but I was young and didn't know better. I abused methadone for 25 years, doubling up on my dose at least once a week.It has only been the last 5 years that I have stopped the abuse. I now want OFF!! Not long ago I thought I would be on for the rest of my life, I've read that there are some people who will never get off. I can't be one of those people. In the last year I have cut my dose in half, from 60 to 30 ml grams. It's starting to get harder. I would like to know if there is anyone out there who has been on a program for any length of time and has detoxed. I need a HELP!!! I would welcome any feed back. I'm hearing about a rapid detox, anyone heard of it, and then there is buprenorphin, don't know much about it.Don't think I could do cold turkey.
Hi Vince,
Welcome to the board.
I can't help you much. All I can say is I've been on methadone for over a year. Tried to withdraw off of it and it was pure hell. Now you have been on it so much longer. Definitely use the buf stuff. I hear so much good about it. I just can't afford it. It's too expensive.
I hate being hooked on Methadone. Well, good luck to you. There will be many that will come here and help you out. Sub is the answer I'm sure.
Welcome to the board.
I can't help you much. All I can say is I've been on methadone for over a year. Tried to withdraw off of it and it was pure hell. Now you have been on it so much longer. Definitely use the buf stuff. I hear so much good about it. I just can't afford it. It's too expensive.
I hate being hooked on Methadone. Well, good luck to you. There will be many that will come here and help you out. Sub is the answer I'm sure.
for those that know me on here what I am about to say will surely shock most of them but .... as you said you have heard that there are people that can never get off methodone.... well I am sorry to say unless I miss my guess, I fear that you will be just of one those people ... the reasons I say that is two fold... first and foremost.. methodone binds some of its metabolites to bone and some muscles fibers and as such it is hard to detox from ... and with the extreme length of time you have been on it and not at therapeutic levels I might add this detox will be extremely slow and painful...
secondly, as you said you got into trouble with drugs at a young age before you got on meth... so you really have never lived an adult live clean from mind and mood altering substances so to say that at 50 you can learn to do that now is next to imposible compounded by the physical withdraw period that you will go through... to start your life not again.. but for the real first time at 50 to learn to live now after all those years is a dounting task...
It can be done but certainly not alone.. you need intensive medical intervention.. definate inpatient treatment and counseling.... sub would definately be appropiate for you at this stage.. and all the resources at your command... you have to want this more than you have EVER wanted anything ever before in your life.. you have to be willing to do anything to get clean... anything..... or you just wont.. it is going to be hell ... and you didnt get here over night and you aint gonna get clean over night....
i wish you all the luck and love I can.. I will say a special prayer for you ... only God can help you best... but you have to be willing to get medical help and do what it takes.. that is the only way at this point I think you will be successful....
for those that know me on here what I am about to say will surely shock most of them but .... as you said you have heard that there are people that can never get off methodone.... well I am sorry to say unless I miss my guess, I fear that you will be just of one those people ... the reasons I say that is two fold... first and foremost.. methodone binds some of its metabolites to bone and some muscles fibers and as such it is hard to detox from ... and with the extreme length of time you have been on it and not at therapeutic levels I might add this detox will be extremely slow and painful...
secondly, as you said you got into trouble with drugs at a young age before you got on meth... so you really have never lived an adult live clean from mind and mood altering substances so to say that at 50 you can learn to do that now is next to imposible compounded by the physical withdraw period that you will go through... to start your life not again.. but for the real first time at 50 to learn to live now after all those years is a dounting task...
It can be done but certainly not alone.. you need intensive medical intervention.. definate inpatient treatment and counseling.... sub would definately be appropiate for you at this stage.. and all the resources at your command... you have to want this more than you have EVER wanted anything ever before in your life.. you have to be willing to do anything to get clean... anything..... or you just wont.. it is going to be hell ... and you didnt get here over night and you aint gonna get clean over night....
i wish you all the luck and love I can.. I will say a special prayer for you ... only God can help you best... but you have to be willing to get medical help and do what it takes.. that is the only way at this point I think you will be successful....
Hey Teresa,
I have to agree with everything you said here. I think he will need to go in patient and use every resourse available. Methadone is so hard to get off of and being on it for 20 years. OMG, I can't even imagine it. Great advice you gave. Vince, Teresa is also a nurse, she knows what she is talking about and has so many years of sobriety now. You can learn a lot from her.
I have to agree with everything you said here. I think he will need to go in patient and use every resourse available. Methadone is so hard to get off of and being on it for 20 years. OMG, I can't even imagine it. Great advice you gave. Vince, Teresa is also a nurse, she knows what she is talking about and has so many years of sobriety now. You can learn a lot from her.
I was on methadone maintenance for 6 years (maybe a little more) and i did get off. The last 15 to 0 were the most difficult. If u have a plan, and are patient, it is doable. I have also known other people who have gotten off. 2 from high doses, both live drug free lives. They actually went CT which you should not do in any circumstance, as you could die from it. But these guys had their reasons for doing it the way they did, but there is no advantage I can think of to doing it that way & the risks are horrendeous. If you are down to 30 , talk with the people at ur clinic about a detox program. My absolute advice is don't rush it. If it were me, I'd go down 2 & 1/2 to 5 mgs, every couple weeks, to every month. Just enough so maybe you are a little bit uncomfortable for a couple days, but totaly functional. If it is too much, don't be a hero. Go up just a little, (like if 5 mgs was too much, ask themto increase you by 2, etc. ) When u are totaly OK with 15,lower the amount of detox.
When u finally get to the last 5 to 10, slow it down more. Finally, I would be prepared when u make the jump to 0 , to get a Dr. to prescribe you clonidine, (and maybe phenobarbatal)and be prepared to kinda sit on ur a** for a couple
weeks. U will be weak, short tempered, and it will feel like u'll never have ur strength back. But gradually, u'll notice little improvements, (like being able to make it up the stairs) and as time goes on , u will get better and better.
If u can get assistance from a drug Dr. who knows whats going on , it would be helpful, because a lot of people don't. AT some point, antidepressants would be beneficial, but don't screw around with self medication on stuff like clonidine (a blood preassure medicine that "tricks" the opiate receptors, anti- depressants, etc.
There are lots of people who get off of methadone. There is a right way and a wrong way. A big word of caution though: on lower doses , as u know, other narcotics will work. One time, when I was trying to get off, I started using H again (I dont even remember my hairbrained plan) but I ended up with a double habit, only worse, cause they were detoxing me off the program, and i was coming up with dirty urines, and they thought I was playing them (ya know about to get thrown off, so going thru a voluntairy detox), but I convinced them & they raised my dose & i quit using, etc, etc. To tell u the truth, I don't rememberr exactly what i was trying to do that time.
But ultimately, a while later, maybe a year or so, I did get serious, and did get off & so can u, just make sure it is what you want to do because you think that is the way to go. There are people who are "meth for life" and it is not necessarly a bad thing.
I wish you the best. By the way, i was in my late 40s when I got off.
When u finally get to the last 5 to 10, slow it down more. Finally, I would be prepared when u make the jump to 0 , to get a Dr. to prescribe you clonidine, (and maybe phenobarbatal)and be prepared to kinda sit on ur a** for a couple
weeks. U will be weak, short tempered, and it will feel like u'll never have ur strength back. But gradually, u'll notice little improvements, (like being able to make it up the stairs) and as time goes on , u will get better and better.
If u can get assistance from a drug Dr. who knows whats going on , it would be helpful, because a lot of people don't. AT some point, antidepressants would be beneficial, but don't screw around with self medication on stuff like clonidine (a blood preassure medicine that "tricks" the opiate receptors, anti- depressants, etc.
There are lots of people who get off of methadone. There is a right way and a wrong way. A big word of caution though: on lower doses , as u know, other narcotics will work. One time, when I was trying to get off, I started using H again (I dont even remember my hairbrained plan) but I ended up with a double habit, only worse, cause they were detoxing me off the program, and i was coming up with dirty urines, and they thought I was playing them (ya know about to get thrown off, so going thru a voluntairy detox), but I convinced them & they raised my dose & i quit using, etc, etc. To tell u the truth, I don't rememberr exactly what i was trying to do that time.
But ultimately, a while later, maybe a year or so, I did get serious, and did get off & so can u, just make sure it is what you want to do because you think that is the way to go. There are people who are "meth for life" and it is not necessarly a bad thing.
I wish you the best. By the way, i was in my late 40s when I got off.
Just wanted to thank you all for your help. Don't have time right now, but I saw that people had posted so I wanted to thank everyone. I'll be back tomorrow,,,I WILL GET OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again, I wonder if anyone has just switched from meth back to a short acting drug like norco and then taper or go to buprenoriphine from the short acting and taper? What happens if one switchs to norco (or whatever) from methadone immediately? It seems like the simplest thing to do to avoid the long drawn out meth withdrawl. Withdrawl can be medically managed from the short acting drugs so why not simply switch back? Am I being too simplistic?
I recently just got off of methadone. i was on 90mls for 2yrs then went to 60mls for the last yr. I got sick of going to the clinic every day. it is a forty-five minute druve to the clinic where i live. i got down to 30mls. had family problems ended up just leaving program. Yeah stupid me listened to a couple people telling me that you really don't have much w/d after 30 WRONG!! i ended up using again. spent alot of money in 2wks. got on sub. i ain't gonna lie to you it was very hard the first day and mostly the second day. but i have not picked up anything since last wednesday. it has been hard. i firmly agree with everyone else you need to seek medical advice. me i have hepc just got done with the interferon radiation treatment. so i mean i don't fell all that great anyhow i know that it was hard on my liver to go from meth to using to sub. i don't know i totally understand you about getting off. for me i left me stagnant my life revolved around going to the meth clinic. Today i am glad i am off meth it is very scary because the beast is still there. I will pray for you and hope for the best. please talk to your doctors not just meth doc your liver doc too.
I have posted to you several times but I thought I would again. You can make the switch from methadone to norco's. It is NOT going to be easy. Your right if it was than anyone would just do it then withdrawl off the Norco's and be great.
I will be totally honest with you. When I detoxed from methadone I did it at home alone and I did not switch addcitions.As I am sure you read in the long post I made to you the other night. I know people that have detoxed from methadone and switched to Vicodin/Norco's and they still had withdrawl symptoms. Some people would tell me after they were on methadone and then took a Norco it was like eating an M&M. Same way with oxy's.They are 2 completely different drugs. Norco's are weak as hell compared to methadone. Trust me. They will help your methadone withdrawl but they will NOT take your withdrawls away.You are still going to be in some level of pain and discomfort. Anyway you look at it. If you are looking to be withdrawl-free than you will need to find a suboxone doctor and do the switch to that. I wish you the best! Rae
I have posted to you several times but I thought I would again. You can make the switch from methadone to norco's. It is NOT going to be easy. Your right if it was than anyone would just do it then withdrawl off the Norco's and be great.
I will be totally honest with you. When I detoxed from methadone I did it at home alone and I did not switch addcitions.As I am sure you read in the long post I made to you the other night. I know people that have detoxed from methadone and switched to Vicodin/Norco's and they still had withdrawl symptoms. Some people would tell me after they were on methadone and then took a Norco it was like eating an M&M. Same way with oxy's.They are 2 completely different drugs. Norco's are weak as hell compared to methadone. Trust me. They will help your methadone withdrawl but they will NOT take your withdrawls away.You are still going to be in some level of pain and discomfort. Anyway you look at it. If you are looking to be withdrawl-free than you will need to find a suboxone doctor and do the switch to that. I wish you the best! Rae
Dear Rae:
Yes, I have certainly read your replies more than once. Quite frankly, your story really frightened me. This predicament seems so unfair. If getting off methadone is so very, very difficult, why are doctors not required to inform us prior to prescribing? I don't recall any problems switching from Norco to Methadone (last summer). How long would you recommend staying on Norco before beginning a taper?
Yes, I have certainly read your replies more than once. Quite frankly, your story really frightened me. This predicament seems so unfair. If getting off methadone is so very, very difficult, why are doctors not required to inform us prior to prescribing? I don't recall any problems switching from Norco to Methadone (last summer). How long would you recommend staying on Norco before beginning a taper?
Scarlet ,I say you will need to be on it at lease 3 weeks to a month.Then start to tapper. You are still going to have withdrawls I am sure of it. That is just my opinion and again I am not expert or doctor. I can only tell you what happened to me. Going from Norco to methadone isn't going to cause you may problems exept now you can't get off methadone cause it's so much stronger. Going from methadone to Norco's is like going from Jim bean out of the bottle to Bud lite. If ya know what I mean. The Norco's are weaker and you will feel some withdrawls. It will ease your pain better than taking nothing, like I went through. I am sorry you are having such a hard time. You will get through this I promise you. I am sorry that my story frightened you, I was justtrying to give you my suggestions. It is a painful withdrawl and it will take some time to get off it but you can. I am here for you if you need to talk. Feel free to e-mail me also. I will be happy to send you some more info as well. Take care Rae
Ps. I know what you mean about doctor's. When I was getting them for 2 1/2 years I went to a pin managment doctor and he did have me sign a piece of paper. Basically saying I would go through withdrawls if I quit taking them and all that crap. I had no idea what the hell I was getting myself into either.I wanted to sue that doctor so bad when I was withdrawling, I was so upset. I know how you feel!
Ps. I know what you mean about doctor's. When I was getting them for 2 1/2 years I went to a pin managment doctor and he did have me sign a piece of paper. Basically saying I would go through withdrawls if I quit taking them and all that crap. I had no idea what the hell I was getting myself into either.I wanted to sue that doctor so bad when I was withdrawling, I was so upset. I know how you feel!
Bumping this for you Scarlet!! I wanted you to know I responded to your post to me. Hope you have a great day. I am off to the mall with 3 teenage girls. Have a good day! Rae
Thanks for your words of experience and ecouragement, Rae. I'm feeling quite low and frightened. It does help to read success stories and the suggestions for buffering withdrawl effects also v. helpful. As I have probably already said, I have to do something to get out of this hiddeous rut. Feeling nauseous, exhausted, and basically worthless every day has become just too much. I hope I am able to overcome this and reclaim my life. I become more and more angry with my doctor the longer this goes on, yet the thought of finding a new doctor is overwhelming. I told my doc in mid January that I was extremely depressed and he put me on Zoloft-I guess it is always easy for doctors to write a prescription, and for us to take a pill, rather than try to fix the real problem. For me, I think methadone acts as a depressant. I cannot imagine why anyone would take methadone recreationally. Just goes to show how different our chemistries (SP?) are.
I know what you mean about being upset with your doctor. I went to pain management back in 2000 and that is where I got started on that nasty drug. I had no clue what I was getting myself into. As a matter of fact it took a while to get into my system and really feel the effects of the drug. Unlike a percocet or a vicodin that hit you 20-30 minutes later it took days. Then look out. I went from one extreme to the other. One minute I would clean the house top to bottom. I mean I would clean my kitchen floor on my hands and knees like I was a crazy lady. Then the next day I would nod off while sitting up eating. I could sleep while eating ice cream and wake up with it all over me. My ex-husband was on it at the same time and he burned many of my blanket falling asleep with a cig in his hand. We are lucky the house didn't burn down.
I really didn't get the depression until I was withdrawling off it.. I got that and a lot more than I thought I would the day I decided to detox.
I hope you get the Norco's and they ease your pain. I will keep you in my thoughts and even say a prayer for you. Good luck, Rae
I really didn't get the depression until I was withdrawling off it.. I got that and a lot more than I thought I would the day I decided to detox.
I hope you get the Norco's and they ease your pain. I will keep you in my thoughts and even say a prayer for you. Good luck, Rae
I think it is possible for you to quit taking methadone. You have been on it for so many years that it is going to be hard. I doubt a rapid detox would be to your benefit. A real slow detox by a licensed doctor that specializes in it would be more like it. Dropping 2.5 mgs every week ot every 2 weeks would be helpful. It is possible though. You should also read all you can about suboxone... This way you won't have to go through the painful withdrawls off methadone and it would be worth every penny. Trust me on that. You would have to get to at least 30mgs of methadone before you could start the sub. Also you would have to go 2or 3 days without the meth to be in withdrawls. I hope you get the help you need. I wish you all the best! Rae
I think it is possible for you to quit taking methadone. You have been on it for so many years that it is going to be hard. I doubt a rapid detox would be to your benefit. A real slow detox by a licensed doctor that specializes in it would be more like it. Dropping 2.5 mgs every week ot every 2 weeks would be helpful. It is possible though. You should also read all you can about suboxone... This way you won't have to go through the painful withdrawls off methadone and it would be worth every penny. Trust me on that. You would have to get to at least 30mgs of methadone before you could start the sub. Also you would have to go 2or 3 days without the meth to be in withdrawls. I hope you get the help you need. I wish you all the best! Rae
Wow!! I did not know too much about "meth", until I started reading some of the 'posts" here..I have been on "meth" since Nov.. Sad thing is..It saved me & made me a different kind of junkie...As I am now up to 97 mls..I never got "the nod"', as I have read here many have...I was hooked on oxys and diliads..Sad road..as time goes on I hope that I can wean off..I had my Dr. try to cut me down..3 days later at pharmacy I felt bad..i mean really , really bad..I had the pharmacist phone my Dr. to tell him to put me back up..sad, right?? Its been 4 months, and my Dr. never got 1 clean test!! why?? Well..i take tyelenol #1s for my migranes and aches and pains , I dont' want to be on"meth" and I don't want to turn to "using" my drug of choice...Now, that I found this"SITE"..I am happy not to be alone...
welcome, i like the name : ) i just had to post basicly cause your name made me laugh but also there are great people here who have meth expierence and i am sure you will find great support. i myself dont have meth experience but i can offer you support or advice. i look forward to getting to know you.
welcome, i like the name : ) i just had to post basicly cause your name made me laugh but also there are great people here who have meth expierence and i am sure you will find great support. i myself dont have meth experience but i can offer you support or advice. i look forward to getting to know you.
Oops I posted on the wrong thread, time to get the blond highlights re-done!
I like that name to. Especially if you put a little southern twain into it.
Welcome to the board. I am glad you found this site to. There is a lot of really neat people on this board that have been through their share with addiction. Methadone is hard to detox from I know. I was on 10-20 mgs a day for over 2 years and weaned down to 5mgs, then 2.5 and quit. I can't imagine why in the world your doctor would have you anywhere near 97 mgs a day. You will have a lot of work in store for you over the next few months. You can do it but it will take time. SLOW SLOW SLOW is the key word here. Try cutting back 2 1/2 mgs a week. If you have to cut back 2 mgs a week but something every 7-10 days. Then get down to a low enough dose and start saving your money for suboxone. That would be my best advice for you. You are seriously going to need it. The withdrawls are very painful. If you ever need to talk I am here for you! Have a great night! Rae
I like that name to. Especially if you put a little southern twain into it.
Welcome to the board. I am glad you found this site to. There is a lot of really neat people on this board that have been through their share with addiction. Methadone is hard to detox from I know. I was on 10-20 mgs a day for over 2 years and weaned down to 5mgs, then 2.5 and quit. I can't imagine why in the world your doctor would have you anywhere near 97 mgs a day. You will have a lot of work in store for you over the next few months. You can do it but it will take time. SLOW SLOW SLOW is the key word here. Try cutting back 2 1/2 mgs a week. If you have to cut back 2 mgs a week but something every 7-10 days. Then get down to a low enough dose and start saving your money for suboxone. That would be my best advice for you. You are seriously going to need it. The withdrawls are very painful. If you ever need to talk I am here for you! Have a great night! Rae
Dear Vince,
Welcome to the board. I'm not an area in MMT, I only have used methadone for pain. However, I agree with all of the above postees advice. With any opioid that a person is dependant on, a slow taper is always the best - especially for a long-acting opioid such as methadone.
Congratulations on cutting down to 30mg. My pain specialist always says, that it's important, when going through detox or a taper regimen, only to cut not more than 25% of the dose. Less, if possible. So, if you were to taper, again, don't drop below 23mg. Perhaps, 25mg would be more suitable. Also, stabilize yourself at the new dose fora good 10-14 days before you taper again.
Otherwise, that's about the extent of my knowledge. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Vince.
Welcome to the board. I'm not an area in MMT, I only have used methadone for pain. However, I agree with all of the above postees advice. With any opioid that a person is dependant on, a slow taper is always the best - especially for a long-acting opioid such as methadone.
Congratulations on cutting down to 30mg. My pain specialist always says, that it's important, when going through detox or a taper regimen, only to cut not more than 25% of the dose. Less, if possible. So, if you were to taper, again, don't drop below 23mg. Perhaps, 25mg would be more suitable. Also, stabilize yourself at the new dose fora good 10-14 days before you taper again.
Otherwise, that's about the extent of my knowledge. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Vince.