Hello LttleBeach & Others ;o),
I hope you are enjoying a nice weekend!!!! I am so happy for you and what you have already accomplished Little Beach. It sounds like you have made some big positive changes in your life. Getting off the pills and the alcohol, GREAT JOB!!! I know you are struggling with the Ultram, but it sounds like you are on your way to another important decision. I am glad that people are recommending that you see your Dr., it is always better to be safe. I know if I go to my Pain Management Dr., he has no problem tapering me off of the meds. I thank you for your support re: me taking Percocet. I was on the Oxycontin for pain, and went to taking 4 Norco a day. But the pain became unbearable, so I went on Percocet. Luckily, I was also receiving treatments. So I am hoping that the treatments have helped, and I can just take Motrin when necessary. So that's why I have to get off of the Percocet, I don't like the way they make me feel. Thank you again, for the encouraging words. Have a great day. Take care, Best Wishes
Good Morning, Cowgirl ;o)
Cowgirl, before you get depressed, just know that you really didn't even have to clarify on that feeling. I know, I have it too. I went to my pain pill dr for my girls (they were sick and it is way easier to get into him) and because I didn't get my happy script (I came clean with him and told him not to prescribe. He told me that we could do it weekly, meaning I could pick up the vics weekly from the phar. so I wouldn't take them all....this is in the middle of me telling him to write me out of work, I am off to REHAB for the 2nd time...)
I cried all the way home because he didn't give me that relief. In your freudian way, I didn't get that "love and understanding" that he showed for years...
He tried to get me to meet him at a naked beach on a sunday about 3 weeks after I came out of rehab in aug.... Now, I wanted pills, but I don't think that I am willing to do that.
Anyway, I have the same thing you have. I think that now, I try to be greatful that I have my kids. I just look at their faces and smiles, feel that love there, and for now that puts some light into that hole. Also, if I make a consious effort to change my thinking from doom and gloom to happier things, or more positive patterns, it really makes a difference. "If you had my life, you'd drink too..." thinking is something I can't even start with anymore. I still go there sometimes with the hell of life, but damn, it could be alot worse.
Molly, I am here with you....we can do this together. You made me laugh so hard because I COULD GET ADDICTED TO MILK TOO.....ONLY AN ADDICT WOULD UNDERSTAND THAT. BUT I DO...LOL....
I am down to four now, and will do that for 3 more days, then 3...after I read this post with all teh kind words, I realized that I am not willing to let this get out of control. I have been through so much already, and I WANT THE DAMN FREEDOM.
Best, you have your answer, just like I do...I don't like the way it makes me feel. But please, withdrawls aren't pretty. So the longer you are on them, the harder it will be. I never liked codiene....but if you gave me a bottle of them, right now, I could probably get addicted to them.
I hope you all have a good day.....
I cried all the way home because he didn't give me that relief. In your freudian way, I didn't get that "love and understanding" that he showed for years...
He tried to get me to meet him at a naked beach on a sunday about 3 weeks after I came out of rehab in aug.... Now, I wanted pills, but I don't think that I am willing to do that.
Anyway, I have the same thing you have. I think that now, I try to be greatful that I have my kids. I just look at their faces and smiles, feel that love there, and for now that puts some light into that hole. Also, if I make a consious effort to change my thinking from doom and gloom to happier things, or more positive patterns, it really makes a difference. "If you had my life, you'd drink too..." thinking is something I can't even start with anymore. I still go there sometimes with the hell of life, but damn, it could be alot worse.
Molly, I am here with you....we can do this together. You made me laugh so hard because I COULD GET ADDICTED TO MILK TOO.....ONLY AN ADDICT WOULD UNDERSTAND THAT. BUT I DO...LOL....
I am down to four now, and will do that for 3 more days, then 3...after I read this post with all teh kind words, I realized that I am not willing to let this get out of control. I have been through so much already, and I WANT THE DAMN FREEDOM.
Best, you have your answer, just like I do...I don't like the way it makes me feel. But please, withdrawls aren't pretty. So the longer you are on them, the harder it will be. I never liked codiene....but if you gave me a bottle of them, right now, I could probably get addicted to them.
I hope you all have a good day.....
LB- I know how easy it is to become addicted to ANYTHING- I was talking on another thread somewhere than all I ate for 2 years was fruit and veggies, and it was like I couldn't get enough. My "dinner" consisted of all fruits and some cottage cheese. Ate veggies for breakfast and lunch..I think it was the natural sugar they hold...so..yep-not to hard..also, stay away from that Doc..at least on THAT "little" beach..hehe
danny, I swear I thought I was losing my mind that day...he even called me when I didn't show...( I overslept...)
I get addicted to everything. That is why I am trying to stay out of relationships. I joke at work now that I am addicted to sex..
I haven't any partners to go there with at the moment....but if you start talking like that, there are many willing participants...
Just a little light humor, please don't get angry everyone...
I get addicted to everything. That is why I am trying to stay out of relationships. I joke at work now that I am addicted to sex..
I haven't any partners to go there with at the moment....but if you start talking like that, there are many willing participants...
Just a little light humor, please don't get angry everyone...
Hi Littlebeach I wanted to let you know today begins my wean to 10 a day from 12.Finger crossed I stick with it.I know so far this morning I've only had 8.I started taking B12 thingys that melt in your mouth(not in your hands)AND WOW they give me alot of energy so I'm hopen to replace the buzz from the tramadol(ultram) with something thats healthy for me.The only problem I see with the B12 is I never get hungry but I can stand to drop a couple anyways.Keep in touch take care.....mollyjean
Molly, where do you get that vitamin B? I have lost 10 lbs with the ultramm...It could be because of the exersize. When I got off the vics, I gained 10 lbs, I was so uncomfortable.
I hope you are well...
You can do it...you are in my thoughts and prayers..
I hope you are well...
You can do it...you are in my thoughts and prayers..
hi littlebeach I got them in GNC the lady there said next to the b12 shots you get at the Dr these are the strongest.I can see my energy level difference.Also I don't feel as sad....mollyjean
Ultram is very addicting too.
You will definately have bad withdrawl symptoms when you come off them. Like Cowgirl said, you gotta get your doctor involved and tell him the whole story. The longer you wait the harder it's gonna be. I know you are scared of withdrawl symptoms but there is no way around it. That's the price you pay for taking drugs for a long period of time....
Talk to your doc and go from there. I guess in the future don't take any type of addictive pill ever or you will just be back in the same boat you are now and you know it's scary and it's gonna hurt...
Good Luck.
You will definately have bad withdrawl symptoms when you come off them. Like Cowgirl said, you gotta get your doctor involved and tell him the whole story. The longer you wait the harder it's gonna be. I know you are scared of withdrawl symptoms but there is no way around it. That's the price you pay for taking drugs for a long period of time....
Talk to your doc and go from there. I guess in the future don't take any type of addictive pill ever or you will just be back in the same boat you are now and you know it's scary and it's gonna hurt...
Good Luck.
Hi if you taper off or wean down like I am slowly doing you really don't have too much of a w/d....mollyjean
Kiwi, even if I was only on them for four months? And what about a taper?
I was in so much damn back and neck pain last night, that I probably would have taken anything..it really sucked. But I made it through..
I am down to four a day..
I didn't know how addictive ultramm was but I really should have know better, I was just coming off of norco for the second time, and the pain was unbearable. But I do feel like I screwed myself....I know better.
Molly, Lady, how did you do on your 10 yesterday?
I was in so much damn back and neck pain last night, that I probably would have taken anything..it really sucked. But I made it through..
I am down to four a day..
I didn't know how addictive ultramm was but I really should have know better, I was just coming off of norco for the second time, and the pain was unbearable. But I do feel like I screwed myself....I know better.
Molly, Lady, how did you do on your 10 yesterday?
Hi Kerry I did OK I was alittle bit--y but I just sort of went with it.I hope I can keep going.The craving to get high off them is still there probaly always will be but I guess thats what make us addicts
they don't make me high, they make me nervous...
Just ride with it. I must admit, I have a nervous compulsion to do anything to feel a certain way is still there, and I catch myself alot, but once you recognize it and ride it out, it gets easier the next time..
Just ride with it. I must admit, I have a nervous compulsion to do anything to feel a certain way is still there, and I catch myself alot, but once you recognize it and ride it out, it gets easier the next time..
I don't know if high is the right word.They pep me up full of energy thats why I started the B12 things they do get my energy going but not in the same way as ultram does....I'm trying to ride with it.I know that I will be fighting this for the rest of my life
Molly, I used to feel like that, I would be fighting too...
One thing that i have learned is to pray for the compulsion to be removed..
One day, it was.
Not for pills yet, but for booze..
I think one of the things that I have learned is that I just have to accept the cravings, ride them out, and don't fight it...
Then it sorta looses its power each time..
I hope I made sense...
One thing that i have learned is to pray for the compulsion to be removed..
One day, it was.
Not for pills yet, but for booze..
I think one of the things that I have learned is that I just have to accept the cravings, ride them out, and don't fight it...
Then it sorta looses its power each time..
I hope I made sense...
Yes you made alot of sense and I know just somedays are harder than others and I STILL cant figure that aviater thingy out did you

go to the link, click on the smiles. Then right click on the addy under the smile you want. copy that. then go back to the board, click post reply, at the top of that you will see image...then paste in there..
Hi Kerry - Cowgirl is right. Ultram can cause seizures, but not like a withdrawal from Benzos. It can cause a seizure in single, high doses that are absurd..like over 500mg in a single dose or something like that. Since Ultram is not a narcotic and doctors claim it is not physically addicting, withdrawal should not be bad, especially since tolerance development is difficult. I don't think the mechanism of action is fully known or understood for this drug. I don't like this drug since it is not fully understood.
take care :)
take care :)
Kerry (littlebeach),
Here is some info on Ultram: (Tramadol)
.........The maximum dose of tramadol for an average healthy adult is 100 mg per dose, every 4 to 6 hours, up to 400 mg per day. People over 75 years of age should not take more than 300 mg per day. People with liver or kidney disease may need lower daily doses..........
Also Kerry,
As I understand it you are down to 4 pills/day and the max you took was 6/day. Each tab is 50mg so you are taking well below the maximum recommended dosage of 400mg which would be 8 (eight) tabs/day. Seizures occur rarely when a person is taking more than the recommended dosage. If you quit these cold turkey you will not be at risk for seizures, as you can see. The only problem that you may have is some of the same symptoms that occur with opiate w/d's.......ie,,,flu like symptons, diarrhea, stomach cramps and RLS. I really think, with the amount of pills that you are taking, that these symptons would be mild at best.
There is something that I would like to ask you here. Since you only take the Tramadol when needed for the pain you are having and take less than the recommended dosage, you seem to be taking them as directed. You have only been on them for four months now and they do help you with the pain So my question to you is this: Do you really feel like you are addicted to them? Do you take them even if you are not in pain? Do they give you that euphoric feeling that most narcotic pain meds do, such as Vicoden or Percocet? I mean just because people tell you that they are very addictive and that they are having a problem with them or have had a problem with them in the past, does not mean that you do. I have taken Ultram myself before but they did nothing for me and did not help me any with pain rellief......so I did not abuse them. I hope that I am making sense to you here and that you get my point.
And BTW, to you and others reading this,,,I am not saying that you shouldn't use caution when taking this drug because it has been known to be addicting if taken at high dosages and over an extended period of time. We should always use caution when taking any type of drug. Heck, I've known people who are addcited to Excedrin because of the amount of caffiene in it. But only you know if you are addicted to them, not any of us. I've always heard that if you have to ask the question.....Am I adddicted......then there is a strong possibility that you are.
God bless,
Here is some info on Ultram: (Tramadol)
.........The maximum dose of tramadol for an average healthy adult is 100 mg per dose, every 4 to 6 hours, up to 400 mg per day. People over 75 years of age should not take more than 300 mg per day. People with liver or kidney disease may need lower daily doses..........
Also Kerry,
As I understand it you are down to 4 pills/day and the max you took was 6/day. Each tab is 50mg so you are taking well below the maximum recommended dosage of 400mg which would be 8 (eight) tabs/day. Seizures occur rarely when a person is taking more than the recommended dosage. If you quit these cold turkey you will not be at risk for seizures, as you can see. The only problem that you may have is some of the same symptoms that occur with opiate w/d's.......ie,,,flu like symptons, diarrhea, stomach cramps and RLS. I really think, with the amount of pills that you are taking, that these symptons would be mild at best.
There is something that I would like to ask you here. Since you only take the Tramadol when needed for the pain you are having and take less than the recommended dosage, you seem to be taking them as directed. You have only been on them for four months now and they do help you with the pain So my question to you is this: Do you really feel like you are addicted to them? Do you take them even if you are not in pain? Do they give you that euphoric feeling that most narcotic pain meds do, such as Vicoden or Percocet? I mean just because people tell you that they are very addictive and that they are having a problem with them or have had a problem with them in the past, does not mean that you do. I have taken Ultram myself before but they did nothing for me and did not help me any with pain rellief......so I did not abuse them. I hope that I am making sense to you here and that you get my point.
And BTW, to you and others reading this,,,I am not saying that you shouldn't use caution when taking this drug because it has been known to be addicting if taken at high dosages and over an extended period of time. We should always use caution when taking any type of drug. Heck, I've known people who are addcited to Excedrin because of the amount of caffiene in it. But only you know if you are addicted to them, not any of us. I've always heard that if you have to ask the question.....Am I adddicted......then there is a strong possibility that you are.
God bless,
Hi Sharon...Thanks for the info.
I get nervous because of withdrawl. I didn't intend to be on them for a long time. They do help with the pain, but I know that these shouldn't be given to opiate addicts. I think where the panic is coming from. I had such a hell of a time getting off vics...I don't want to go there. Trying to stop taking vicoden was so hard for me; I was unable to do it without treatment. I couldn't handle the compulsions, withdrawl, and cravings....I had to go to treatment, and then had to have myself totally cut off because I don't trust myself.
Today I woke up with a shaky feeling and sneezing...sound familiar??
I know I may sound like a whack job, but I just don't want to end up with withdrawls again.
They don't make me high, they make me nervous...but in a way, I don't have that "unaltered" feeling; and it is hard for me to go into the rooms like that. I hope I made sense...
The other thing is I take them compulsively sometimes...and I am scared of the behaviors...
Thanks for the info,
I get nervous because of withdrawl. I didn't intend to be on them for a long time. They do help with the pain, but I know that these shouldn't be given to opiate addicts. I think where the panic is coming from. I had such a hell of a time getting off vics...I don't want to go there. Trying to stop taking vicoden was so hard for me; I was unable to do it without treatment. I couldn't handle the compulsions, withdrawl, and cravings....I had to go to treatment, and then had to have myself totally cut off because I don't trust myself.
Today I woke up with a shaky feeling and sneezing...sound familiar??
I know I may sound like a whack job, but I just don't want to end up with withdrawls again.
They don't make me high, they make me nervous...but in a way, I don't have that "unaltered" feeling; and it is hard for me to go into the rooms like that. I hope I made sense...
The other thing is I take them compulsively sometimes...and I am scared of the behaviors...
Thanks for the info,