
Sweet Gina,

I am so sorry to read about your kidney stones...this pain I know personally.

I am also very glad you went to the urgent care unit to get to the root of the problem...I am afraid that if you had masked the pain with too many pills you could have found yourself in real trouble.

I am SO VERY SORRY you are having to go through this. I did not have lipostripsy...I hope this makes passing the stones much easier. What you are going through is a very painful thing and I have nothing but compassion for you.

Gina, I am so proud of you for reaching out to this forum, when you knew you were faced with a situation. That is incredible and shows how much you treasure your sobriety. I am really in awe of you!!!

Please keep me updated on your condition as you can. I am sorry I haven't been here for you...I got sick Tuesday night with an awful virus and am just now able to even read. Nothing like what you are going through...but you are an amazing person have made it this far, and questioned taking pills even in the face of that kind of pain. I am praying for your very speedy recovery and a pain free resolution to this problem.

Gina, I hope I didn't make you feel bad. I do believe that if we are in enough pain to actually use, we should be in an ER. I am just so damn sorry you are going through this.

Please, keep in touch.

Much love,

Oh Sarah I'm so glad to hear from you. Thank You. I'm in tears right now. I thought you left me and didn't believe in me anymore. I feel so much better now that I heard from you. The strange thing is that I don't even crave these pills anymore. My husband has them and is monitoring the pain and times I'm supposed to take one. I will be glad when these stones finally pass and get on being clean like before.
Love you, Gina are so lucky to have Sarah in your corner, she would never stop believing in anyone. It's just not in her nature. I'm so happy to hear that you gave the pills to your husband and that you are on your way to recovering from those damn stones. Be well.

Hey! I am back online a while this afternoon. Uggghhh, I have had a wicked stomach virus that has had me really sick. I will try to stay online a while this afternoon to catch you if you are on.

I am wondering how you are doing? I hope this won't be too bad for you. I know it is a difficult thing passing kidney stones...just promise yourself you will flush all the pills as soon as this process is done. I know you don't want to use, neither do I, but it scares me for you to have that many pills in your home.

The MOST important thing to remember, is that a slip, can be just a slip and not a run. You will do fine, I know it!

I am so sorry all that crap is being brought up on your thread. He said, she said, blah, blah, blah...we'll just keep our conversation here if that is okay with you, and I am not going to even read that other stuff. I feel too bad to really even think right now, and I am sure you do too.

When this is over for you...if you want, we could talk about you speaking with your Dr. about your prior history...I think it would probably be a good idea. I know it is a great relief to me that I did. Wednesday morning, I had to have medication to help me. He made sure that I had nothing with narcotics in it...although phenergan sure made me sleep. Apparently, it is just an antihistimine...but it sure is strong.

So, how are you feeling now? Have you passed any stones? Do they say that you definitely will? Are you scheduled for follow up appointments?

Hang in there Gina...I hope you are okay, and am wishing you a happy holiday!


I wanted to pop in and say hello. I hope you are feeling better. You Sarah and I started our journey together. We have a bond.

I am looking forward to your post that says the stones are gone and you are feeing fine.


PS: Hello Sarah
Hey Catherine!

That kitty is having such fun with that toilet paper!!!

Hope your Christmas is anything but blue!

Hi Sarah,
I'm sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you get well very soon. I have passed a small stone that looks like a piece of sand. That was somewhat painfull.They gave me a strainer to urinate in. They want me to save one of the stones so they can see what type it is. I have some pain in my groin area now. Hopefully the fragments will be all small ones.
Thank you Sarah.
Love, Gina
Shoot Gina.

So sorry. I know, they feel like glass....and hard to believe they are so small. I am so sorry! You hang in there...take it very easy, be kind to yourself, and if you can soak in a hot tub do it....that really helped me a lot.

I had stones back in 1991...the final straw in the long story of a bad divorce...this was the thing that made me snap out of it and start paying attention to myself. For the first time in my adult life, I was on my own, and not feeling so hot.

Mine were caused 100% by stress. Stress can play a large role in this (as with everything, huh?). Anyway, you just stay calm, cool and collected and be sweet to you!

Hugs and Much Love,


eeeewwwwweeeee ouch! Feels like glass?

Gina, your groin area has got to hurt!

I have a really bad badder infection. I have joined the feeling poopie club. I think Gina wins the contest for feeling the worst. lol

Yeah, we are pretty much the feeling like sh*t sisters on this thread, huh?

Here's to things being better in 2007!!!

Okay...enough for me. I gotta go lay back down for a while.

Gina, hang in there! This too shall pass....(pardon the pun)...*wink*

Just trying to get a smile out of you! I will be praying for you, and thinking of you. I am so glad to hear from you again, but so sorry for the circumstances. I hope we don't lose touch with each other in the future! I always want to know how you are!

Much love,

Gina, I hope that passing those stones is not too painful. I have had one for over a year and I don't think it's gone yet...I named it Kid and Gina, you definately win the contest!

Sarah, is it something in the water?? I am on day 3 now...I thought I was over it and went to lunch with hubby and then shopping...goody, 3 visits to Walmarts bathroom...I'm back on ginger ale and chicken soup...I sure hope it's gone by Sunday.

Is it in the water or is it airborne? A government plot perhaps?

I am going to take to my sick bed for a while as well.

I'm sorry to hear your feeling poopie to Bumps.

Let's all get sick as dogs for Christmas. lol

Catherine if that would get us out of any holiday work...
Sarah I'm done for today. I'm going to lay back down. I won't probably be on the computer Saturday either my husbands neice and nephew will be visiting. Enjoy the Holiday weekend.
Love, Gina
Gina, take care honey, and have a good holiday!

Take care babe! and remember to BREATHE!....I hope this is over for you soon!



Hey, Sorry I missed your post to me! Wow sister, what an ordeal. Good grief...have your joints, back, legs, etc. been aching like crazy? My husband said Wednesday night, while I was sleeping due to the phenargen, I was moaning in my sleep. Damn girl, I have been down....

I hope you get to feeling better soon. I was talking with Lisa on Tuesday and Monday night I had emailed with was weird, I was feeling guilty because I felt high, so high, and then I would think, oh no, I am not high, I don't take pills anymore...then the guilt. Anyway, I couldn't figure it out. Then Tuesday afternoon and WHAM...I figured it out! I wasn't high, I was sick. I made it home from school because God loves me. Then I got home and decided, well, maybe not! Rough few days!

Gina did they give you a strainer to pee in?

They need to find out the cause of the stones. this is standard when they blow them up.

I hope your feeling better. I have been through many things in my 44 yrs but the stones? well there my favorite Rock band but worse medical condition i ever had regarding pain.

Drink tons of water --the faster you pee them out the better the pain gets.

Lots of rest

feel better--Jeff
gina..please get some rest.............

drink drink drink H2O.............


and God Bless you
My goodness ladies, I am thinking healing thoughts for all of you. Feel better soon. Especially for those kidney stones....I've never had them but my mom has shared detailed stories about hers and I know they hurt. Nothing lasts forever, and I wish you all to feel better very soon.

Jeff, I think Gina answered your question in one of her posts on this thread.

Merry Christmas to you all.
