

I read your post on another thread and when I came back I saw your prayer thread.
Are you okay?

You are always so centered, and so light, and so witty, it is not hard to detect some of the sadness in your recent posts.

I don't want to pry, just know I am sending good thoughts your way.


Check your email girlfriend!!

That is when you get down from being upside down on your head!!! never cease to amaze me!

Thank you for thinking about me. You may not know that I'm getting divorced. My husband is taking the boys to New Zealand today and they'll be gone four weeks. I've never been away from them for that length of time before.

I signed the separation and custody agreement last Friday. There are two fat checks sitting on my dining table -- one for alimony, one for child support. I have to open my own bank account today. Haven't done that since 1983. It's a little disorienting. I realize that in the greater scheme of things, these are high quality problems. I'm keeping the house that I love, I won't have to work for three years while I complete my education, I'll never have to worry about the boys because Allan's a good father and he'll never be late on a child support check.

It's just that change is hard.

Let me tell you that the only thing that keeps me from chain-smoking an entire pack of Marlboros right now is my current addiction to yoga and pranayama.

I'll be fine. I'll post here like crazy once the boys have left. I've got the GRE scheduled for July 20 and DeNae is coming to see me in two weeks. There's lots to look forward to. So many times I've wished I was a single girl again -- now that I've got a month of it, once the hard bit of saying goodbye is over, I'm going to enjoy myself.

But first I have to whinge. It's sweet of you to listen.


Welcome back, gf. I got your email and everything sounds like it's going swimmingly in Canada. I'm so happy for your daughter.

Keeping busy sounds like an excellent way to get through this. I've got two demanding yoga classes tonight with great teachers. I haven't been to these before because Tuesdays were usually my nights with the boys. Tonight I'm going to exhaust myself.

Congratulations on jumping off the sub! You are such a go-getter. I'm so proud of you.

Hey Gina:

I cannot imagine what you are going through with saying goodbye to your sons for that length of time...I know it must be hard. I bet you are being granted this time to immerse yourself in the breath and experience the breakthroughs you need to take your work to the next level.

I sure hope that happens for that you will feel full during this time.

You seem as though, although a little begrudgingly (LMAO), right thinking comes pretty naturally to you! You will find your way, I am sure, no problems. Sometimes, doing the right thing can be such a b****! hahaha.

Write me if you need to...I am a good listener! Hang in there.

Peace....and love to you.

Hey Sarah,

Thanks. I've just put this in a separate place. I've moved all over the world since I was three years-old, so good-bye is something I'm fairly practiced at. I'll let it all in once they get back; which is in only four turns of my calendar pages.

I spent last afternoon cleaning. I've always done that as soon as the boys are away for any period of time. It always surprises me in the morning when stuff stays put away, lol. Then I set up a yoga mat in the library, which is where they usually hang out. I thought I would be wrung out after two power yoga classes back to back last night, but it just revved me up so I hit the mat and did crunches and pushups until I realized it wasn't exercise but punishment. I try not to create suffering on the mat.

But man, did I sleep!

I'll write you this afternoon -- and you must tell me how the Southwest has been treating you.

Oops, and now I'm late for Dr. M!

