Go Brynda Clean Tomorrow For????

This is how out of my mind I am.

Tomorrow is my clean date.

I absolutely know it's May 19th. Know that from the love letter some dude from detox sent me from his halfway house. The date stuck. I need to find that letter because I'm not sure if it's 7 or 8 years.

How sad is that?

My Tres will know. I have about two weeks on her so hoping she remembers.

Maybe it's a good thing I stopped counting.
Wow, Brynda, so long that you can't remember how many years it's been? That's FANTASTIC! Maybe one day I'll be counting by the years instead of days as well....

Go Bryn!!
Awesome Ms Bryn! Yeah, I have to think and count on my fingers to remember LOL I will be at 5 in July

I hope you are well. I see that your daughter hasn't changed, But you are doing so much better than you used to in handling it.

Take care and tell that Ms Tres hello for me.
It's 8...I remember it was 7 last year...pretty cool that it's so long ago that you forgot =)

I love that...and I love you, too.

Peace and 'Happy reBirthday" ~ Double Ms
Oh Bryn thats excellent, really chick you rock! Talk about something to aspire to, ya set that bar high, well done
Happy Birthday, Bryn....you are a miracle~

Wow, 8 years, that's huge!

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 88 8 88 8 8 88 888

Eight or is it eight eight or eight hundred and eight deffo 8

Well done you.
Thanks you all. I truly appreciate it.

Janet, ya popped in just for my clean time and M's baby doll?

Leave it to Mom and More even in the midst of having a grandchild to remember my clean time.

Please know you have all helped me along the way. Even you new guys who remind me just how it was.

Again, know I am thankful for your kindness and care.
Count your clean time people.

On the way to the Phillies game the other day I tell my friend I've been clean for seven maybe eight years yesterday. I never said a word that day.

He replies "No you HAVEN'T (psssssh) you haven't been clean no even near seven years. More like three".

GTFOOH! Yeah I have too.

Nope he says he quit smoking before I quit being a junkie and I should never have been one and anyway don't be fishing for no medals because you did something you're supposed to do.

Aside from getting ready to get out of the moving car I pretty much actually didn't freak over it. That's sad. It's like I don't care about a thing. I don't care.

However, I do care I'm frea*in correct. Three years? Pissssshhhh is right.

Count your clean time cause somebody may try and tell ya you're four years off or so.
I'll implant one of my 6inch heels right up his damn fool a**! Just you say the word, i always wanted to visit the US!

Will ya bring a fan so I know it's you at the airport?


Thanks chica for having my back. Naw, Kitt I'm no slouch when it comes to loud, over bearing men. Maybe I've gone too soft ya know? There'd been a time I'd have well ummmmm ya know flipped out. Not worth it. Walking away seems better. Cept I was in a moving vehicle.

It just s*cks when somebody wants to knock ya backward ya know? Then again I robbed him blind so many times. Still wouldn't take his yapping, but I was wrong and apologized. Don't make it right now to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.

No more baseball games for me. I rather stay home and listen to my mother. LOL I officially lost it. Thanks though dahlink!
Anytime B, why dont you just go & see baseball match on your own or with a girlfriend?
Well done Bryn,
You really are a very special person and this board is,wasnt or would be the same without you,so well done again auntie.....
Ecks right B, you made me feel welcome, made me laugh when i wanted to cry& are one cool mamma jamma lol x