Go Yankees!

We have momentum, and no matter what happens, we're the only team in the division series who didnt get swept. Man what a come back, Hughes was the F'kn man. - Chris
Hmmmm Chris, I will say Hughs pulled you through, not your million dollar man. But momentum? One game? Ok. Have fun Chris. Wish I could say congrats but you know who I'm rooting for. GO BOSTON!!!
Anyone but the D-Backs...
Sorry Chris, There's always next year and dollars to donuts Torre will still be around. I love that guy. Shantel
Now the yanks can join the mets on the links'HA HA HA
#$%^&**(()(*&^%$ !!!!!

And thats all I have to say about that !!

what the hell- go rockies
Heck with them Rockies............where's Mom and More with her BOSOX pride?

People live in Philly............what in the worlds name did I expect..........I took down all my decorations and quick...........and put on my Nationals T-shirt.
Take that........Phillies.........Nationals did us a favor.

Phourteen years is all we have to wait now for a championship.........no biggie.

Let's see some baseball.......I love October.

Torre is going to retire............ya think..........I know Shantele doesn't....we loved Joe here as well.
Bryn, I love Joe. I love watching his lack of facial expressions in the dugout it makes me laugh. In my opinion George will face the wrath of the fans if he lets him go. I love baseball and I love the Yankees all thanks to my father who took the time to teach me the love of the game. Some of my fondest memories when I was little are those of the times I spent with my father at Yankee stadium. Shantel
Shantell he is not having fun. I think he walks. He is 67 yrs old. You know until george opened his mouth I did not know Joe Torre made 7.5 million managing these yanks.

He had the best record in baseball after the all star game with some real good managing.

Watching him pat Clemens on the face was awesome. Clemons took 2 shots in his elbow and the plan was 4innings then hughes chamberlain rivera.

Last night Mussina was Tiorre pick to pitch the correct choice. George demanded Wang pitch.

You do not bring back a sinker ball pitcher on 3 days rest. George made that call.

If Mussina pitches? the y would have had a better s*** IMO

George is on his way out. I do not wish death just put him with J.R from the sopranos.

Joe Giradi would make a good choice.

Suboxom, this is for you.

The Mets really had something to say, and prove on Sunday.

And they did it, they proved it, and through determination, this october, they will be able to do something the Yankees were not be able to do this post season.

Watch the first round of the playoffs on TV.

No matter what happens this post season, it will never match the incredible feat the Mets pulled off on September 30th, 2007.

I mean come on, losing 8 in a row to the Phillies is one thing, but getting swept by the Nationals and then losing 2 out of 3 to the Marlins? Thats like Paul McCartney losing to Sanjaya in a singing contest.

If a Met fan says anything to me about 2004, or anything else negative, I can now, honestly and truly laugh my a** off.


I'm WICKED INSOXICATED!!!!! Here comes Cleveland!

Oh hey Shantel, I hope the Cowgirls play the Patriots the way they played last weekend. Cuz if they do the Patriots are gonna give em a thumpin!!!

But for now it's still October and still Boston Baseball!!!!!!!!!
Hi All -
Went to Fenway for Manny's walk-off homer last Friday night. They dissed him throwing past Ortiz, but our braided wonder made them pay big time. Yeah, excellent grandstand seats on the third base line, and three of my sisters and my husband with me. Beautiful night for a ball game, and a truly gratifying ending, though nothing to match the gratification of watching those pinstripes take their licks over the weekend. (I can feel myself being booed and pelted with rotten NY fruit and tomatoes...)

Actually, I respect those boyos and especially Torre (Matsui's my personal fave). What a di*k Steinbrenner was to try to pre-fire one of the best managers the game has ever seen. Noticed he was still in stripes this morning though...


Take me out to the ballgame~MomNMore, proud member of RedSox Nation