Hello. I am hoping for some advice. I am currently on day 5 after jumping from approximately 2 to 3 mg of suboxone a day. I have felt pretty lousy. Mostly the shakes, racey, unmotivated, nauseous, can't eat. I have to go back to work tomorrow.... I am wondering if I should take some norco and tough it out, or god forbid, take a small amount of suboxone and do a more slow taper. I don't think I can make it through work with neither...
I didn't hear back from anyone unfortunately, but thought I would post my actions in the hope that it may help someone else. I went in to work at 6am this morning, having slept off and on for about 7.5 hours. I took some ibuprofen, had a little bit of coffee, and headed in. I work in a refrigerated area of a supermarket, and man did that feel AWFUL. I was cold enough as it was! I made it until my lunch break without taking anything at all. At lunch, I knew I was either going to throw up, or I had to do something, so I took 1 Norco. I have taken nothing since, and even though I'm really uncomfortable, I am home so can easier deal with the symptoms. Just wanted anyone else to know that it IS possible to force yourself through unpleasant situations, even when you least want to. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.
I found your post! Thank you for replying to mine and know that I'm with you in my thought! Please post updates about your progress! I have to go to work now but will check here later!
HI! Thank you so much for replying, it really helps to feel like someone is actually paying attention, ha! I hope you are doing well. Today was a full week from my last dose of suboxone. I do wish I had tapered more slowly, but honestly didn't have the knowledge, nor the security to do so. I felt pretty good today. I didn't take a Norco or anything! Still SUPER cold at work, and I would say temperamental, which isn't really like me. My face is really flushed as well. I almost look sunburned! I would also say that I might have had a few cravings. Not for the taste of sub or anything, but the calm I would feel after taking it. That is something I will need to work on in a natural/holistic way. I feel overwhelmed more easily, but actually have alot of things to be overwhelmed about right now too, ha.... Have to try and laugh about it all I guess. I hope to hear more from you! And anyone else that feels like posting. Thanks again!
Hi - have you read junkydave's postings on the methadone page. many people see the posts even if they are not writing. keep posting we all want to see a happy ending that will motivate others. I know it is super difficult. to keep up working and day to day stuff. each day it gets better. as you go thru withdrawals, every week will be different.
You mentioned Holistic. If you can, try getting a massage, or yoga helps to stretch and focus your mind on something other than your suffering. it helps mentally and physically. also, people have posted that vitamins help. hydrating too of course. for the long term if you can see a Naturopathic Dr - ND - they can help with supplements and pointing you in the direction of holistic alternatives. Most ND's can suggest homeopathic remedies that can help, although improvements are slow, they are long term.
glad you have a sense of humor. you might want to try under armor or layers under your clothes to help with the cold working conditions - of course it will be uncomfortable when you go outside. change in the rest room!
above all - know that each week is temporary!
slowest taper produces least amount of wd symptoms
You mentioned Holistic. If you can, try getting a massage, or yoga helps to stretch and focus your mind on something other than your suffering. it helps mentally and physically. also, people have posted that vitamins help. hydrating too of course. for the long term if you can see a Naturopathic Dr - ND - they can help with supplements and pointing you in the direction of holistic alternatives. Most ND's can suggest homeopathic remedies that can help, although improvements are slow, they are long term.
glad you have a sense of humor. you might want to try under armor or layers under your clothes to help with the cold working conditions - of course it will be uncomfortable when you go outside. change in the rest room!
above all - know that each week is temporary!
slowest taper produces least amount of wd symptoms
I'm so happy to hear you are hanging in there even without Norco! Great job! Tell me more about how you felt on day 2 and 3 after stopping? I was crying almost 24/7 on the second and third day and that's when I started researching and decided to taper off instead of quitting cold turkey...
I think I'm just postponing facing my WD .... but I guess I'm not so strong... I don't know your situation but I'm recently divorced and as I said earlier, I'm alone almost all the time! Even at my office I work by myself with no one around, no employees or partners either. It makes it very hard! I'm so happy you and I are talking here! I wish you all the luck in the world! You can do it!
I think I'm just postponing facing my WD .... but I guess I'm not so strong... I don't know your situation but I'm recently divorced and as I said earlier, I'm alone almost all the time! Even at my office I work by myself with no one around, no employees or partners either. It makes it very hard! I'm so happy you and I are talking here! I wish you all the luck in the world! You can do it!
Hi NYtoFLorida! Thank you very much for your thoughtful post! I am indeed planning to become more involved in holistic health. I'm not sure I'm ready for a massage (body feels too edgy still), but yoga is a fantastic idea! I have been doing alot of meditation and listening to really soothing types of music to help get out of my "misery mind" I call it, lol! Yoga would DEFINITELY help with the achiness I seem to feel all over still. Mind you, I'm not trying to complain, I feel VERY fortunate that I have still managed to take care of my dog, bunny, son, and work through this, but I can honestly say it has been really really hard at times. Near tears hard, and I am a pretty strong person. I just keep focused on the moment and try not to become too overwhelmed with the list of things I still need to accomplish before I can rest.... I have the next two days off from work THANK GOD, and plan to invest in some supplements that I have read about on here. I am definitely not eating well (nauseous too much of the time), so perhaps supplements will help me along through this process.
I should definitely bust out the long underwear, ha! And you are correct, I would have to change before going outside or I will turn from freezing to the insta-sweats!
I had not read any other page than this one, so will look for junkydave's postings on the methadone page. Thank you very much for the suggestion!
I really appreciate your kindness and support!
I should definitely bust out the long underwear, ha! And you are correct, I would have to change before going outside or I will turn from freezing to the insta-sweats!
I had not read any other page than this one, so will look for junkydave's postings on the methadone page. Thank you very much for the suggestion!
I really appreciate your kindness and support!
Hi again Lana! My first two days were rough. But actually I think my jump from about 6mg to 2mg in the span of two days was worse.... I have really done this the WRONG way, but my situation compelled it. I was getting bupe from a roommate/significant other who became violent with me and I had to force out. I had only 3 pills to deal with.... I knew I had to do this, and I think that is partly why I have managed reasonably well. Either I had to do this, or I would have to go to a sub doctor and start on a medication I did not need. I was never (before) an opiate addict, I just liked the calmness I felt on sub. He would give it to me so I wouldn't harass him about other stupid stuff he was doing (I think in hindsight). I had been on anywhere between 2 and 6 milligrams/daily for about a year and a half, so DEFINITELY PHYSICALLY DEPENDENT. I honestly think only my mindset has allowed me to not just keep popping a Norco or two (I have 15 of them) at signs of discomfort. I would only be prolonging the process probably, and that is the last thing I want to do. I also start back up at school next week, so will be taking 8 units, working 40 hours, and dealing with everything at home alone....all while trying to find a new roommate.
So, trust me, I COMPLETELY relate to alot of what you have said. My only advice is to truly WANT this and KNOW you can do it, no matter how hard it gets. Like I said before, I don't think it is ever going to be easier (well it could have been for me had I tapered better, but that's water under the bridge at this point), so it just has to be dealt with....
You have my best wishes, and ask any questions you have, k? BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!
So, trust me, I COMPLETELY relate to alot of what you have said. My only advice is to truly WANT this and KNOW you can do it, no matter how hard it gets. Like I said before, I don't think it is ever going to be easier (well it could have been for me had I tapered better, but that's water under the bridge at this point), so it just has to be dealt with....
You have my best wishes, and ask any questions you have, k? BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!
check out SMARTrecovery.com - good to read for support and suggestions and knowledge.
sometimes knowing more information gives you power bc you know what is happening and not guessing or surprised.
unsure - you have A LOT on your plate! Just two things on your list is enough for most people - ie - child and work, or work and school. Take it slow, pace yourself. Dont expect too much from your self. focus on important stuff and try to let other stuff slide for a while. or ask a family member to help by doing a few errands for you. figure out ways to maximize your energy when you have it and schedule in down time each night. such as done with everything by 8pm. then relax into bed time.
when I feel worn down or overwhelmed, I think "what the alternative, give up? No, sorry, not giving up!"
I find it hard to schedule time for myself and to make time for exercise, yoga, etc as a daily practice, but I keep at it in bits and pieces and believe that every little bit is better than nothing!
sometimes knowing more information gives you power bc you know what is happening and not guessing or surprised.
unsure - you have A LOT on your plate! Just two things on your list is enough for most people - ie - child and work, or work and school. Take it slow, pace yourself. Dont expect too much from your self. focus on important stuff and try to let other stuff slide for a while. or ask a family member to help by doing a few errands for you. figure out ways to maximize your energy when you have it and schedule in down time each night. such as done with everything by 8pm. then relax into bed time.
when I feel worn down or overwhelmed, I think "what the alternative, give up? No, sorry, not giving up!"
I find it hard to schedule time for myself and to make time for exercise, yoga, etc as a daily practice, but I keep at it in bits and pieces and believe that every little bit is better than nothing!
Wow! You did have a lot to deal with! I am very proud of you and how far you've come! I do believe I can do it to! I started having a little headache this evening but nothing else... you can do it and so can I
Yes NYtoFlorida, I really do. And maybe that is helping me? I don't have time to feel sorry for myself or wallow in how bad I feel. I have to keep plugging along. Because like you, I'm sure as heck not going to give up! I am very nervous about school starting. I was on bupe the past three semesters and got all A's, lol. I hope my brain on its own will be as successful!
Lana, I have been taking Ibuprofen, and it has helped with pain. Two days I even took Tylenol also, alternating every three hours (which is actually ok because one is processed by the liver, the other your kidneys). For two days I had SEVERE left arm/shoulder/hand pain and couldn't deal with not taking those OTCs. Perhaps that could help your headache? I hope you can get some good sleep tonight!
I did get some sleep last night but this morning feeling a bit anxious.. hopefully it'll go away. How are you doing today? Feeling any better?
Good morning to anyone who bothers to read this, ha! Well, it is day 8 after my rapid jump from suboxone. All in all went from 6mg/day to zero in a span of 4 days. First jump 6 to 2, then 2 to nothing. Would not necessarily recommend doing it that way, but if you have to, just know that it IS POSSIBLE!
I didn't sleep the greatest last night, woke up like every couple of hours. But, I was able to eventually fall back to sleep each time, so it wasn't like the worst sleep I've ever had. I think if you're a mom, you will relate to that. With a newborn I was up frequently at night as well. Just have to keep reminding myself of all that I have overcome/accomplished in my life to help push through the annoying symptoms I still feel (runny nose, cold intolerance, slight to moderate anxiety, low appetite and lack of motivation/energy).
Some people have reported having diarrhea after stopping. Man, I guess since suboxone constipated me so badly, I never had that symptom. I guess I should say not yet, because I suppose anything is still possible. I DEFINITELY feel MUCH better than I did on days 2-5, but don't want to sound like I am through everything, because I know I am not. And of course, everyone is different. My biggest advice to anyone who reads this, or is contemplating stopping whatever substance they know is interfering with their life: DON'T SPEND TOO MUCH TIME ON THE HORROR STORIES!!!!!! Had I just given in to the fear from what I read some people have gone through, I don't know that I could have made it this far! Know that there are GREAT SUCCESS STORIES as well. Put those at the forefront of your mind, and try to NOT evaluate every single moment and every single feeling. Keep your brain busy. READ! Watch movies, meditate, exercise (have to admit that was too hard for me to do), listen to music, whatever will keep your "misery mind" occupied! Believe in yourself and stay strong!
I didn't sleep the greatest last night, woke up like every couple of hours. But, I was able to eventually fall back to sleep each time, so it wasn't like the worst sleep I've ever had. I think if you're a mom, you will relate to that. With a newborn I was up frequently at night as well. Just have to keep reminding myself of all that I have overcome/accomplished in my life to help push through the annoying symptoms I still feel (runny nose, cold intolerance, slight to moderate anxiety, low appetite and lack of motivation/energy).
Some people have reported having diarrhea after stopping. Man, I guess since suboxone constipated me so badly, I never had that symptom. I guess I should say not yet, because I suppose anything is still possible. I DEFINITELY feel MUCH better than I did on days 2-5, but don't want to sound like I am through everything, because I know I am not. And of course, everyone is different. My biggest advice to anyone who reads this, or is contemplating stopping whatever substance they know is interfering with their life: DON'T SPEND TOO MUCH TIME ON THE HORROR STORIES!!!!!! Had I just given in to the fear from what I read some people have gone through, I don't know that I could have made it this far! Know that there are GREAT SUCCESS STORIES as well. Put those at the forefront of your mind, and try to NOT evaluate every single moment and every single feeling. Keep your brain busy. READ! Watch movies, meditate, exercise (have to admit that was too hard for me to do), listen to music, whatever will keep your "misery mind" occupied! Believe in yourself and stay strong!
Short update: Was feeling ambitious so made blueberry breakfast bars for my son. Drinking a ton of coffee thinking it might make me feel more energetic. WRONG MOVE! Now I feel way more anxious and shakey, racy again. W/D symptoms worsening? Too much caffeine? Not gonna do that again just in case it is the caffeine. Nothing I can't handle, Just waaaay more uncomfortable than I started the day....
Hey Lana! Glad to see that you aren't suffering terribly. Remember, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!! Keep posting!!!!
Hey Lana! Glad to see that you aren't suffering terribly. Remember, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!! Keep posting!!!!
I'm finding out that coffee is not my drink nowadays either . If I were you I would either buy a decaf coffee or stop drinking coffee for a while. I'm glad to see you pushing it through great job!
And good luck with your school and work! Doing both at the same time is not the easiest thing to do on top of withdrawal symptoms! You really do have your mind set! I admire you!!!!
Hey Lana! Hope you are doing well. Today was rough for me. Felt worse than yesterday which was discouraging. But, I did have to do alot of running around, and haven't eaten much. Perhaps that's why. I was very tempted to take a small amount of ativan to ease the symptoms so I felt better, but I haven't. Probably wouldn't be the best idea. My pupils are really big, and I read something about that being a sign of late withdrawl. God I hope that means I'm near the end...
How are you???
How are you???
I'm sorry you didn't feel well today but please don't be discouraged! Look back at so many days without pills! Please be very proud of yourself! And also look at today and see how much running around you had to do and you did it! You are not like some other people who go through this and they can't even get up! I think you are doing wonderful! Give yourself a huge credit!!!! Way to go! Tomorrow is another day and it will get better!!! What are your symptoms by the way? Have you looked into taking any vitamins/ supplements? I ordered Calm Support. Didn't get it yet. I'm hoping it will help with my anxiety issues. Meanwhile I've been taking DLPA, ginseng and L-Tyrosine. You can read about those online if you have time. And of course im taking just multivitamin.
My day went ok... I noticed I wake up with a bit of anxiety attack and small headache but during the day it goes away. But remember I'm still tapering off suboxone. It will take me 3more days on 1.5 mg then 6days on 1 mg, then another 5 days on .5mg and so on... until I literally take a pile of dust 0.13 mg by the end of September. I found this taper calendar online and if it works for me I'll post details for other people to see. I think after I get down to .5mg it will get more difficult to get through the day... we will see... I'm very determined to do this and I can se so are you! Good for both of us! I really have nowhere to get pills either except my ex who I'm not calling for sure!
Keep in touch!
I'd better try to get some sleep... it's after 11 pm here
My day went ok... I noticed I wake up with a bit of anxiety attack and small headache but during the day it goes away. But remember I'm still tapering off suboxone. It will take me 3more days on 1.5 mg then 6days on 1 mg, then another 5 days on .5mg and so on... until I literally take a pile of dust 0.13 mg by the end of September. I found this taper calendar online and if it works for me I'll post details for other people to see. I think after I get down to .5mg it will get more difficult to get through the day... we will see... I'm very determined to do this and I can se so are you! Good for both of us! I really have nowhere to get pills either except my ex who I'm not calling for sure!
Keep in touch!
I'd better try to get some sleep... it's after 11 pm here
Hey Lana! I'm so glad you replied. You have really made me feel great about things. Your support means so much to me since I really don't have anyone to complain to, ha! I guess not really complain, but express what I'm going through. Today is Day 9! I will be really glad when I don't think about that and have to evaluate how I'm feeling every time I wake up, lol. So far so good today. Definitely have some mild achiness, but honestly, it's not that big of a deal. I took some Ibuprofen when I woke, and it has made it even more mild. My pupils are nowhere near as big as they were yesterday! I am wondering if that could have been because of the Norco's I took early on. Now that it has been three days since my last one(you might recall that I took one on Day 6 when I went back to work), perhaps I am truly getting to where there are no traces of opiates left in my system! I do still feel an overall since of tension in my body, but it makes sense since I don't have my crutch anymore....I hate the shakes, but they are lessening too!
I am pretty nervous about adding school to my already overwhelming schedule when classes start on Wednesday, but I'm determined, and hopefully that will be enough to get me through. Has been awhile since I've attended classes or done homework without the energy/calm suboxone provided.... Who knows, perhaps my brain will be even more clear without it and things will be easier????
I am so proud of how you have your taper set up. Nice and slow. Tell me more about how you feel with your drop so far. Are you feeling well? Confident? Your message sounds so positive that I hope that is how you are truly feeling and not just trying to make me feel better.... I want you to have as little suffering as possible. You seem like such a lovely person! I'm in California, are you on the west coast as well? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to, I was just curious if we we're in the same time zone!
I am pretty nervous about adding school to my already overwhelming schedule when classes start on Wednesday, but I'm determined, and hopefully that will be enough to get me through. Has been awhile since I've attended classes or done homework without the energy/calm suboxone provided.... Who knows, perhaps my brain will be even more clear without it and things will be easier????
I am so proud of how you have your taper set up. Nice and slow. Tell me more about how you feel with your drop so far. Are you feeling well? Confident? Your message sounds so positive that I hope that is how you are truly feeling and not just trying to make me feel better.... I want you to have as little suffering as possible. You seem like such a lovely person! I'm in California, are you on the west coast as well? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to, I was just curious if we we're in the same time zone!