Going To Meetings,thats The Key To Staying Straigh

HELLO fellow addicts,I hope i find everybody moving in the right direction.I am 49yrs of age and my addictions are to alcohol,percocets and crack cocaine. If i use any one of these substances im fried.If i drink,then ill get that resire to use crack.If i use to many perks,ill also end up on that crack.On to a more positive note,if i attend meetings,ill be happy,joyous and free.There are times when im tired and dont attend meetings.If i dont attend meetings and hang around with people that dring and drug i will eventually pick-up.Being an addict is not something i wanted,but i do have a way of living a desent life and that has to include sober people,not attending bars and going to meetings Allthe best john
we are so happy for you,,,your on your way to a good life,,I need to learn that to .poopie
I couldn't agree with you more John. Meetings are integral to my program. I found out that I quit growing up the second I first used a mind altering chemical at age 17. Clear to age 36, I used every drug known to man. I had 7 major surgeries to my spine and my drug of choice changed to morphine and oxy. Today, I am happy joyous and free. My Higher Power does things for me routinely that I could never do myself. I intuitively handle things in my life that used to baffle me. I have grown up.
What a joy it is to be free. I owe it all to NA and AA.
The fellowship of AA gives recovery an amazing boost but true recovery is in the steps. Meetings never kept me sober. I went to meetings weekly blasted on pills and eventually went back to drinking. It wasn't until I worked the steps with my sponsor that I was able to get any sober time together. Without the steps I was a dry drunk/addict. The steps taught me how to live sober with some serenity. I never knew how to do that. When I wasn't using all I did was whine about how miserable I was not getting high. And boy! I whined every chance I got.
um Still do. (smirk)
But I am more selective in my whining <G>
My guess is you are whining about a better set of problems too!
LOL Yes, August, now they are Park Avenue instead of park bench.
..'more selective in my whining'. God, I love that. Is that royalty free, Kat or do i have to pay you to us it?

John- Glad to hear you are doing so well. I do not go to meetings and my job has me surrounded by drug and booze fiends all day. I actually relish in the idea that I am sober amongst the living dead. Anyway, been sober three years and counting..

I would be happy with a monthly check <G>