Hi all Im looking for our miss gabby to see how she made out?Ive been a lazy mj I went back to bed until 11:50 so I guess its morning for me.Who is all here?I thought I saw Liz lurking,if so how are you feeling today Liz any better????mj
Hey Mj,
How are you feeling now? tummy any better? still sending you ((((((((((tummy be good vibes))))))))))))
Well what a waste of time that was, i got myself all geared up for nowt!!! When i got there they'd double booked me so they gave me another appt for next tues morning!!!!! So i will have to go through it all again on tues, but mj, you were so there with me and i thank you from the bottom of my heart for that xxx
But at least i got there and didnt wuss out! So although nowt happend just the fact that i got there was a hugh step for me, thanx for your support mj xxx
How are you feeling now? tummy any better? still sending you ((((((((((tummy be good vibes))))))))))))
Well what a waste of time that was, i got myself all geared up for nowt!!! When i got there they'd double booked me so they gave me another appt for next tues morning!!!!! So i will have to go through it all again on tues, but mj, you were so there with me and i thank you from the bottom of my heart for that xxx
But at least i got there and didnt wuss out! So although nowt happend just the fact that i got there was a hugh step for me, thanx for your support mj xxx
Gabbi You are my friend I will always try to help you & make you feel less afraid you would for me right?Im proud that you went but how come when you got there you werent afraid anymore???I know you were cool by the time you got there.
My tummy is better thank you.Because my throat has been hurting so much I havent eaten so that is Very bad for my Chrons but Ill be ok.If it gets that bad my Dr gives me lidocaine to gargle with(yuk)...mj
My tummy is better thank you.Because my throat has been hurting so much I havent eaten so that is Very bad for my Chrons but Ill be ok.If it gets that bad my Dr gives me lidocaine to gargle with(yuk)...mj
oh molly,
you switched up on me, i didnt notice, ok i'm caught up : ) well that answers my question on the gm thread. its good to know if it gets bad enough you can find some relief.
you switched up on me, i didnt notice, ok i'm caught up : ) well that answers my question on the gm thread. its good to know if it gets bad enough you can find some relief.
OHHH OUR GABBY IS LEAVEN bummer gabs try & hurry back we will miss the heck out of you...mj
Yep mj, if i can do ANYTHING to help ya then i will, am now sending you
(((((((((((((((((throat get better vibes)))))))))))))))))))) make sure you drink plenty of water!!!
Have gotta get off the puter cos me mum wants to use it so will try and get back on later, remember you have my email addy use it WHENEVER you feel like it xxxx
(((((((((((((((((throat get better vibes)))))))))))))))))))) make sure you drink plenty of water!!!
Have gotta get off the puter cos me mum wants to use it so will try and get back on later, remember you have my email addy use it WHENEVER you feel like it xxxx
k bye gabbs have a great one :)
Just sayin Hello, going back to work, don't anyone throw anything at me, I am going.....
Take Care sweet gabby if I dont get a chance today Ill see you in the morning & yes I probaly will write a long letter.I wish we could meet I bet we would get along great.Take Care...mj
Will get back on later xxx Yeah Mj, i recon we'd really get on, you are a lil shining star xxx and terri is tink xxx
Will get back on later xxx Yeah Mj, i recon we'd really get on, you are a lil shining star xxx and terri is tink xxx
So what are anyones plans for this afternoon?Im gonna bagg out for a couple than get in a hot shower & wait for my girl.When she came home yesterday we just flopped on her bed & hung out & did the girl (gulp)talk thing.Its so odd to look at her & know shes my baby.Yeah right only 12 & shes almost as tall as me.Of course Im only 5'4 so thats not saying much.We had a great time doing nothing it was cool....mj
Hey guys
Gabbi, that was a close one with the dentist, tuesday is a ways away
Hey Tom, good to see ya' made it back safe
Hi MJ and Boo
Gabbi, that was a close one with the dentist, tuesday is a ways away
Hey Tom, good to see ya' made it back safe
Hi MJ and Boo
HEY REDD are you still bumping?lol or do you have Mr Vinnys song in your head?Whatcha doing today????
you gave her the "talk' talk?
you gave her the "talk' talk?
I should be doing more than I am, oh well, I have to go to work tonight though
No No redd we already had that talk.She started Walter about 3 mths ago.So sometimes like yesterday shell ask me very odd questions but Ive always been very open with my girls so they have no problem asking anything,Im the one that gets red answering.I mean OK check this out.She asked me why some people scream when they have sex...now how the heck would you answer that one...Let me know than Ill tell ya what Isaid.Its pretty funny...
MJ, cant wait to hear replies on this one. hehehe.
Good Afternoon Redd,MJ,Boo,JohnDee and Everyone!!
Tell me MJ what happened yesturday with your bro-in-law???? I have been thinking about you....
My BF is sick now he has a temp pf 103.7 and he is such a big a$$ baby,LOL
He is such a whiner. Can you tell he is on my nerves???
Tell me MJ what happened yesturday with your bro-in-law???? I have been thinking about you....
My BF is sick now he has a temp pf 103.7 and he is such a big a$$ baby,LOL
He is such a whiner. Can you tell he is on my nerves???
ummmmmmmm......because they heard about Vinnys boner song?
I have no idea what I would say, what did you come up with?
I have no idea what I would say, what did you come up with?
LOL I have no idea how you would have answered that one MJ, tell us....