How are you all doing today?Those tapering,is it going as predicted?And those of you CT,are you starting to feel a little better?I know its so hard to believe but it does get better.Ive been pp free for a long time(dont ask how long i just cant keep track...but a couple years anyway)ive stopped taking the sub,it was my idea,i still have bad days where i really wish i were still on the sub...like right now.But....nothing i can do about that,once i cut myself off from the program,i was done.
Though i got some pretty scary stuff coming up,i am looking forward to getting in there and getting the days started so i can start counting them down.My son(who has been there)was telling me what they have and what they dont,he says we eat the same food as meals on wheels for the elderly,so,i know its nutritious and a good variety each day.he said they have a computer,i was shocked and so happy,then he said"its not hooked up to the internet"oh s***!!!lol
Anyway,hes convinced me its not a bad place at all,and the first and last month will be the worst.A guy that works with my husband is real good friends with one of the lady CO'S in there so,he asked her to treat me well and watch out for me,which i thought was super nice of him to do.
Sorry,it seems everytime i come on here all i talk about is going to jail,etc,etc...But time is ticking and im going to hate being away from my home and family.I will enjoy going with the grandkids trick ot treating this Friday.They all look so adorable in their outfits.
We should start a thread on Saturday of our babies,and "not so babies"lol,in their costumes,that would be cool.
Well enough rambling for me,my soap,All my children is coming on.My son also told me they have 4 tv's in the womans ward so hopefully i can watch my soaps each day?~KIM