Good Books

I just read 2 good books about addiction
The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx
Permanent Midnight by Jerry Stahl
(Not sure of the last name spelling?)
Does anyone have any good books to recommend? They don't have to be about addiction, but I really like autobiographies. I joined the local library back in October, man I didn't know what I was missing! Its cool to go there when you have nothing to do. Not to mention its free! So I'm looking for some new books and was hoping I could get some suggestions here. Thanks in advance.
Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher. Started it and almost finished in one night. Hollywood inbreeding....good, fast read. What a sense of humor and way with words. She is a survivor but like her mother Debbie Reynolds said "what's the choice? Not surviving? Good read.
Lilypad, thanks for the info. I am going to the library tomorrow, hopefully they have it.
I also read Duane "Dog" Chapmans book. That's the bounty hunter on A+E. I don't really dig him or his show, but I couldn't put his book down... It was really good, well not really good, but it was a cool read. He is addicted to crack, and it was inspiring to read about his battle and how he became so successful. I will tell you 1 thing, that man is soooo full of himself its mind blowing.
Again, thanks for the reply, I need something to keep me busy this weekend and a good book keeps me from misbehaving! Have a good night.
I was really hopeing to get some replys....I'm going to the library in about an hour so if anyone is reading, please share some ideas.
Lynn, I really enjoyed "Long Time Gone" by David Crosby. It shows that you can lose everything to addiction, but you can regain quite a bit in recovery.

He is brutally honest about is descent into addiction, his bottom and his recovery.

You might enjoy it if you like his music.

I read a lot so some more might come to mind. I'll post them as I remember them.

August, thanks, I am definitely going to look for it and lilypads suggestion. I saw a book about Chris Farley there last week (I think that's his name, the guy who died that was on SNL and in all those funny movies) its not his autobiography, its just a collaboration of stories from a bunch of people in his life.
Again, thanks for the reply. I thought a lot more people would have posted??? Have a good day.
Silly me, I almost forgot one of the best ones--Try Eric Clapton's biography. Like a lot of 60's era rock stars, he was deeply involved in heroin and later, a stone cold falling down drunk, and that was when he was on stage. His journey into recovery is an amazing story.

Good read'n,

Cool, is there a title to it and is there another author who wrote it with him? Just wondering where to look on the shelf other then the C's
Which one would you read first, this one or David Crosbys book?
Awesome, now I have 3 good books to pick up!
Lynn I got this info from Amazon. They are both good. I just finished the Clapton book, and read the Crosby book years ago. Problem with these autobiographies is that you have to wade through quite a bit of drunk-a-logs to get to the recovery part. having said that, the Clapton book has some good stuff on recovery, and if I have time time I might try to type in an excerpt that you might find really helpful. Might not happen today, but there is some good stuff in there.

Lynn, keep trying. Getting sober was the hardest thing I ever did and it is my proudest accomplishment. That thing you said about an open mind? If you have that you are more than half way home.

Here is the info. You can order both of these used on Amazon.

Clapton: The Autobiography by Eric Clapton

Long Time Gone: the autobiography of David Crosby by David Crosby and Carl Gottlieb

Hang in there, don't be afraid to ask questions.

Broken by William Cope Moyers (son of Bill Moyers) recovery related

A Strange Piece of Paradise - Terri Jentz Non Fiction (not recovery related)

Waiter Rant by The Waiter (not recovery related)

Here's the Story Maureen McCormick (marcia brady- brady bunch life story)

Jose Canseco- Juiced (biography)

Lorraine Bracco- Out of Control (biography)

I read some really good books by Jill Conner Browne, The Sweet Potato Queens, she has several different books but they do have some foul language in them, but I really enjoyed them and thought they were hilarous.. So if you want a good laugh they are a good read.. Also love romances and I just finished reading some by Janet Chapman she writes alot of series.. They are mostly historical time travel romances..
I once read a book called "what About Alice". At least I think that's the name of it. It's about a teenage girl in the sixties who becomes addicted to drugs and it's basically the diary she keeps over the years. It's really good. Personally, I'd skip the David Crosby book. But I think that guy is a pile of you know what. Hope you find some good books and let us know. I'm always looking for something to read. Have a great day!

Thanks for the replys everyone!
Shelly, so you aren't into the crosby book huh? That made me laugh. I don't know anything about him, what makes him a di#k? Now I have to read it!!
Does anyone else here take advantage of their local library? As I said, I love it! Just the 3 books I read over the last 2 weeks would have cost me $50 bucks or more, and they were free of course! It something to do when your bored and thinking about you know what.
"Nineteen Minutes" - Jodi Picoult Chronicles a school shooting in a small town. This is also a story of bullying and cyberbullying.

"You Can Heal Your Life" - Louise Hay - Might help you with your spiritual life. A little New-Agey but you can call it whatever you want (replace Universe with God or HP)

The name of the book mentioned in another post is "Go Ask Alice" - so aptly named, don't you think? My girls are reading it now.

I also read "Courage to Change" - recovery related lots of different stories of some famous and not so famous people. I liked the one about Billy Carter and wife and Pete Townsend, Gracie Slick, etc.

Also I haven't read it but Valerie Bertinelli just wrote an autobiography about her days with Eddie Van Halen and her drug useage. I think it's called "Reclaiming my Life, One Pound at a Time". I thought that was interesting as I struggle with stressful munching.

Also I don't think you have to know all the answers when it comes to sobriety. I don't think any of us is relapse proof. First get off the pills and then worry about the rest. Good luck!
I can write an endless list books...
"the kite runner", "a thousand splendid suns", "the road", "smack", "down these mean streets", "the last lecture", "the traveller"...

I have Kings new one ( haven't started it yet ) Just After Sunset it is collection of short in it was released already, the things they left behind, there is just something in this story that left me thinking long is about 911...

After dinner tonight I started "the shack" and read it straight through...I loved it, can't even explain it and I have a feeling it will be different for everyone who reads it...

Kerry you reading you must get this book....

Happy Reading Angela....

There's a book called "Rachel's Tears". It's the diary of one of the students killed in the Columbine school shootings. She was just 15 years old but wise beyond her years. I bought it for my step-daughter to read back when she was 13. I ended up reading it as well and now my daughter, who's 12, is reading it.

the first three on Tina's list are MUST READS. I will read the next ones and let you

I got King's new one; I didn't really like it. I read it on the plane. I guess I will give that a shot again. The Talisman is a really great book by Stephen King; one of my all time favorites.

Ken Follet's The Pillars of the Earth and A World Without End are really good.

I liked Anthony Kedias' book Scar Tissue. It was his battle with drugs, but I really like the Chili Peppers, so it interested me.

Kerry did you ever find black house, it is a sequel to the talisman
Some of Kings new stuff is off, like he lost somethingbut I enjoy short storiesHope this new one isnt that bad

I have to check out scar tissueI keep hearing about that and Slashs book which my daughter is bugging me to get. I really dont read addiction, or recovery related stuffAlthough heroin diaries I loved, it was the journaling aspect, and the music that went along with it.
What is Slash's book called (how do you look it up in the library? Autobiography/Slash... I am into looking for the Valerie B, book "getting my life back, 1 pound at a time" and the Anthony K. Book sounds like something I'd read in a day.
I forget who posted the other big list...but they all sound like really good reads!
The Herion Diaries was good, I am also a Crue fan.
Permanent Midnight was a great read...anyone here read it? That book was crazy
it is called Slash

Permanent midnight, crazier then heroin diaries...or a different crazy?