Good Day To All..

Hey room whats going good on this marvelous raining day?? Can't complain its sixty four degrees in Philadelphia in january..Im once again on day five feeling fine no strong urges have past my way yet...Can someone please answer a question for me... Did anyone go to a specialist to see what percocet and oxycontin to do their brain chemistry? Im interested in knowing because I'm trying to find a good way to beat these damn things without paying a whole crap load of money through "Trial and Error".. I think im going to try Zoloft or something similiar to help with the anxious moments we all have.. The Bup is crap and I now dont believe in quick fixes.. I tried it twice and found myself back in the same old boat two to three weeks later... I figured we took a long time to get ourselves into this mess, it will take a long time getting us out of it.. All the Bup did was get rid of my physical, i dont recommend it to anyone that wants to stay permanently off them..I've heard success on anti-depressants though.. Please post back.. thank you all.. lata;
Erratic, congratulations on day 5 by next week this time it will be day 7. I took Zoloft 100mgs, but it did not take the depression or anxiety away. You are probably starting the Post accute wd. Ride it out and maybe get some "simply sleep" I think they are made by tylenol they will help you sleep. Get as much rest as you possibly can and whatever you do don't be so hard on yourself, but what you said about medicating so long is correct. I think this stuff only stays in your system for about 3 days tops and then all of your brain receptors go crazy and their is hell to pay because you were not used to feeling anything.

I've read where long-term opiate use messes with the seratonin levels or seratonin uptake in your brain. I don't think there's a sure cure for that in the short term, but Wellbutrin seemed to help me a lot with the post-w/d depression and fatigue. I've also tried some of the "brain food" remedies -- taking a daily combination of phenylalanine-L and -DL, glutamine, l-tyrosine, 5-HTTP -- but in all honesty, I don't think it had any real effect. And vitamins aren't cheap.

Good luck. M.
I am curious to know why you thought the sub was "crap" i am to start on this next week and I've only heard good things about it from this site. thanks
Well erractic... I must say that you have said what I have tried to say for weeks .... the sub only help for those that would not otherwise quit do to fear of the physical w/d.... and are of the high relapse potential group because if they do relapse they are not likely to stay 'out' because the sub blocks for the most part the 'good' effects to the drug so they just dont get anything out of it.. so ...
the sub just doesnt do a hole heck of a lot in the LONG term for the psychological reasons and effects of why we use and abuse in the first place.... this is a delicate line.... while the intitail reasons are not always cheimical in nature... like feelings of inadequacey or self esteem issues after we do use for awhile the drugs do cause chemical imbalances that effect a variety of neurotransmittors like seritonin and domapmine in the brain just to name two.... then you have two problems.... both are long term and not readily fixed after the drugs are removed...

Medication like a variety of anti-depressants can help with the chemical imbalances and while there is no universal med that works for all .. it really is often a trial and error.... sometimes a person gets lucky.... but I am a strong believer that the medications need to be followed by a program such as counseling and/or NA/AA.... those cravings are often pscychological and that is not going to get fixed by another pilll.... they just arent.... plain and simple...

There is no such thing as a free lunch............. it is not a quick cure or fix... you have to do the work... you would do trial and error to find a drug to get you high by the way... so do some trial and error to find a medication to help get you well....

Do not listen to these people who say sub is not a good thing. You are correct in saying that you have read many good things about it on this site. Also, all the talk about the brain healing, etc is right, too. It takes a long time to get back to normal functions (if you even have a normally-functioning brain--I need antidepressants, too). Maybe sub is not for some people, but if you think it will help you, as it has helped me and many others tremendously, please go ahead with your plan.

I also argree that Sub is not a magic drug that can take away the problems of addiction. I have always advocated that it can only work if someone takes it along side some form of life changing program. Thats why I don' really think that short term use of sSubutex is of any benefit because after ..say..three weeks of Sub use nothing can have changed significantly in a persons life and thinking. Long term use does help if used correctly and even the manufacturers recomend that it is not taken in isolation.
I also think it is of great benefit to people like myself who have chroinic pain problems and would be unable to have a normal life, work ect.. without good pain relief. It should only be used after all other avenues have been explored.
again I say please do not disunderstand me.......... i am not saying that sub is not a goood drug.... but it has the potential to go the way of methodone in that is will be the only thing used for this disease...

people are already seeing it as a 'miracle cure' taking it long term... cant come off of it easily... when they do .. because they never did anything else like counseling or anyother program to learn to deal with life on lives terms... when they have a craving and they relapse.. they look around and say ...'gee how did that happen i was clean on sub for 6 months.... then i just couldnt handle it off.....'... wow.... now what do I do....'

that is all I am saying people, addicts... myself included are always looking for the easier softer way... heck I would have to if sub had been available back then..... so

I am only saying that it needs to be used with other things.....

Hope I made myself clear.... if not ... good luck then..

If you have a good sub doctor......they will put in place long term therapy for you to deal with all addiction issues. If you get to have one who deals with addiction and pain issues then you are really lucky, they have all the bases convered and have non medicine ways of guiding you in your search for pain relief......
Mine has more docs.......the shrink who give the sub, the addiction counselor who works with him for his addict behavior, and has made great suggestioms for pain relief. Also there is group which he will start at some point and they push meetings...............All the options are out there for those on sub to learn how to change there behaviors..........Plus a whole range of other things all you have to do is google, you will find traditional and non traditional ways to better your life...........
My feelings on the use of sub are on here somewhere sure you all read them!
Take care all,