Good Evening.....anybody Around?

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Hey! Anybody around want to chat?

I promise not to be a bore and brag about every race, since we have about 40-50 more this year, but couldn't resist sharing these. First official race of the season. Took 2nd place.

JR........I finally answered your post about the restaurants!

BETSY, BEE.........have ya'll been shoveling snow all day, or what? Come in and get on the computer!

Hey Rachel.... come out and play!
Good Morning Carol, How are you today.


awesome pics and congrats on your sons accomplishments!!! you have all the bragging rights you want. i grant them too you : )


good morning, punk : )


Hey Boo you doing? beautiful spring night here in GA.
I shrunk the pics too much........I was just trying to grow them some. are you, finish any projects today?
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Thanks for allowing me to brag, boo.... i promise to calm's so exciting to be back at it!!! LOL

i am doing great!! thanks : ) i am waiting on pizza delivery yummm. the pics still look cool. i love that stuff. did your son get a trophy or anything? thats not the new track is it?


carol way cooler blown up!!! is he the guy in the red i assume. what an intense look. that rocks!!

LOL Pizza sounds good. We ate Italian on the way home today. That's not our track, it's one about 50 miles from here. Our's is 1/2 finished....yeah!

Did you have a nice day alone? I thought you were going to see your bro for dinner..........

my lil nephew was sick so we postponed it till tomorrow my sis in law has mondays off. i cleaned the yard today and had a bon/brushfire and made s'mores lol i can never have a fire without at least roasting marshmallows. when is the new track done? did your son get a trophy ot anything?


Sorry I was gone,,,,,,he just bounced a ball into a wall which caused a picture to fall and the glass shattered......huge mess! Why are little boys so destructive???????????

We get saver stamps instead of trophies now that we have so many. It was just a local race, so they're not that big anyway. Our track will hopefully open sometime in April. The rain has really held us up. yes, he's the one in the red. LOL Does CJ play any team sports?

So Vinny and his boner are in "full swing" tonight!!!!! hey Vinny!!!
Hey Carol,

Cool picture of your son, but one question, dont see any elbow pads???? See the knee pads and helmet, but what about the elbows? Is he into motocycle racing, or is it just bikes. My nephew wants me to buy him one of them little mini motor cycles, just may do that for him, he is a great kid.

Hey Kathy!!! There are small pads sewn into the elbows and knees. What's really missing is a chest protector which we make him wear during practices, but not in a race. No motorcycles, yet. He would love to race m.c. but mom's not ready for that yet. How old is your nephew? Are you talking about the pocket rockets? They look fun! Kids love 'em!!

How are you doing?

no my son doesnt do any sports yet but i am debating on signing him up for football or kick boxing. i'm leaning on kick boxing. he really wants to do a sport.
hey carol i need to get off for a lil bit you all have a great night if i dont make it back. thanks for sharing about your son. i love seeing and hearing about it : )

kick boxing would be is grueling on the little guys.....plenty of time for that later...haha......

have a nice night, maybe we'll talk later, boo-boo.

Kathy........are you still hanging in there? It's been about 3 weeks, right?

Yes you are right, I think it was 3 weeks yesterday, lol, not really sure myself, I know when I stopped a couple days later i took 1 1/2 to get to work, but havent had any since then, so i guess 3 weeks is right. Finally able to get to sleep at night, that was the worse, so it feels good in the morning waking up when the alarm goes off. I really didnt think I would be able to do this, but I did, I guess because I had my mind made up that this was it, the third try was the charm.
Now, I want to try to help a friend of mine get off these pills, he is just going deeper and deeper in debt, and he looks like hell. It is so hard to try to tell someone that they need to stop, especially when they know the person telling them, that they were once in their shoes.
I think I will be getting that motorcycle for my nephew, his birthday is in September, so I may buy it for him when school is out, and let it be a early birthday present. I know it will make his summer. I just hope my sister in law doesnt kill me for doing it. He is 9 yrs old, so I think he is old enough to be careful and not do stupid things on it. Would of never been able to afford it, if I was still taking pills, so this alone, will make me feel good about quitting them.
Does your son want one? Will you get him one? I think if they know how to ride them and have enough experience with them, they are pretty safe.

Take care for now

Kathy.....I didn't think I would be able to do it, either. And I am still not sure I will be able to keep it up. You've done GREAT ! You just went c/t, huh? How are your symtoms now? And, are you doing meetings?

As for your friend, you know he's not going to do it until he is ready. Even if you had never taken a pill yourself, he probably wouldn't listen to what you're saying. That's too bad, too. Didn't you give him your stash when you quit? Maybe when he sees how good your life is going, he'll be inspired. You can always hope, anyway.

My son's too big for one of those little motor cycles. Most 9 years olds wouldn't be, though, he's just bigger than average. He would love a dirt bike, and we'll get him one eventually. Right now he's just too fearless and reckless on the 4 wheeler, and until he slows down some, he's not getting anything else. Like that's gonna happen!

Yep, that is the same one I gave the 57 pills too, just to get him off my back. My boyfriend is going to try to talk to him soon. Dont know if it will do any good or not, he is a very well liked guy and alot of people are worried about him. He is doing oxy's and hydro and now starting with the coke again. He has a great wife, who I dont know how she doesnt know what is going on, but if and when she finds out, she is definetely going to throw him out.
I feel pretty good lately, except really dont have all the energy back I thought I would, I am taking b12 and amino acids, so maybe they just need some time to kick in, hope so. Yes, I did c/t on the third try. Just got tired of waiting for the fed-ex and UPS guys and missing work and all the great stuff. So that is why I stopped, besides they didnt take any pain away either. Not going to any meetings, cant be seen in this town at one, family would disown me in a heartbeat if they knew.
How many pills were you taking, and did you c/t, or taper? How long have you been off them? Ok this will probaly be the last post tonight, got to some things, and boyfriend wants computer, so you take care, and by the way, Thanks for all the encouragement you given me while I was posting when I first came here, it is so much appreciated.

Hi Carol,
Great Pictures........You brag all you want girl, I think it is wonderful that he did so well.........
Hope that you are well tonight...........and you found tons of fun today!

Hey Ms. Tina! I hope you had a wonderful day!!! Yep, despite being bummed about canceling our trip to beach due to rain, we made the best of it! It's started to get warmer there, too, huh? I hope you had a chance to talk to Johnny and told him we were wondering about him. He's been gone a while. No school for us this week, so we have kids over and movies going.
Have a nice evening!

Nice pics. Your son looks awesome...I just got home from a bridal shower.

Kathy.......LOL he's doing all that and his wife doesn't know? She'll know when she finds him dead, huh? That's a bad're right, someone needs to really try to get him to see the light. I wish you luck with him.

I was taking around 15 Norcos a day, tapered to 6, then quit, but took 5mg. methadone for 10 days (I thought it would help for some didn't) and then stopped it all. After my 8 year run, it really took me longer than most I think. I still felt like c*** at 20-30 days. Just no energy and lots of anger. It all passes though, and you'll be bouncing around before you know it. I don't currently do NA, but I am giving a lot of serious thought to starting....again.