Good Morning All

Good morning everyone.I hope everyone is doing good.I kinda feel like I just disappear from 3pm on.For that I'm real sorry.I kinda have part of my life planned everyday.I am alone everyday from about 8am til 3pm.I know this must sound selfish but from 3 on I nned to be available for my family,even if my daughters are on the phone or with friends I like them an my S/O to know I am here for them.And I guess I really look forward to the times we are all here together.So I guess I'm trying to say I'm sorry if anyone is looking for me at night but I really NEED that time with them.Anyways I am trying to find out how "friend" is doing and also if Jasmine is OK to the rest well A GREAT DAY to YOU TOOO......mollyjean
You are always so sweet. Thinking about everyone elses's feelings. When you have kids in the house,believe me I live with 3 of them and it is hard to be online all the time. Also when you have a 12 year old that loves the phone,I was one of those type. My mom always said you would have to surgically remove the phone from my ear! People til this day always have something to say about me talking on the phoen cause it rings off the hook and I am always on it. Guess I am a natural born talker..Can you tell? I answer all your posts before anyone has a chance too! Ha-ha I am going to take a shower and TRY and do some sit-ups today--Yuck! I am hating it. I walked for 10 minutes on the stair master last night at my girlfriends and thought I would die for sure. I haven't worked out for 2 years but it is time.... I can't use the I just had a baby thing forever,lol Rae
Dear Rae yup your a talker but I enjoy your words so please don't change.I am pretty miffed.For the last couple mths I've been having left chest pain and with my habit I was real worried so I had the stress test and every other thing.Well I am thankful because they have only found artheritis in my spine.The real hard part for me is that I always lifted weights(trying to fight my chest gravity)and now I found out that the stupid 5lbs dum bells are hurting me instead of helping.Darn it I din't want saggy baggys ya know So I have to start from scratch according to my phys therapist.But I am grateful its not my heart.See your not the only talker baable baable.Only thing is if you ever met me in person I would barely talk cause I'm shy picture that.When you do your situp remember to pull with your belly not back...Check me out I'm Mrs Jack Lalane!!!!!