Good Morning All

Hi Everyone.Im sorry but Im all messed up.)NO NOT ON DRUGS)I still feel like crap but I did want to pop in & say good morning & I hope everyone had a good weekend....

Morning Molly,

Poppin in to say hi, be back in a few minutes. Have to dry my hair.

OK REdd Wheres the rest of the coffee club?I havent talk to boo in a couple is she OK??Did you get to see the "show"last nite?I was paws up by 9 pm.The time change ALWAYS makes me loopey for a couple days.
Are all of um hiding cause they broke in my stuff again????
Not sure where everyone is at Mol, I didn't touch any of your stuff, I swear.


GOOD MORNING.........Molly left for a few, lets see what's in her bag while she's not looking. Hurry!

Hope everyone is fine this morning, it was so hard to get up and to get my son up. Did you have a great weekend?
ooohh I found a flashlight, hmm, maybe thats not a flashlight...

you're such a bad influence Carol, ok, real quick though.

How ya' doin today Sunshine? Did you watch intervention last night, it was one of their best shows to date so far.


Carol you hold the flashlight.


Hey Tom and Redd........ Happy Monday!

I've got my own flashlight, thanks, though. I'm gonna take the cell phone.

I watched it. It was hard to watch, though. Such a pretty girl, such a mess.

The grandma was the best though wasn't she? She said all the right things. The ending was great, she looked completely different.

Going to Opening day today for the Tigers. Its a beautiful spring day here, so it should be fun


Yep, the grandma was a blessing. Her poor mom was too sick to be very helpful. I hope she stays clean.

That's great you're getting to go to the game. Sounds like you really get into it up there. Have fun! You'll have a great time. Don't your guys want to go to, too? LOL

Molly and Boo, where are you?

My husband gets jealous of this every year, he says its suppose to be him going. I've been doing this , Oh God, since I was a kid, so lets just say for awhile. Its fun to catch up with some old friends.

What are you up to today?

Are you late for work Tom?

good morning gang : )

redd happy opening day : )user posted image

i just wanted you wish you all a great day. i cant hang out this morning sorry.

redd have a safe fun day.

(((((HUGS))))) all around


No big plans. Probably just laundry, the never ending battle.

I was going to go shopping, but think I will wait until tomorrow. I blew out my flip-flop on a small rug in front of my kitchen sink, and slammed my knee cap into the metal door handle on the cabinet. It looks pretty ugly, and hurts.

That's neat you still hang with your childhood friends. I still have a couple, and my husband has many.

Have a great day, Boo! Thanks for dropping in. We will sure miss you! : )

Hey Boo, thanks for the send out...have a good day bud.

Ouch Carol, I do stuff like that all the time and I bruise really easily, so my legs can get pretty ugly sometimes.

Yeah, it is fun to see these girls. I grew up with 2 of them on my street when I was a kid. One comes up from Ohio every year just to go to this. And when we get together, its like we are a bunch of school girls again, maturity goes out the window.

laundry sucks, it never ends.


Well, you girls have fun, and don't get too rowdy! : )

Looks like our coffee chat fizzled out this morning, huh? LOL

Whats up with that huh? I got up early and took a shower so I could chat a bit too.

I have to run Chance to school, be back in 5 minutes if you're gonna hang out a bit.


OK, be careful. I'llbe in and out.

Where is everyone today? Is there something going on that we don't know about Carol?

Rae? Molly? whos out there in cyber space?
