Good Morning Friends And Fellow Addicts

Make today the best day you can why cus you all deserve it jackie xxxxxxxxxxx
morni jaky
Goodmorning Ladies.Looks like a nice day today finaly
Good Mornin ladies! I guess MJ is off fishing? I gotta go, told Shawn, I'd pack his stuff and leave it out by the road....have a wonderful Saturday and hugs, Kim
Jackies avatar reminds me of: This is your mind, this is your mind on 4 bars a day of Xanax ha! Must have been how I looked.

Goooood Morning Peeps, come chill with me in F L A! It is cold as hell right now (65) but it will be 80 by 11 and the water temp. is 78... YUMMY!
Good Morning Ladies, Mdgirl... kim, hope that today finds some resolution or steps in the right direction fromyour horrible day yesterday. If you've packed him up, I think you're doing the right thing. If he wants to face where he is and do something about it then maybe you guys can work it out sometime. But I think he's facing what we all faced...running out and not wanting to. Did you see him yesterday??

How're you Tracey? Getting any rest? I'm definately better today. Ya! Beck
Mrs thats why i choose it i did say in my very early post that i thought it was me and i would change it lol but i kinda like him/her now. hope your all well. jackiexxxxxx
Good morning Jackie, how are things In Jolly ol England.. Gotta go, Cheerio.

Hiya harry long time no spk its very windy here today which is a shame need to do some mre gardening. apart from that hun im doing good hws life with you theses days? jackie xxxxxxxxx
goos morning beaners!

another lovely sunny day in the south! hope everyone is well today!

listening to 2 10 y/o's jumpin round...kick in caffeine!

i pray today will be better for me in the way of cravings.

stick to your guns Kim, don't let toxic bf get you down, you are doing the right thing sweetheart

Goos morning everyone,

Beautiful weekend here....hope everyone has a good one.

Goos morning
Hope everyones okay?

Poor lil Skitz is havng some feet problems!!! can you friggin believe that, a dog thats feet are sooooo furry I need to trim them!!! well she's booked into the poodle parlour on tues so she'll get her nails cut too x

Janet, how are things with you? how you doin?

and Kim too, how are things with you now? how you feelin today babe?

