Good Morning

Hey my computer is up & running.Thank goodness.I missed alll how was your weekend?????mj
Hey Molly,
Football, Football and more Football...........we had a great and the kids, it was nice. I am glad to hear that your computer is up and runnin again. Kerry wants to see the pictures you sent me, can I send them to her?
So how are you this cold feeling well?

GOOOOOOOOOOOD Morning! Guess you are gone by now, as usual, I missed you! It is 19 in GA this morning and the kids are home from school. Guess I'll have to find something fun to do today, too! ya'll have a good one .
I'll be around for a little while if you want to talk!
I am still here..............doing some surfing and reading some info I found on drug addiction and laws that effect it.....
Hope you are well this is freezing here to, the heat is blasting! We had a tiny bit of snow last night and I missed it and there is nothing to show for it outside, but we may get hit later in the week when your Falcons come to town to play............No football wars may the best team
Take care,
Hi my friends I'm still here.I'm playing around on the web Screensaver & such I missed my computer sooo much & I missed you guys 2.About the pics sure of course you can though I think I tried to send some too her but I got a messag saying it was delayed?But yes go ahead.I'm glad I know what you & yours look like.Its nice to put a face with you.And yes you still are....MY SUNSHINE MY ONLY SUNSHINE.I'll be here for a bit.kid is sleeping & BF WENT TO WORK!!!!!!!!mj

Hey girls! I have been reading some of the posts from recent days and am so bummed. Some of the new people on here are so young and have such problems to deal with. I hate these pills! Although I am against government regs., this is one area where I think they should step in and make some changes in the laws.

We are truly blessed to have kids who are not using, so far. They are pre-desposed (SP) to using someday, though. I talk to my daughter about it regularly. It scares the hell out of me that this could someday happen to her.

Hi MOM I mossed you.I don't know if this makes me a bad mom but my girls know everything about,my addictions,my mistakes ,and my recovery.They both understand about the dangers of pills because they have seen it first hand.And ya know out of everyone I must say my girls seem like they are the proudest.My littlest one the most(oldest is busy with boyfriend school)I can't explain HOW SUPER MOM I feel that they are so proud...mj
Good morning!! I think that's great that your girls know about your problem. There is nothing like seeing something first-hand to teach them what it is all about. I would bet real money that they will never touch a pill (other than what is absolutely necessary). Good for you and good for them.

How you doing with the suboxone? I'm getting low and I need to find another doc. I better get off here and get on the phone!! Have a good week. We had our first snow here last night (PRETTY!) got about an inch. Maybe more to come next weekend. Go Steelers!!! (I'm from the burgh originally). See ya!
Hey Carol......about goverment laws did you read my post"on sub read here" or was that something thats been bothering you...........If you didn't read check out my second was an interesting read........
Hope you all have a good day, the older ones are awake and I will have to fight to get any computer time........LOL

MJ.......yes that is good that you have been so open with your girls. My daughter knows about my addiction, first hand. But she went through a withdrawal with me 2 years ago and I never admitted to her that I relapsed.
So this time, I didn't share it with her. As far as she knew, I was already clean.
She was so stressed with her school work, personal life, etc. for the past 2 years that I didn't want to burden her with my stuff. And she didn't live here, so she didn't see the day to day effects it had on the rest of us. Dishonest? Sure, isn't that what addiction is all about?
Hi natasha what a pretty name.I am doing fine on this chilly Monday.I don't think I understood what you said about the sub.I am doing well still.My energy isn't great but my MD said it may take a bit.That plus my BF has been home for 2weeks so I haven't started to work out.I know theres today but I want to be alone when I first start.Yes I'm very lucky with my daughters.My 16year old got into trouble with drinking.She did a stupid kid thing and thought she could deal with it.I won't go into it here just to say its a moms nightmare.Thank Goodness it only took 1 bad time & she pulled it together.She wanted therapy so we got her into that,shes pulled her grades up in the past year its really amazing.I mean really she did a very stupid thing 1 time & pulled it together.I'm very proud of her.And my little one well lets just say her & I are so close and yet so far apart(those pre teen hormones)but I enjoy every day with them.Wow looks like I got babbling sorrry.....mj
dear mom now that I'm getting better I get to feel the pain of what my daughters had to go through.I am so thankful that I never abused them when I was usen but I'll tell you I had my days where growwwwwl.I was a witch big time(at times)Mom try not to keep beating yourself on relapsen.Are you stll usen or tapering how are you doing with it all.....mj
No need to say sorry, we're here to babble, chat, talk, gab whatever -- as much as you want!!

I thought I read that you were on suboxone. Sorry if I misunderstood. I take 8 mgs of it a day. I was hooked on hydrocodone for 2-3 years solid (everyday). Anyway, it has helped me. I've been reading the sites that Mistyeyes posted. They are good links, thanks Misty!

Well, everyone have a great day! I gotta get to work, even though it's a holiday. Boo.
You have a nice day 2 been nice talking to you.....mj I am not using anymore. I haven't for 60 something days.

My daughter went through the drinking thing when she went to college. It was so unlike her to do anything wild. It was the first time she had gotten into anything off the straight and narrow path in her life. But, she eventually got it under control and her grades never suffered, always straight A's. But still, I worry for her in the future. At her age, I never thought i would have an addiction, and look what happened to me! LOL

Even after 60 something days, I still have no energy or motivation. I just try not to attempt too much, and I don't disappoint myself. I read a lot and watch a lot of movies. Just do what I absoluely have to. I don't make many plans or commitments. I am taking the first few months to rest and take care of myself. Being superwoman for so many years, I feel I have earned this time to sit back and regroup. You should, too. We didn't get where we are overnight, and our bodies need this time to adjust to no pills. As least that is what I think! Take it easy, MJ.
I think the same way mom.I plann on starting my work outs.I use to when I had the pills I was very much into lifting free weights and just about the same time I joined the board,I was starting to have chest pain.Really scared me because with all the pills I was takin I worried about my heart.well the cut & dry of it was I was over doing the weights and a pain that started in my back raduated to my chest.So when I do start again it will be slow.I've been reading alot lately 2 so much that my poor eyes are going to need glasses soon
60 days is great.Now I think you did it CT right?Please don't think I'm rotten for not remembering your whole story.Gosh I never thought I'd end up with this many people I have become friends with.So having alot of people to talk to gets alittle confusing.But I know how I feel about you & others so....mj

Yes, there are many to keep up with, for sure! It's OK if you can't remember everything!

I am going to start taking long walks. I love to walk in our woods in the winter. The way our land lies, I can go for a mile and still be on our property. My husband fusses at me for never leaving the yard just outside the house. It is so quiet and peaceful in the winter and no worry of snakes! LOL

I admire you for having an exercise plan. Go for it! I should do that, too.

I need to go and get some things done. I'll be off and on all day. Talk later!
OK Carol I'm sorry for holding up your work.The walk thing would be like heaven to me the only thing is too many people moving into a small area.Go do your chores & have a nice day If you need to talk I'll be around....mj

Sweet were NOT holding up my work!!! I am the one who sits here and reads and types and puts off doing anything. I swear I am now addicted to the computer instead of pills.
Either way you take care & we'll talk soom OK????,mj