i think jax was around yesterday but i havent heard much from the other 2.
this avatar is what I've been looking for, my user name is after my 15 year old dog Blazer that we refer to as Red sometimes, its actually Shadow from that Disney movie, but it looks just like my girl. I'm sure I've told you guys how I feel about her, best dog in the world. I have another one that is yellow named Sunny and she is a good dog too, but Blazer is my girl...always at my feet. Icould go on and on but won't bore you guys
thats a wicked dream Gabbi..kinda funny though
I can get like that talking about my daughters.Thats why I'm miffed at this pc.Elvis wanted pics of me & my familty & I cant.I had a problem awhile back & got live support now I cant find the site...GROWWWWWWEL...mj
goodluck mh,
i know yu'll get it straightened out. your a thmart cookie and i have faith in you.
yeah that dream is pretty narly. you poor thing. here's a hug. i hope that makes it better.
i know yu'll get it straightened out. your a thmart cookie and i have faith in you.
yeah that dream is pretty narly. you poor thing. here's a hug. i hope that makes it better.
I know what ya mean about the dogys, mine-Skitz-is my baby but again i wont bore ya's with how wonderful, cute, fluffyand obedient she is.
It sounds really funny but i felt quite traumatized when i woke up!!!.....Like i say it felt real, i supose havin and remebering dreams is quite a good sign cos i never ever remember my dreams, or havent for years!!! I supose my mind healing aswell.
It sounds really funny but i felt quite traumatized when i woke up!!!.....Like i say it felt real, i supose havin and remebering dreams is quite a good sign cos i never ever remember my dreams, or havent for years!!! I supose my mind healing aswell.
I wish I could help you MJ but I just figure out the avatar thing..with much help,,do you have a Kodak share on your computr?
Forget IT Ill deal with it later I wanta hang out with my coffee buds.Poor littlre hampster.But didn't it look cute baby crutches????mj
Yeah baby crutchs and blood n guts hangin off of the ripped off leg!!!..... Ummm nice?
farts one morning, blood and guts the next, we are quite a group Lol
Morning Guys......
You were all up early, I kept hitting the snooze button......Still not awake, guess I should have hit the bed earlier......So hows everyone this morning.....you all hanging in.....I think I am going to stick my finger in the electrical socket to get a jump start.....
Carol....got some info on the little bow who sang for the NFC championship game......
You were all up early, I kept hitting the snooze button......Still not awake, guess I should have hit the bed earlier......So hows everyone this morning.....you all hanging in.....I think I am going to stick my finger in the electrical socket to get a jump start.....
Carol....got some info on the little bow who sang for the NFC championship game......
morning Misty
good to see you
good to see you
Good mornin' Tina,
Great to see ya xxx Hope you're well this a.m.
I do apologise everyone for lowering the tone with the blood n gutts thingy but i had to share what was in my head!!! Thanks for listening
Great to see ya xxx Hope you're well this a.m.
I do apologise everyone for lowering the tone with the blood n gutts thingy but i had to share what was in my head!!! Thanks for listening
don't worry about the blood and guts.....I was going to add obscene phone calls since I got one last night!
g'morning misty.
just don't try a cold water splash while jump starting yourself with a charge *wink.
hmmmmm blood and guts? that could be fun in a sick and twisted way.
just don't try a cold water splash while jump starting yourself with a charge *wink.
hmmmmm blood and guts? that could be fun in a sick and twisted way.
I have a twisted sense of humor sometimes, I thought it was kinda funny, but I'm not the one dreaming about it, so you didn't lower my tone at all.
I have a twisted sense of humor sometimes, I thought it was kinda funny, but I'm not the one dreaming about it, so you didn't lower my tone at all.
this should be good Misty, what was the call?
hey Boo tried the water didn't work........
hehehhe great minds huh?
misty do tell about the phone call. my brother tells hysterical ones how he heads off telemarketers. he is the master.
hehehhe great minds huh?
misty do tell about the phone call. my brother tells hysterical ones how he heads off telemarketers. he is the master.
us Michiganders think alike sometimes Boo....now thats scary