Good Morning

Hi all Im really running late so hi,Who is all here today???mj
Morning Mj,
I'm here just catching up on last nights posts, how are you this morning?
Im Ok Gabbi.I wrote to that 24yr old guy.Last night I sent a couple emails out to the news and they showed one on the air.I used mollyjean as my name than i got thinking is anyone fron here reads it or see the news they are gonna see where I live,No Im doing better on that.I got other issues Im just not ready to talk about so how are you sweet gabbi?Still doing our workouts????mj
Wow Mj, your email got on the news? well done for writing that letter, I bet it made you feel better to offer him support.....Hope everything else goes well, remember you are a star!!!!
I'm okay, i didnt go the gym yesterday-naughty naughty-but i will get my arse in gear and i'll get there today, sorry ladies if your feeling a little flabby but i'll get my backside in gear.........
ALITTLE FLABBY I feel like the STAY PUFF MARSHMELLOW DUDETT!!!PLEASE I NEED TO FEEL THE BURNS>>>>Im glad you had a nice V day.I got a card from my 1 daughter & a hug from the BF

Ps where is boo boo & how did she make out yesterday ?????

LMAO 'the stay puff marshmallow dudette' Dont you worry mj you will feeeel the burn today xxx I'm gonna get there earlier so i can do a bit more cos i've missed a few days xxx

Terri wrote a thread named Carol and it says she did well. YEAH
Im so glad.I hope she sees it as one chapter closes as another begins.I think alot of us can relate to what shes going through.It seems like she has so much to offer I think maybe I think she is stronger than she is.Shes so great at talking to people on here ya know?I wish I could reach people like she does...mj
You do Mj, But i know what ya mean, Terri has a wonderful way with words and always sounds so elequent (sp?) and yeah I recon she will be looking at this posatively? C'mon Terri let us know how y'are today.........
Gabbi I gotta get off for a bit Ill be back...mj
See ya later Mj, if i dont catch you befre i head out, you have a great day
love ya

awe i mssed molly,


thank you for being so sweet, trust me all you girls bring your own brand of help here. i am sure you reach others differently then i can or misty or carol or whoever. everyone connects differently with certain personalities and words. and believe me there are plenty of people out there who dont like my way of wording but can understand me and appreciate yours easier, make sense? i hope so. cause you ladies do equally as well of a job : )

Morning Terri, how ya feeling this morning after yesterdays exscapade(sp?)

I'm glad it worked out quite well and you must feel a hugh weight lifted now its over
I'm a little concerned as to why Jz has posted a new topic sayng help please but then posted nevermind?????? They must be in some kind of need to have started a new topic, come back jz and let us help xxx

heck yeah i feel like i 216lb wieght lifted off my back.hehehe so glad its over. its bitter sweet. more sweet then bitter though. yeah so far i cant wipe the grin off my face : ) being free for the summer should be great fun. i am looking forward to that!!!

so how are you doing to day work out diva? tell me whats on your mind?


not sure why jz did that, maybe he chickened out the 1st time and then later i saw he posted again with some questions. i didnt check the time stamps though. but i think jz did get to talk some stuff out. cause both posts were a;; around the same time. cause i was up last night.

I'm okay today thanx Terri, i'm moving on from all this tribunal s***e and putting it behind me, I just wanna forget about it now and carry on with my recovery, and i have to say a big thank you to everyone that helped me through this rough weekend, but here i am, i didnt pick up any drug just spoke to you lot again thanx everyone (i was hopeing for a few others to give me a bit of input but they havent so never mind, y'know i put the same post on the heroin board and didnt get a single reply which made me a little sad but nevermind)
So today is the first day of the rest of my life, and its the first day of the rest of your life aswel T, now you over 200lbs lighter!!!!!! I've been a little naughty and havent been to the gym for a few days but i will be there today, is it your abbs that need doing or your thighs? lol

my abs and biceps mostly. hey no worries about the H board. you have us all irrigardless if its H,crack, pills, cocain doesnt matter addiction is addiction. i am just so glad we could be herefor you. dont ever forget where to come when you get those urges. you have done soooooooooooo good this far. especially coming off H i am so proud of you. i have a friend recovery from H so i understand the grips it can have. he and i have talked alot about it. in my opinion H has to be one of the most depressing drug and one of the hardest to kick. you are doing awesome girlfrind and you are worth every cleam minute you endure. you just keep coming here and talking. you are loved and cared about here so much. you can and will kick this disease and the cravings in the butt. we will all do our best to help.

Thank you so much Terri, you really dont know how much that means to me, like mj i have a problem opening up and sharing and also trusting, but you lot are slowly helping me regain my trust in humanity (humans aint all twats but this has been my thought pattern for so long, i'm just starting to break out of it and thanx everyone for helping me with this)
Oh lordy lord, its nearly 1pm here so i'm gonna have to get ready for the gym then work, again terri thanks so much for your support, its priceless xxx
MAKE SURE YOU have a great clean day. and in about an hour feeeeel the burn x
Catch ya later, love ya

Good morning.....anybody still here?
Just signing off but i could'nt leave without wishing you goodmorning Carol
xxx Hope your having a nice morning xxx
p.s. can you see my new avatar? now i know how to change em i keep swapping and changing cos i'm easliy board xxx