Good Morning

Hey a personal trainer terri thats so cool.good morning tummy is acting up but Im ik,.how are my buds this morning???mj
yay its MJ,

i'm just beautimus. i am so sorry you feel icky. thats no fun. we're gonna have to sing the boner song or something to cheer you up. yeah and i even checked out achurch in my area to visit on sunday woah i am stepping way outta my box huh?

ooooooooo gabbs !!

please do send mine is i know i promised molly some pics to i'll send you guys my photo album link

I'm so proud of ya Terri well done girl xxx Mj have you thought about taking a renne (ant acid thingy) that helps me with tummy ache? or is it that twat walter?
huh whered the im go????
Good morning Gabbi,No I think no I know its my chrons acting up + I havent eaten in a not from drugs remember I said my throat hurts?Well I get scar tissue in my throat & right now it just hurts too much to eat.It will pass though,,,mj
gabbi I would love to give you my e if you send me yours Ill mail ya mine okay dokay pokay

wow wow chica your a beauty, very cool aura pic. i will forward them to molly for ya and skits is a hotty : )

Make sure you look after yourself Mj, even if you just make sure you drink plenty of water xxx
I've just sent about 20 mails to terri (they kept on getting returned) but i think she's got em now, i'm a little scared to put my email addy on the forum cos its my full name, has terri got your email addy if so terri could you send me mols addy then i can send them to ya mj and you'll get my address xxx
Terri could you make sure Mj gets my address, and skitz is a hottie but not me, no i mean yes i am a hottie lol
oh yeah and now i see why you say yu have to sort your hair out!!! you have lots to sort and its very pretty by the way gabbs. if i didnt know better i would never have pictured you with your past history. you are a shining star my friend

No Terri, that 1st pic is when i was about 19yrs old and i had a full head of dredds, the one with my mum and dads a recent one and my hair is about 1 1/2 inches long now (had to shave it all off when my dredds got so long they were just breaking off at the roots) and it takes me longer to do my hair now than it did back then when i had BIG hair !!!!!
Gabbi my goodness you are as beautiful outside as well as in.I am SO glad we are becomming friends.You & terri are so important to me.Terri can you send gabbi my e.Mine is the same gabbi with my name so I try to be careful
Me too mj, you never know whos out there, we need to set up msn emails or summat so we dont have to put our names as our email, but i cant figure that one out, its taken me allll morning just to scan and send those pics!!!! The one with me and my mum and dad is the most recent one xxx I'd love to see some of you, i've seen Terri and yes she is a little hottie, i imagine you to be a little red head (due to your avatar i think).

I am soooo please Terri you got your bottie out and have made progress to joining the gym, let me tell yas where i have to go today?? the dentist ARGHH!!!! I hate the dentist but have had tooth ache and i desperatley need some dental work doing Sob Sob!!!! I've avoided it for years but i am biteing the bullet and am going today at 2.40pm so wish me look, i terrified!!!!!
Gabbi I hate the dentist I mean they have to knock me out just to get me there.A REAL HORRAR STORY WITH THAT...

no worries, i'm sending all my good vibes and prayers your way. the dentist will be fine. i promise. oh and i relooked yep loved the dreads. but your hair looks awesome now too. you look like halley barry with short hair and thats a compliment i think she is naturally gorgeous.

gabs Im gonna send ya some pics so stand by OK...mj
Good morning ladies (&gents?) - Hows everyone doing this morning?

Hey Molly - why in the world would you say you feel left out on the other "get together" thread? Where are you again, is it NY? Well, Tinas in Jersey and she's coming, so hook up with her. Liz is in NY too, maybe she might want to come - who knows - we still have a long time to plan, so please dont feel left out:o( that makes me feel bad. Dont you think it would be fun EVERYONE is invited - Carols coming, I believe, so nobody is to feel left out, OK???

Anyhow, I dont know if you guys know my little one Tony (9) has got the flu virus and his mommy has a throat infection!!!! So we're just having a good ol time down here in sunny FL. Actually, we got a little sleep last night since the doc gave him the meds. His fever went up to 104.2!!! I freaked. Anyway, everybody's doing much better now.

How's everyone else doing today, and who has a personal trainer - thats not fair, just like my 20 year old daughter has one, as if she needs one. I guess thats what keeps her in shape, tho!
Why thank you miss terri, i'm very please with that compliment, but i think you've got sleep in your eyes sweetie lol
Yeah Mj, last time i went to the dentist they had to knock me out, and low and behold they couldnt find a bloody vein, they even tried the bottom of my legs!!! No sh!t, they ended up going in my neck!!! it was a real traumatic experiance, so now i'm even scared of going to get knocked out...................take deep breaths gabs, deep breaths, i am sh!tting myself, but it needs to be done x
Good morning Marie, xxx hope your okay today xxx