Good Morning

Hi all.I know miss gabbis around...THANK GOODNESS she wont let you guys in my stuff.I cant wait tp hear of her trip
It looks like its going to be a nice one in NY today.My rugger has the day off so a nice day will be cool
So whos here?I know iys early but.....
I had a great trip, but couldnt get online at all so couldnt mail ya, and then last night when i got back the server I use was down so I couldnt log on again, its just come back up about 15mins ago!!!! But I'm back now x x x
I've not really had time to catch up, so anything interesting happend?
I've just mailed ya x
Well froggy update, the frogs spawns sunk?? and i cant see any tadpoles? we shall see x
I had such a wonderful time with my nieces, my brother recons I need to get a job working with kids cos he says I'm totally on there level!!!! lol wich is true, and I do love kids, as long as I can hand em back x
Ok you English Lass WHAT THE HECK did you say bout the frogs?Its been pretty norm around here.No fights,no hits,no errors.Which is the way I like it.So what did you do who did you see?Is Skizty home by you?HUGGY HUGGY.I missed you alot & Ive been OK.Just really tired &b area has a large part flooded so I guess I had fun looking at everything.Funny how different things look under water....
Wow Floods huh, they can be such a nightmare!!!
Yeah Skitz is back home with me, she's been giving me the cold shoulder, which she will for a couple of days then she'll be okay again!!
I tell ya Mj, Germany is a lovely country, everything is so clean, not like grotty ole levenshulme!!! I had a wonderful time due to my nieces but my sister in law is the most self centered person I have ever met, I've never seen anything like it, but she's my bro's wife so i have to just grin and bear it, and she has given him 3 beautiful kids x

How brave am I??? I got up this a.m. and on the calendar it sez dentis this morning so I rung em and I was about 10mins late for the appt, but the receptionist said just come round now, so at last I've had the grotty tooth pulled!!!! YEY NO MORE PAIN !!!
gabs Im very very proud of you sweets my puter is going wonky so I will have to try again later.Could you please take over the ,morning post & I will try to get back in a bit???Sorry chia blame this damn MACHINE!!!!!!
I totally understand mj, but you got mail sweety xxx

Good morning girls gabs nice to knw your back safe and well and at last no more pain. jackie xxx
Great to see ya (well post to ya lol) hope alls been okay while I've been away, its been a nightmare not being able to get online!! and I am glad to be back x
Mornin' Yall

One day away and I was missing ya already
LOL@K jackie xx
Morning K,
How are you doing? I've been away and I'm trying to catch up but its taking me forever, so let me know how you are x

Hey Lassy, how are you? I 've missed ya'....we all have. Good job on the dentist, and Skitz will come around, my dog used to do the same thing. Blazer used to unpack my stuff if I was going on a trip, I used to get so pissed at her, and she thought it was funny......I guess it was.

So glad you are back!

Morning Mols and Kaela and whoever else is up and around

Yall I feel so bad for stacy... we gotta get through to her FAST. Her addict voice is loud and clear and I dont even remotely hear it changing. Have ya'll spoken with her? Know her better? So concerned with her.

Redd, did it so happen that you got pregnant AFTER getting clean or did you have to cold turkey it?

Hey Gabbi, you were missed. The situation I was in took care of itself, as the DR said it would. Im not giving it any though.... guilt, remore, sadness, anything in regards to it because I was never pregnant anyway. If I didn't know my period to the day I would have never even noticed probably. It happens to alot of girls and they just think it is a heavy cycle. I latch onto to stuff to feel guilty about. I have made the conscience decision, this will not be one of them. From now on, I only allow myself to harbor guilt over stuff I have control over. Ironically, guilt seems to be a thing of the past.
Great to see ya, how is our little mum to be? have you had any sickness or cravings yet?

and K, let me know how YOU are x

I feel bad too Kaela, I hope she gets through, thing is, shes so young, its hard to get to her.

I was clean for 10 weeks, when I found out I was pregnant. But I would have gone cold turkey if I had to, did it once already.


Feelin Good Gabs, I fall a little more in love with this bambino every day, which I don't think its possible to love this kid anymore than I do, and then the next day comes, and yep, I love 'em a little bit more.

I'm eating clementine oranges by the bushels right em

I know you would have. And she has not even the desire to taper. Is this my business? I suppose, it is publicly posted but I want to drive to her house and yank her up and talk to her. I am so beside myself about this.

Mostly, because of you.... we have gotten close enough that I would FREAK if you relapsed. I hear how happy you are to have that baby inside you. I WANT HER TO WANT THAT MORE THAN THE PILLS. God, how could she not. I know now what yall mean by 'addict voice'. I didn't know what that meant until mine went away.

Relapsings not an option for me Kaela, too much guilt would play in my head....justifiable guilt too.

All we can do is give her time and hope she truly tapers.

Good Morning MJ, and all...yes here in MD I think they said 75, and tomorrow, 80!!!!!!! Finally open windows..sooo what's new? I have to put the kiddies on the bus, so I will be back in about 15 minutes..Love and hugs to all..Kim


how was the game Redd?

GABBI..........YOU WILL NOT BELIEVER HOW MUCH WE MISSED YOU. THERE WAS A BIG VOID IN THE COFFEE SHOP EVERYDAY YOU WERE GONE! I am happy to hear you had a good trip. Now don't leave again, and get out of Molly's purse!

Hey K! Sup?