Good Morning

TIna, I got it, thanks, and I will reply soon. Hubby is talking and distracting me.
Tina ENJOY your day you sound like you could get into it Take Care...mj
Hi Tina, I hope you have a great weekend!! Open those windows and keep on rockin!

We gave Latte cat nip for the first time last night Nat, me and my son had a good laugh on that one, we hid it in her scratcher thing, she went nuts, pretty amusing for us anyway.

Good Morning Everyone. It should be 75 here in Tampa today.
Redd, I am glad you wrote that letter on Carol's behalf. I was thinking everything your wrote, so thanks!
Carol, How are you today? Did you sleep well last night???
MJ, What's up when is your doctor's appt?
Nat and Tina How are you today? Any plans for the weekend?

Thanks Nat.........I have paid dearly for doing it, but still think it was the right thing to do.

The garden is calling my name today. Still kinda cool here but I feel the need to get some dirt under my nails. I am still a little nervous after coming face to face with that snake the other day.........I'll have to keep my shovel near by. I should have left his dead body there as an example to the rest of them. haha

I am going to get up and try to make the most of this day I have to myself. My husband announced last night with the demise of our business, he has decided he is just going to retire......WTF? It will take much getting used to, but it will be a new chapter of our lives and should be fun. But I need to make the most of these days alone while I have them. You all have a great day and I'll talk to you later. Take care of yourselves, beaners..........I love you all.
i'm so tired of feeling tired, and this buzzing in my head is driving me hearing is so sensitive...i have to be in work by 11:30, also accepted 2 Broker Price Opinion jobs...just have to get pics this afternoon...those BPO's are relatively easy money, driveby, take pics, find comps and post suggested price, they will give me some $ for groceries...seriously thinking bout finishing this pack of cigs then going to the patch...

arrrggh, joints are very sensitive this morning...dang fibromyalgia

ha! found 6 patches...looks like a good day to quit smoking!
Good morning Rae My appointment is on the 28th.Thats just the start of the surgery dance but Im hopen within a month it will be over with.
The weather here looks good today too.So Ill be around if anyome wants to chat...mj
i pray that surgery will give you some relief MJ...

i went back and reread that post about mstoxic....can't believe i got sooo angry and ugly with her...

my apologies to gabbi, i hope i didn't get you too mad at me...
Hey Mj,
Keep me posted on your doctor's appt. I hope everything goes okay for you.
Janet, Thanks for the pic's. Little kenneth is getting big and is such a handsome lil baby boy!
Redd, that is too funny about the cat nip. They do love that stuff, don't they? Mine goes bonkers, too. I imagine that's what I looked like when I was using. Not a pretty picture!!

Rae, hb is golfing tom and Sun. we're going to de-winterize our boat. Suppose to be warmer on Sun., so that's good. That's the plans -- also, we have a b-day party to go to tonight. Should be fun, think we'll see a lot of people we haven't seen in a while.

T-mom, I know you've paid dearly and if I can take any of the brunt from you, I will. You did do the right thing. Thank you again!

Morning Rae,

I think we all are a little attached to Carol, to everyone for that matter.


don't worry about it Janet, we all can get caught up in it.....I wondor what she thought though when she was blocked. I really hope she can get help.

Carol, tell me about that snake. If it was a black snake you killed a perfectly good snake. They eat bugs and mice and are non-poisonous. Now a copperhead or rattler is a different story. We have all three kinds here in the mountains where we live. Seen a bunch (killed) of copperheads. They won't attack you like a rattler will, but if you accidently disturb them, they will bite and it is nasty. But black or sometimes called garden snakes are good for the environment. I take it you don't like snakes? Don't get me wrong, I'm not fond of them, but the black snakes are harmless.
this is truly "a circle of friends" and i am proud to be one of them

well, y'all, today is the day...will finish this pack of cigs, i have 6 patches and about 10 days worth of wellbutrin...i'm tired of cheating and stealing to get my cigs...time to kick 'em, the 6 patches i will split in half, cause i remember them getting my jittery before with a full patch

i'm sure that they contribute to this chronic fatigue syndrome....
GOODMORNING again everyone,
I went to put my gardening stuff away and got collard by my dad, who's had me replanting stuff!!!!
Boy you lot can chat x
Let me go play catch up x
welcome back gabbs...i hope you aren't too angry with me...that poster brought out the worst in everyone...glad to see her blocked...

i'll bet she'll find somewhere else to spread her poison
Anyone -- catch me up -- what happened with someone getting blocked? Is it who I think it is? When did this happen and why did Redd have to write a letter for Carol? Curiousity killed the cat, and satisfaction brought it back!!

good luck with that Janet. I went right back to smoking this weekend myself, so I know howe hard it is. I need to quit myself....again.

Im still around but Im IMing with my x husbansd but Ill keep poppin my head in here OK