Good Morning

OH MY GOODNESS NY is FREEZEN today.I think its only 32.I thought spring was here?
I guess we must've pinched the spring? cos its warm here in manchester UK x
Hope you're okay today? how was the fishin?


Well GGGGGood morning Mj, freezing here too 35 in Maryland. Where oh where did spring go????? How is your throat today? Can't stay on long, gotta get the kids movin for school! Back to the heavy, Have a great day everyone! Love and hugs, Kim
good morning nice 52 and up to 80 today her in sc. Summer is coming quick.

How is everyone this am?

Love ya
Morning Molly and Gabbi......
It is cold here to......but it looks like spring is coming back.....
Hope that you are both well today. Won't be on long, have so much to do.....
Enjoy the day.
Goos morning Tina, Tina and Kim x
I am fine today, I gotta start work a little early so I'll be gone in a
little :( Jeesh I friggin hate my job!!!! BUT I am making baby steps to change it x

So how is everyone?? and has anyone heard from Tink(Terri??) I hope its her internet connection again Tink you are missed babe x x x
Hi glad to hear from all.I think when my daughter heads to school Im gonna head to bed.I know how poor vinny feels I get maybe 4 hrs a nite
Hello Ladies, Here in the west it is finally supposed to be nice today. Never have we had such a cold wet spring. Early here yet. Up in the night. Into
Morning to all!

The South is a little cool too!

Another night sleep with no help, YEAH! Hopefully I can go forward on that now! Today is day 31, looking forward to day 32

Morning beck and Charlie x
wow charlie well done you x
32days here you come x
Good Mornin',
Just wanted to pop in real quick and wish everyone a nice day.
Molly, Gabbi, Tina,Tina, Charlie, ummm, ummm, damn I thought I'd remember!
It's early, I gave it my best shot! To all and anyone else that pops in, have a great day.

Take care..........Bob
Hope you have a brills day x
Bob, have you heard from Terri at all?

I gotta go get ready for work now, so EVERYONE have a top day

Good morning Bob wew hope you have a nice day too.Im sorry Im not really posting but my eyes are bleary & Im sleepy So Ill probaly go lay down l;ater

Yes Gabbi, I talked with her for just a minute last night. I asked her if she was ok and she said yes, she's doin' good. I didn't ask where shes been, I was gonna but I felt like I'd be prying so I'll leave that up to Gina. lol I think Gina is gonna give her a call later on today. Anyway, she says shes fine.

Take care..........Bob
Oh I am pleased she's okay, tell Gi to tell her I said ' Hi and I love her'

Right I really gotta get my botty moving cos I'm in work earlier today x

have a great day x

Oh Mj says she has gone back to bed cos she is very sleepy due to not getting much sleep last night
Mj sending you (((((((((((((ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz's))))))))))))))))))))
goos morning

how is everyone today? i am feeling sad and fuzzy headed. i'm supposed to go to work this afternoon, but i just don't know if i can make it through a normal day.

Morning everyone..

Janet, give yourself a break today. You've had a lot happen in the last 24 hours and your mind and body are still in shock. Detoxing is tough enough without having to worry about work.

You are so lucky to have your husband.... what a releif for you.

don't i know it cowgirl...he has me on a very short leash, which is going to drive me nuts, but i feel better that i don't have to face it alone...i'm counting down the days until monday, not planning on any work. i have told him that any checks i get go directly to him. i started smoking yesterday, sad that i had almost 3 weeks off of them, but i feel that i need a crutch. he is angry at me for that. i guess i need something. doc put me on gabritil and klonopin (higher dosage) slept yesterday away, i look forward to monday and a gestapo like program, but it's what i need at this time. i am determined to stay away from my DOC, this time, and i am glad that i will have support there. i'm depressed and trying to get back to a normal life.

i'm hoping he will let will let me out to bring my daughter to the DA's office to clear her driving w/o a license charge, she forgot to bring it with her and got a ticket for it.
I know how you feel, doll and I'm so happy for you. You are going ot get through this. I remember my husband watcing me like a hawk and you know what, I let him. I just let go and let him drive the bus for awhile. Felt good to not have to be in control. There were times though, when my extremely strong personality shone through and I would get pissed at him for smothering me. But it's ok, I got over it and found out is was so much easier to not have to make decisions for awhile.

I had quit smoking in 1985 and then when I went to treatment in 2000, I started again (EVERYONE smoked there). Thought my husband would kill me. For awhile there, it seemed he was madder about the smoking than the drugs. I finallly had my counsellor talk to him. He was f***ing with my sobriety by making such a huge deal over it. He excepts it now. It's my cross to bear, not his.

I'm so excited for you, have so much to be grateful for and so many wonderful things ahead of you.

Hey Janet;

I know all about the short leash, but as CG said, it's best to let it go for now. In my experience I jeapordized the welfare of my whole family with my reckless spending, stealing, etc. I really gave my wife no choice a few months ago. And yes there were moments when I resented it, after all I make more money, etc. But that was my ego talking. I had to accept the consequences for my actions, humble myself I guess, and just let it go.

I've realized I was such a selfish and dishonest person - always squirrelling away money for my own use (mostly to buy pills or gamble). Now I'm working with my wife to ensure all money is accounted for. The leash has been loosened up recently as the trust continues to be restored.

It feels really good to be living an honest life - I am working with a good counselor to understand the thinking behind my previous behaviors, and between that and sharing with my friends in AA/NA I'm so much better off today than I was a few months ago. I've realized that I really have everything I need. Life is really good.

Good luck to you!
