Good Morning...

Good Morning All!!!! How are you feeling today molly?
Good morning.........anyone still around?
good morning crissy, good morning carol
hey carol sorry if im out of breath, just ran back in from outside, i was waiting for the delivery truck, kind of hungry this morning lol

Sorry, you can quit waiting, it's not coming today. Besides, you would be waiting on the mailman.............LOL I have been such a slacker lately, too much going on, so I try not to do anything. Does that make sense?

How are you today? So you didn't get too much sleep again, huh? Too bad. That's tough when you have to work.
makes perfect sense to me im the same way.. no not much sleep last night, but still dont feel to bad, i got enough to get by. and tonights another opportunity.
how are you doing. hope things arent too stressfull. kids are home here for the summer too, that always adds extra chaos to our lives,, love em to death but sometimes that school routine is comforting.

How old are your kids? Mine are 23 (daughter) and 9 (son). My son really keeps me on my toes. GO, go , go. Actually, right now he is talking about going to work with his dad today, what a joy that would be. I love the little booger, but man, he can wear me out! Think I will go and put my 2 cents into that conversation.......and help him get ready. Be right back.
lol,, good luck, mine are 16 (daughter) and 7 (son) brandi and jake. and yeah there a controversie a minute, but they also add meaning to life. the girl just left for the amusement park with her friends today, the boy is sitting her watching spongebob, man i hate that show.
LOL Spongebob is pretty funny in my book. Lots of adult humor.

Alone at last. He went to hang with Dad today. There is much to do at dad's company for a little boy so he has fun going to work with him. Maybe I can accomplish something here with him gone.

A 16 year old daughter....I have many wonderful memories of my daughter and her high school years, but I sure am glad we are past all the drama. She graduated from college last year and now lives on her own in the city. You have a lot to look forward to with your daugher. Enjoy these years, they go so fast!
good for you. sometimes alone time is the best. yeah i know these years go fast, i am so proud of her too, she really is a great kid. good in school, has a job for over a year. and helps around the house and with her little brother. what a kid,, but oh the drama of highschool. its too much for me sometimes.

you must be so proud of your daughter, she live in atlanta? where did she go to college?
Hey lone wolf, did you not try the melatonin. It definitely works on me. Please give it a try. Hey M.J. I feel the same way about my kitties. I put them in the basement last might because the storms in K.C. were horrible (70 mph winds). I wanted to make sure they were down there so all I had to worry about was my son and I. Don't fret on the not smoking, it might just not be the right time. I know you want to quit and that's a huge 1st step, next comes "the when". Just cut back everyday, kind of like we do on tapering with the drugs. You are not a loser or a bad person cause you are having a hard time. Like I said before, this is worse than quitting drugs, at least I think. Have a great day.
Hey Carol how are you? Any plans for today?
no didnt have a chance to go to the store worked a twelve hour day. i plan on stopping on the way in this morning though. probably could have used it last night. the smoking thing is incredibly hard. i have gone completly overboard these last two weeks smoking more than ever. im trying to be attentive to how much, but it seems pretty hopeless for me. molly probably has the right idea with the way shes going about it, but that truly is the hardest addiction ive ever encountered. i did have to quit once before i could have my gastric bypass surgery. you have to be quit for six weeks before they will do the surgery. they had me scheduled but one day called me to ask if i wanted to move my time up a little and i had to quit on the spot. somehow that time it wasnt all that hard. i guess that should tell me something im not sure what. the wierd thing though is as soon as i was recovered and back at work i saw a group of guys outside smoking and just walked up and lit up. (how stupid is that?) oh well i have to start getting ready for work. you all be good . ill be on at work all afternoon at least monitoring and mayby posting a little depending on how busy we are. take care.

Hey Donna and Chrissy, how are you? Chrissy, we haven't talked lately, are things going well for you? How is Maddi?

Donna I saw there were some pretty bad storms in your area last night. Hope you and yours are OK. I HATE tornados!

No plans today. Cade went to work with dad, so I will probably just catch up on laundry, yardwork, etc. I love just hanging out at home and doing my "chores". These days it is a priviledge to just stay home. Seems like we are up and running somewhere every day since school got out, so I will enjoy being a housewife today. LOL

Yes, we are all O.K. but when I went out this morning to get the paper, there was alot of trees down. The lightening was horrible, which I hate more than anything.
Lone wolf, probably the reason it was so easy to quit that one time before surgery is because you knew you had to or you wouldn't be able to have the procedure. I think it's always easier to quit something when you have something big to quit over. Of course, one time I quit over a guy. Now I look back and think, that wasn't a big deal!!!!
Carol everything is great with us. I am working day for the next two weeks. I get off at 5:00 instead of 8:00 so I am happy.