Goos & Gone

Oh my friends Im sorry to do this.So much has been going on but at least Im facing it all sober & clear headed & leaving alot in Gods hands.
Yesterday while at work I got a phone call from my sister telling me my 9 yr old nephew stopped breathinhg!!!...My sister not being the type to keep it together meant I was neeeded.I will give all fair warning.There is a NEW STRAIN OF WHOOPING COUGH that the old vaccine doesnt touch.Thankfully his bloodwork & such is ok & they are sending him home today but Ill be between up here & thier apt until I pick Anne & her BF up.
I never thoughth this day would be here where my time on this board was so limited.But I will say Im feeling strong,& able.
As most know I covered for my boss last week & they were so impressed that they are paying me for the whole week.It feel so good to get paid for something you love.
Anyways...anyone who would like to try & call today(jodigirl)etc...please try.I NEVER want to loose touch with the people(you guys)I hold so dear to me.I love you & hope soon I can exhale enough to wake up with you all I miss our Goos.
love molly
goos amd goodbye molly jean!
that is how my life is everyday, run run run! i am so happy to have a free morning and afternoon today, but tonight is dinner/handbell practice at church i rarely get a day where there is no where to have to go or do something.
i LOVE those days!
it is 24 degrees at 9 am and sunny in illinois, java and i have the same weather, were both in Illinois..
kee kee has me yearning for hawaii..i got the pleasure of visiting there once, i am afraid to fly now.. especially over the ocean that long! since molly is busy today i will continue with the goos for her.... WHERE ARE YOU BEANERS?????? TIME TO MEET FOR A CUPPA COFFEE!

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goos morning mj..............

goos morning everyone...............


jewels................will you please pray for my brother he is in surgery right now,
for his hand, he broke it .........

please jewels..........
Goos morning all!

MJ, I hope your nephew is feeling okay really soon!

dear heavenly Jesus name please comfort thumper right now Lord, she is anxious about her brother being in surgery guide the surgeons hands to perform the best job possible to mend his broken bone. help her brother to be awakened by your angels who guard and protect us and dear sweet Jesus heal the broken bone after the surgery, thank you Lord for the gift of my sweet friend thumper, thank you for bringing her into my life, she is so much like you Lord, loving, kind, forgiving, thoughtful... Lord she is so deserving, if it be your will bless thumper and her husband with the gift of a healthy baby. thank you for the love she has for her brother, her mother, her husband and winnie too! Dear Lord i also ask that you be with all of the addicts on this board and all that are not, please keep us clean...and i give you thanks for the clean time that we have. thank you Lord for awakening us this morning and for giving us another day of life with our families and our animals. in your Son's precious name we pray and give you thanks almighty Father. i love you Jesus! amen
what happened to your brothers hand?
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((thumper and winnie))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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thank you jewels.............

i just prayed for brina's nephew also..............

thank you so so so so much jewels...........
i will never ever forget how you prayed for winnie when i was in flordia.........
i will never forget the kindness and support you give me........
my husband thanks you.............he is right here.......

when my mom gets here i will read this to her..........
i know she will cry........
thank you so much...*kiss*..*Hug*............

i pray for mj's nephew................

thank God we have each am thankful

thank you
your welcome honey!
i am honored that you feel that way about me.... yes i remember when you were in florida, cuz i understand what it feels like to love and miss an animal. what month was that you went to florida?
what happened to your brothers hand? jewels
i am here at my moms house and i just read this prayer to her jewels....
she had tears coming out, she said how nice and kind of you....

thank you....

my brother said everyone at the surgery center was so kind to him and he is doing great........
he has his GF and she is there with him, and helping him...

God Bless you and your family..............