I am a ice pop here in NY.Goodness when I woke up it was ONLY -2 out!!! Not good!Im sitting here with 3 layers on & Im still so cold.
Wheres the beaners & thier coffee to wake me up???
Goos Morning Mj,
It is cold here in AZ, but not as cold as where you are. I am freezing though. I hate being cold. I am used to being warm or hot.
So how have you been?
It is cold here in AZ, but not as cold as where you are. I am freezing though. I hate being cold. I am used to being warm or hot.
So how have you been?
LOL Hi Steph Im sorry we must of posted at the same time!!!I was getting lonely
Im doing really good thank you.How are you miss preggers??/Ive missed so much by being gone just one week but it was worth it.
I dont mean to brag I really dont but yesterday I recieved a check for what I did last week & honest I get teary eyed thinking of it.To be paid to do something I love doing...well what could be better?Ill tell you what.The beautiful thank you card I recieved from the head of AWAN.
See AWAN is a non for profit place thats why I volenteer.Whatever $$ we get goes for our babie(cats)so to get what I got meant so much
Enough about me how are you sweety?Hopw are you feeling?If you still have my addy Id love to hear how your world is going???
Im doing really good thank you.How are you miss preggers??/Ive missed so much by being gone just one week but it was worth it.
I dont mean to brag I really dont but yesterday I recieved a check for what I did last week & honest I get teary eyed thinking of it.To be paid to do something I love doing...well what could be better?Ill tell you what.The beautiful thank you card I recieved from the head of AWAN.
See AWAN is a non for profit place thats why I volenteer.Whatever $$ we get goes for our babie(cats)so to get what I got meant so much
Enough about me how are you sweety?Hopw are you feeling?If you still have my addy Id love to hear how your world is going???
I am feeling ok, I just can't seem to wake up enough in the mornings. I am always late to drop off my son to school. It doesnt matter, but I just feel so tired and lazy.
I know what you mean about getting paid for something you love to do. I used to go to my grandmas and shop for her, give her meds to her and fix her breakfast. I did all of this for free. Now I get paid to do it and I appreciate it a lot. It actually helps me get through the weeks that my husband doesnt get paid.
I still have your address, I just need to get my butt in gear and write you.
I know what you mean about getting paid for something you love to do. I used to go to my grandmas and shop for her, give her meds to her and fix her breakfast. I did all of this for free. Now I get paid to do it and I appreciate it a lot. It actually helps me get through the weeks that my husband doesnt get paid.
I still have your address, I just need to get my butt in gear and write you.
Goos morning MJ and Steph...brrrr MJ...that's snot freezin' weather!
Still I wouldn't mind it right now. I remember that sometimes the cold would help with a headache...which I have this morning, not sure if it's sinus or from pain, I've been waking up with little ones, but this one is a bit more owwiee. I had a hard time reading for a few minutes. It's getting better now.
I need to wake up and get my list together because it's shopping day....yippee..
So what is up with everyone today?
Still I wouldn't mind it right now. I remember that sometimes the cold would help with a headache...which I have this morning, not sure if it's sinus or from pain, I've been waking up with little ones, but this one is a bit more owwiee. I had a hard time reading for a few minutes. It's getting better now.
I need to wake up and get my list together because it's shopping day....yippee..
So what is up with everyone today?
Well I can totally understand the tired part huny.Though its been 14 years for me I still remember being so tired.
Id love to hear from you whenever you feel up to it.And if I can help at all if only to listen know Im here ok???
You try to take it easy you got along 9 mths ahead huny!!!
Id love to hear from you whenever you feel up to it.And if I can help at all if only to listen know Im here ok???
You try to take it easy you got along 9 mths ahead huny!!!
Goos Ms J ...I have a pretty easy day today.Some light cleaning & maybe going through Annes dresser & reorganizing.My daughter LOVES those fancy under garmets!!!I swear she needs 2 dresser draws just for her fancy panties!!!! LOL
Im sorry you have a headache.Sinuses huh?I always when I get like that will take the hotest shower I can to help loosen all that stuff.
Annes going into town after school & Ill probaly be taxi mom tonight.THAT does get fustating because Im always the one no other parent seems to care or help out but I guess at least I know they have a safe way home huh?
I know my BIL is suppose to spend a night here sometime this weekend,but other than that......Im here~~~
Im sorry you have a headache.Sinuses huh?I always when I get like that will take the hotest shower I can to help loosen all that stuff.
Annes going into town after school & Ill probaly be taxi mom tonight.THAT does get fustating because Im always the one no other parent seems to care or help out but I guess at least I know they have a safe way home huh?
I know my BIL is suppose to spend a night here sometime this weekend,but other than that......Im here~~~
I've been having these headaches since I used that Zicam stuff quite a while ago...my nose isn't runny, matter of fact I keep having those dry boogers that you have to blow your nose real hard (TMI I know) I swear I will never use that stuff again, I think that it's natural for you to go through the course of a cold, all phases of it, though it was nice not having one.
How is your nephew doing? Didn't he end up in the ER recently? I thought it was you who posted that.
How is your nephew doing? Didn't he end up in the ER recently? I thought it was you who posted that.
Thank you for asking...Yes hes home & it isnt a new strain of whooping cough.They feared that was it but thankfully its not.See hes had Ashma real bad since he was a wee one.So I suppose it is that he has a cold which triggered that barking cough & I guess he didnt totally stop breathing but was turning blue so they admitted him & ran all these test.I heard the little booger runny around downstairs with the puppy last night so that tells me hes on the mend.
Now BOOGERS???Janet isnt it alittle early to discuss crusty hard boogers?Or are they the type that when you finally blow them out it feels as if halk your brain is comming out too...LOL
I know I know GROSSS!!!...but anything goes on the goos except fights right???
Now BOOGERS???Janet isnt it alittle early to discuss crusty hard boogers?Or are they the type that when you finally blow them out it feels as if halk your brain is comming out too...LOL
I know I know GROSSS!!!...but anything goes on the goos except fights right???
Heeheehee...you got it...I lose half my brains every morning! I need to start using the bottle of saline that I have next to my bed, it's not doing any good sitting there.
Glad to hear the little guy is on the mend. Dylan used to get those barky coughs at least 3 times a year. He has a scrip for Zyrtec and I give it to him when he starts to get real congested. I think they grow out of it. Heavens, I just realized my son is going to be a tween on Valentines day...my baby is growing up...12 this year...
Glad to hear the little guy is on the mend. Dylan used to get those barky coughs at least 3 times a year. He has a scrip for Zyrtec and I give it to him when he starts to get real congested. I think they grow out of it. Heavens, I just realized my son is going to be a tween on Valentines day...my baby is growing up...12 this year...
Boy Janet DO I KNOW THAT FEELING.I swear sometimes I look at Anne & Im amazed at how grown up she seems & how beautiful she is!!!I know I know all moms say that but you gotta admit shes pretty.
She still has those stupid teen moments but Im very proud of the young woman shes becomming.Shes pulled grades up,wants to work,keeps her room picked up!!!
A Tween huh?Geez it does go so fast.....or maybe we are just getting to be old farts fast...LOL
She still has those stupid teen moments but Im very proud of the young woman shes becomming.Shes pulled grades up,wants to work,keeps her room picked up!!!
A Tween huh?Geez it does go so fast.....or maybe we are just getting to be old farts fast...LOL
I'm still in the middle age portion of being an old fart...lol...though I'm going to graduate soon...
Dylan brought home two D's this past semester, needless to say he is studying a bit more now. His Daddy is really good about studying with him. I suck at Math, so that's always been his Dad's deal. I do better at English. Dylan is not going over to his friends for the next 6 weeks, hopefully that punishment will make him start working on his grades. But now I have to listen to "I'm bored" every 10 minutes...Oh, joy!
Well y'all, it's time to dunk my butt and get ready to go to town...everyone have a great day!
Dylan brought home two D's this past semester, needless to say he is studying a bit more now. His Daddy is really good about studying with him. I suck at Math, so that's always been his Dad's deal. I do better at English. Dylan is not going over to his friends for the next 6 weeks, hopefully that punishment will make him start working on his grades. But now I have to listen to "I'm bored" every 10 minutes...Oh, joy!
Well y'all, it's time to dunk my butt and get ready to go to town...everyone have a great day!
Just wanted to say Ms J 2+2 is still 5 to me LOL English has always been my best though at times I cannot spell for nothing...MIND FARTS
Have a GOOS day my friend & try not to over do it ok?
Ill probaly be around after chores later.Maybe we'll talk than.
Ok gotta say it
Tina....etc Whats happen to the Goos is it GONE???
Have a GOOS day my friend & try not to over do it ok?
Ill probaly be around after chores later.Maybe we'll talk than.
Ok gotta say it
Tina....etc Whats happen to the Goos is it GONE???
Goos Morning everyone....................
Mj, janet, stephy, kim, tina, doug, jeffery, java, stace.................
thanking fo you all............
have a beautifull day..........
it was below zero last night and now its 16 degrees.............
so its real real cold here.........snow and everything..
i dont like it.......my legs burn when i walk into the hospital , its a long walk from the employee parking lot..........and the sun is gone today.
God Help me today.............
i have to work , i have been working all week........
so i have to get ready, i am picking up thai food for me and my best freind....
today for for our lunch....its been so busy at work...and barely have time to go pee.........alot of us hold it until we cant hold it anymore.........
we skip our breaks and lunches because we get so busy....
prayers for you all...............
Mj, janet, stephy, kim, tina, doug, jeffery, java, stace.................
thanking fo you all............
have a beautifull day..........
it was below zero last night and now its 16 degrees.............
so its real real cold here.........snow and everything..
i dont like it.......my legs burn when i walk into the hospital , its a long walk from the employee parking lot..........and the sun is gone today.
God Help me today.............
i have to work , i have been working all week........
so i have to get ready, i am picking up thai food for me and my best freind....
today for for our lunch....its been so busy at work...and barely have time to go pee.........alot of us hold it until we cant hold it anymore.........
we skip our breaks and lunches because we get so busy....
prayers for you all...............
Hey Thumper work work work.I need to get an email from you soon as your last one had me....worried.Id like to hear how things are going & YOU beautiful lady are one friend I DO NOT want to loose touch with.
love you
love you
Well its time for me to get moving,chores,phone calls etc.....Ill try to pop back in later.If I dont I hope everyone has a nice day & a great weekend.
Love molly
Love molly
Thanks thumper for thinking of me and asking where i am!!!
More than i can say for my sis MJ. Hmph.
More than i can say for my sis MJ. Hmph.
Hey you little spit fire...Arent I intitled to mind farts???I have written a couple times miss spit fire & UMMMMM I just wrote now before I signed off!!!! So RASBERRIES!!!! Who loves ya huny???/
LOVE MJ...Silly spit fire!!!!
LOVE MJ...Silly spit fire!!!!
hmph is right!!! what are we chopped liver????
lol. my post didnt go thru that i sent an hour ago, guess its because i fell asleep at the computer.
it was 22 degrees when i posted earlier but now its 32 degrees.
i have to work today at plaza designs, my 2nd job, the nursing home job which was my 3rd job didnt work out, they wouldnt pay me, but i have another job offer at another nursing home, i enjoy styling and cutting hair for the elderly...disabled too.
thumper email me, tell me whats going on, mj said shes worried about you. i am here to listen honey
i just got out of the shower, thought that would wake me up, i kept falling asleep!
the computer is like a sleeping pill for me lately, since this has been happening i decided to see it i could give up taking sleeping pills and its worked! 7 nights now.,. i have been taking pills for sleep for years and i figured if i am falling asleep at the computer, then i certainly dont need to take anything.
well better get my butt in gear and get to work goos!
lol. my post didnt go thru that i sent an hour ago, guess its because i fell asleep at the computer.
it was 22 degrees when i posted earlier but now its 32 degrees.
i have to work today at plaza designs, my 2nd job, the nursing home job which was my 3rd job didnt work out, they wouldnt pay me, but i have another job offer at another nursing home, i enjoy styling and cutting hair for the elderly...disabled too.
thumper email me, tell me whats going on, mj said shes worried about you. i am here to listen honey
i just got out of the shower, thought that would wake me up, i kept falling asleep!
the computer is like a sleeping pill for me lately, since this has been happening i decided to see it i could give up taking sleeping pills and its worked! 7 nights now.,. i have been taking pills for sleep for years and i figured if i am falling asleep at the computer, then i certainly dont need to take anything.
well better get my butt in gear and get to work goos!