Goos Friday Morning

Im late for work,but wanted to stop in and say hello to everyone.I hope you all have a nice sunny Friday.Its supposed to be nicer here today,im hoping so.

I DID get my patio furniture out and totally cleaned my screened in back porch(we store stuff out there all winter,took 4 hours to empty it out except for the furniture and stuff that belong there!),the tv is working out there,so is the stereo.Im looking so forward to it getting warm enough in the evening to go out there and sit and feel the breeze,read a book....i just keep telling myself...its patient!

Have a great day everybody~KIM
Hi kim patients is a virtue so im told lol like you i cant wait for the warmer weather it makes us feel so much betttttttteeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr jaxxxxxxxxx
goos friday morning all! yes! warmer weather, i cant wait!
the weather gets warm and teases us then the temperatures drop again.
my daffodils are in full bloom, i walked around the yard yesterday and i have new growth everywhere! peonies, hostas, day lilies and my clematis are up about an inch. my crocus are done for the year next i have to rake up doggy poop as i havent been out since fall to do that and i have 3 dogs!
my kitty is staring out the bay window looking for mr and mrs malard duck to arrive, soon i will hear a splash and they will take their daily swim on my pool cover. i think i hear her squawking now! anyway have a goos day everyone and God bless you all user posted image