Goos Friday...

It is a frigid goos here...0 degrees right now...brrrrrrrrrrrr...
Hope you all have a great day...

Have a good one doug,and everyone else.Im late for work,gotta run! Maybe i can sneak in(here) while im there,lol.~KIM
Hey Doog..since the Pack is golfing and since you aren't doing anything this weekend, how about rearranging your sock drawer?
lmao....I will get my payback Sunday night Danny...
LOL u 2 Goos & also Kimber.
I caught up on sleep.Once again the weather man was off.We were suppose to get snow alittle between 3am & 7am...I wake up....NADA!!!!Now the weather channel say oh its suppose to start today!!! Yup Ill believe it when I see it!!.
Figures the night Anne goes into town for a bit we'll get hammered!!!.

Wow sounds like Im *itching huh>?Really Im not just waking up...LOL
well, at least Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring.
Hey Danny Boy do the letters BM mean anything???LOL
How are you?How are those beautiful girls of yours????
Hey MJ- BM?? Now I amm wondering..the kids are going great!
First word BITE!!! LOL YOUR SO SILLY.Im glad to hear they are doing good.Is it me Danny or are our children growing up so fast????Gosh sometimes I miss that sweet baby smell(no not the poopey times)
Danny whats amatter mind fart!!!! Who loves ya!!!!
Ok wheres Steph,Janet sleepy heads!!! Hope Steph is feeling better(((((((((((9hugs to you huny))))))))))))))))))
The rest of yas??/Come on my first free day in????????
Come have Java with me
Speaking of Java...Miss you so much huny!!!
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(((((((((((((((((((((mj, kimber, danny, DOUG))))))))))))))))))))))))
janet, java, stace, stephy, jewels, atlas, tina..

wake up.................

goos morning...........
it is so so cold here.....
my hands hurt from in the bones, cause its so cold........
i just blasted up the heat.........

Hey Thumper...besides freezin your butt off...what new?....

I was just writing a friend thumper & said THE SAME THING.Its so cold my hands hurt!!! I just now cranked the heat up
I asked my sister last night to email me pics of the Puppy I got them...I swear I want him myself but MJ would NOT like that!!!.When she does I want to try & figure how to post his pic he so sweet.
Also we found out yesterday that the dog they had to give away...severed my BIL nerve in his hand.3 of his fingers are starting to(sp)antrophy)so he has to split them & have surgery.Im sad to say I think they ended up putting him down,,,Poor baby
well i am off today, so i am gonna go and spend time with my moma...

yeah.!!!!!!!!.......i love my moma....
i am gona be posting some new pictures of my moma soon on my site..

how about you?

oh and right niw i am watching TYRA
awww............i would love to see th puppy...........
my i also got a space heater from wallmart and when i get real cold...
i put it right by me and sit there until i get HOT.....

its nice , it kinda tall but light, and swings like a fan........

Thumper PLEASE tell mom I said hello & pray shes doing well.Speaking of the puppy Im going to sign off because my sister wants to take him to Pet Smart she needs crickets so Im gonna take a ride...Ill be back all
Love mols
i have to work today and go get pretty as thumper would say!!!
9 degrees here!, german shephard on my feet and a nice toasty electric blanket and fuzzy flannel night gown.
last night i attended a dinner party for a job reunion from the people i worked with in the 80's! how neat to see people from over 20 some years ago. i was a waitress then, the reunion was to celebrate ouf former bosses retirement and selling of the restaurant.
anyway heres the scenario: dj playing, music rockin, lights flashing on the dance floor, open bar, people starting to feel good if you know what i mean and POOR ME!!! this was my first time being sober in over 30 yrs at a party! i shouldnt say poor me as i should be saying good for you julie your sober! but it was HARD! everyone got to party but me is how i felt. i mean i didnt sit there like a bump on a log, i was socially graceful and friendly but inside i wanted to let loose and tie on a good one! like the good ole days when these people i worked with before use to do. it was hard to come to the realization that i can never party again fr the rest of my life. i want to give myself some credit though i have been out to dinner where everyone had cocktails and i drank pop. last week was a bachelorette/bridal shower for which i only attended the shower and told the girls that i couldnt join them at the bar for her bachelorette party, i went home. and last night once again, i just drank pop. i have to learn that i can have fun without a chemical. but it was hard guys.... jewels

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Hey Ya'll.........just wanted to quickly add before I get out of here for the day....
Jewels.......I am sure you were the classest one at the party! Don't worry about not being able to numb your personality with chemicals anymore. It will just make you look much smarter than the rest. We've all been there, and you know it's great to leave the party actually knowing what went on. :-) I'm proud of you.

And where is Java? I have missed her lately, too. Where ever you are, hope you're doing good, Java.

Everyone, have a great Friday!

It's so gloomy in Ga today, not sure I can manage to find any good in this day, but I am going to sure try!
thanks brina baby.........i will make sure i let her see your post, she gets a big big kick out of it........
and makes her smile..........


i dont have to go to work today ! i am so happy about that....
cause i have cramps...ouchie....tummy....

looking forward to going out with moms........

love ya all...........
edit..................((((((((((carol)))))))))))) goos morning