Thumper, I was having just one shot and yesterday I had 5 at my C3,4,5,6 & 7. It feels like I have been lifting weights with my left hand only. The muscle running from my neck to shoulder is very tender. Next step is for them to cauterize the nerves if this doesn't work.
honey, you were a lady last night, you retained your composure and acted like a class act...I was very proud of you.
Thump, I have one grandbaby, Kenny, he is my stepdaughters son. I love him so much. After having 3 boys it's time for me to have a little girl to love. I always wanted a little girl...only problem is that they are so far away. He lives in Omaha, Nebraska.
i am going to my new psych appt. this afternoon and am very nervous.
wish me luck. i hope this is the one for's my third try. is that normal to try that many before you find one you like/?
i'm feeling a little better. i have pushed my biopsy back 2 weeks and now am going on Friday. My dad called raising hell last night about not going but i had a fever and could not go...
goos morning.
first day back at work. have the lysol in one hand, coffee, and antibiotics in the other.
kenny is going to have a buddie to play with........ a little girlie poo..............
litle girls are so God daugher just turned 2....... she refers to herself as "baby"............LOL
when she wants you to pick her up......she says...."baby up"
and she learned sigh language, my bff started teaching her... its truely see such little tiny hands doing sign language.... it brings tears to my eyes....its so cute.
my goodness janet........i am so glad you not working..... you have been through so much with your back..........
FIVE shots.......i am sorry.......i hope you feel better..... take it so easy today.............
ok....i sure hope this one works out.....and i hope that you like him/her... i commend you for doing that stace... i want to go also...i think i would benefit from private couseling....... make sure you get to that appt on friday honey........ thats very important............... i know it's not easy to be at work and not feeling well.....
those clorax wipes are realy good to....i take those to work and wipe down my station and phone.......... and continue to do it through out the day........
stace..........water.........make sure you drink alot of water...please
I've never been so sick in my life, since kaylin started daycare... ick.
thumper, i'll drink some water. and I have got to go Friday. i'm afraid i might have waited too long... i'm scared of the results, i wonder if i'm subconciously making myself ill... ?
stace....... stress and worry can bring on illness......... cause your immune system gets compromised.........
i do believe that..........
if there is anything i can do , please let me know.....
big hug .
i know how it is to have to face something you have faced before.... almost like you dont want to deal with it.......... but thank God that you have health insurance and can go to the doctors and get help..........
Goos morning! "FROG ON A LOG" lol-HAAAAAAHAHAHA! i love your little sayings janet... bunny balls,poopin a cactus..... i hope you feel better today janet and be a frog on a log....i am so SORE too, i had my very first massage yesterday, my triigger points are so sore from him manipulating and pressing them, he said massage is such a healthy thing as it helps the body in so many ways, for me i hope to get the benefit of some anxiety relief. he said as i get used to the massages i wont be as sore. at first it will be 2x a week, then once a week, then once every other week, then once a month. i am very optimistic, the room was SOO comforting. he has a room in my chiro's office, it was all dark with electric candles, aromatherapy, the bed had flannel sheets with a heated matress pad underneath! soothing tapes of waterfalls, etc. it lasted a half hour, man he pushed my shoulders, neck and back hard with his thumb, i guess that relaxes the muscles and helps blood flow and circulation. he wanted me to be totally naked for the massage but i couldnt do it, as i have always been embarrassed about my body. so i only was naked from the waist up. now i think i have a heel spur--plantar facisitis... so chiro is gonna start some electro therapy on my heel, man it hurts to walk on it. i love my chiro, he has helped me with so many pain problems. hi thumper!!!! (((((kiss & a hug)))) stacy, i have never liked any of my physchiatrists! they look at their watch, act like their bored, cant get my kids name correct, i just go get my meds refilled and leave, but i LOVE my new aftercare counselor, i finally found someone i can click with, she is really nice and for the first time i find myself not wanting to cancel my appt and quit. i am willing to continue on with her, i know the feeling well of being nervous about going, and if a person doesnt calm my anxiety and make me feel comfortable to talk about me, than we usually cant connect and i try to find someone else, but like i said in all the years of counselors and psych's, i FINALLY found one i like. we have alot in common too whch helps. well we got some snow last night, now i need to go and snow blow the driveway and back patio for my dogs so it doesnt turn to ice, my doggies are old, 14, 12 and 7, so i always worry they will slip on the ice. jewels i have to do a perm at 1 oclock., than na meeting at 7:30
Thanks for the beautiful goos this mroning Thumper.i know its afternoon,but i wanted to stop in and say hi ,im on my way back out.hope to see you all later~KIM
Jewels...make sure that you drink alot of water, it helps to dilute all of that lactic acid that is released into your system after a massage. I used to go for them too. You have a good afternoon and don't work too hard...a heel spur sounds ouchy...and in your line of work you are on your feet alot...take it easy and rest as much as you can...
Hey, can you get your meds from a therapist/counselor? or do you have to see a psych?
I gotta leave in a few minutes and i'm really really not wanting to go now. lol. i'm going to... i just am beginning to think all Psychiatrists are the same...cause the past couple i've been to are.
I usually keep my comments about them to myself, but i'm paying THEM so if i don't like this one, i'll just tell her.
janet you are so right on target, that is EXACTLY what the massage guy told me, drink tons of water... he said for the pain relief, drink water, i didnt know anything about lactic acid??? i know i have a lot of research to do on massage and its benefits. thumper thankyou for your cute and sweet pictures you posted for me. you are a real gem. stacey, you cant get meds from a counselor/therapist, they are not licensed to do so, their main focus is on talk therapy etc. you have to get meds like anti depressants etc. from a physchiatrist who in my case just precribes my medications, he offers no therapy as far as counseling goes, last session i started crying to him about about my anxiety and he was like, ok on to the next subject... didnt offer one bit of condolence... prescribed klonopin,and if you read my other posts, i posted how that could have gotton me in BIG trouble, if it hadnt been for this fabulous board and the person who recognized i was setting myself up for a benzo addiction. i figured it was ok to take the klonopin as it is being prescribed by a sub doctor right??? he knows i am an addict, his instructions were to take 2 tablets 2x a day for one month and then he gave me a refill. i was having EXTREME anxiety and panic in nov/dec. (first time sober for the holiday, fight with my mom, husband cheating etc) i was so sick with anxiety i couldnt perform my job duties, was getting sick physically, so i felt justified in taking this to get back to feeling normal cuz no matter how i tried to relax, the anxiety got so out of control this time. klonopin was never my doc as i could take 5 at a time in the past and feel nothing so i didnt worry about taking this drug but there is one thing i didnt consider.... i am on sub now! OMG!!!!!! it took one week for the kolonopin/sub combo to kick in, i was falling asleep everywhere!, i was in my car eating mc donalds and i woke up to find my food all over the floor board! i didnt know what was going on a first, i should have never driven as i found myself having to slap my face and roll down all the windows to stay awake, i literally prayed please GOD , get me home safely so that i dont kill myself or someone else! i went to work and my co-workers saw this for which i am so embarassed as i have been pegged the "addict" at work... they had to know my personal problems cuz i had to have time off for rehab.... anyway i was doing a haircut and was falling asleep! i remember having one eye open and one shut, thank GOD her haircut turned out good. then after that it was slow so i went to the breakroom to write out my Christmas cards and fell asleep again, i had to lie down on the massage table and i slept for an hour when i woke up the girls were like are you ok??? you are slurring your words, i said no i wasn't!!! denial! my boss had told me earlier in the week not to discuss my recovery with clients, that pissed me off as other girls talk about way more inappropriate things than that, anyway i am proud of my recovery and my client happened to be in recovery also so whats the big deal i thought. i told the doctor about this and he said to cut down take one tablet instead of two! it was then i realized that my addictive thinking had returned and short term as he said 2mos on klonopin! hardly short term for an addict,,so i gave the bottle to my son(after i tapered) to hide from me and give to me only if i get into that awful state of mind again. i cannot be trusted with a bottle of pills. man i get so distracted when i come here and i am late so better getting going, gotta do that perm jewels
Thumper where do you find all your cute things......I love them
Hey I noticed you had a pickle.LOL you part of the pickle club now??? What happened w/ Eric I didn't see him post again, sure wish he would come back, we are not to judge anyone....he needs us and we need him...