Goos Morning

Hi and howdy everyone!

I hope y'all had a great Christmas. I've been out of touch because I've had family visiting.

How wonderful to spend this holiday time with all 3 of my sons under one roof. My eldest is driving back to Omaha today, so things will start getting back to normal.

I pray that everyone had a good holiday and will also have a great New Year.
hey janet,

goos damn morning to you!!!! i am up with with the roosters and shooting the cats eyes out wit my sons grizzly,i am just funnen, i was teasen kat last night hehehehe

lol....i had some stinkin squirrels running around throwing their nuts around over my head on the metal roof of the porch, buggers made me wake up early...I think I will let my rat terrier sleep on the roof
omg, my dog through crap at me seriosly, its funny as heck. i am sitting at the computer and stuff comes flying over my shoulder on the keyboard!!!!! he's a hoot!!

are you sure he's not part monkey? hahaha!

I've been lurking a bit lately, heard you had an OK type Christmas. I'm going to be glad to get back to half normal here, though I will miss my son. I am kinda riding the fence on whether or not I really like his gf, but I guess it's not up to me anyway, whatever makes him happy.

We went through 2 huge bags of pictures last night and he's taking some baby and childhood pics home for them to make an album out of. Ahhh, having a 25 y/o is tough, but I knew it was time for him to have his memories with him, give him a little bit of history and nostalgia to look back on. I also gave him a Christmas ornament that someone had made me when he was born. Sigh....

janet a 25 yr old!!!! get out!! you hardly look old enough, i heard you have a rock star in the family. my son is 10 yrs old and can play the guitar awesome. i got him guitar lessons for his b-day dec 18. he can play be ear ozzy, audio slave, nine inch nails, deep purple. he kicks butt!!! at 10!!!!!

funny, I was looking at a pic of my rock-star Tyler last night, he was 3 and banging on his cousins drums...yeah, he's doing pretty well, he's in 2 bands and they play at least once a week at a local club. He will graduate in May, and heaven knows what he is planning on doing for a career...talking about would much rather he do a steady job, but what can I say?

That's great that your son can pick things up by ear. Tyler has been teaching himself guitar too. I'm just grateful that we put his drumset out of the house.
my son is an awesome studentif i must brag hehehe he i am hoping he is gonna become a rock star and make me lots of money plaaying music!!! he loves the army stuff too (that scares me)but my 2 cousins went to iraq and they are his heros. and omg paige got her drivers permit last week!!!! but she is an awesome driver. its cool having a chauffer lol

yeah, I hope that Tyler will remember his roots once he becomes rich and famous...previously his plan was to live with us till he was 46...oy vay!
hahaha must be nice, my folks kicked me out at 18 them summana biotches. thats ok cause i moved in with craig, that was a bad move too. i married the wrong the brother lotsa sons move in with thier mommies till they are 46. just think of all the home repairs you'll have done : )

Ha! I can barely get the boy to haul wood in for me. He isn't home all that much, mainly during the week, most nights he's not in till the wee hours and sometimes he doesn't even show up. Guess that's what happens when you are 19 and still living at home and going to school. Bugger better graduate this year!

hahaha you are scaring me now : )i am sure he will do fine! he has an awesome mom. look how well you have done for yourself. you have everything to be proud of : )n not to mention you make handsome and beautiful babies!!! have some faith woman!!! prayers jelps alot too.

Good morning Terri and Janet

I am glad to hear that your Christmas was good. I am glad its over, my house is trashed, time to clean up the carnage. I had my husband throw the Christmas tree out in the front yard. I got tired of having my feet impailed with dried needles. I hope you guys have a great day. I am taking the kids to see Narnia. It should be fun.


i pitched the dried out picking needle piece o crapola also. was glad to get rif of that!!!!! my house is clean though. my kids got so much gifts and money, they are wealthier then i!!!! whats up with that????i have to take them shopping tommorrow. they are all out of ipods till tomorrow. freaking best buy!!!! somebody is gonna reak havoc on that one! trust me. and they better have a brown one is all i know! hehehe

LMAO Terri

IPods are non-existant around here. I am going to go shopping later when my husband gets home, and load up on the 75% off deals. My kids made out like bandits. They got so much stuff, they will never play with it all. My youngest prefers to play with the boxes the stuff came in. Next year I am just going to give out giant TV boxes to all the kids I have to buy for.

Good morning everyone.

I just slept 11 1/2 hours! Highly unusual, but I was sooo tired. My Christmas was good. My house is cleaned up, but I still have 3 fully decorated trees. I need to think about doing something about that. They are all fake though, so I don't have to worry about needles. If only my cats would stop climbing them! Hope everyonne is having a good day. Atlas

Goos morning everyone,

Great new here!!!!!!! JACK IS COMING HOME!

Can you hear me cry it from the roof top? I found out last night, I've been going to the hospitals at night this week with Chance being home. Anyways, it looks like he'll be home next week, probably later in the week.My heart is gonna burst, this is what my prayers have been forever, to bring my baby home. I've been crying since last night, no sleep, stayed with him over night.

I just had to teel my cyber family...I have to take Chance to basketball practice at 10:00...ooops, I might be late.But I couldn't leace without telling you guys.

Love you guys,


WHOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good morning Atlas

I still have four artificial trees to take down, but its not going to happen today. I think the real tree would have lasted a bit longer if we had actually gave it some water.LOL


my son musta got approx 12 games and thats not including ps2 g how much do i love playing games? not very! i only like yatzee. he didnt get clue though. i like that one.


3 trees, thats cool, my friend used to do that one for every room so actually that made it 5 trees one for each bed room and one for each family room. now she is divorced and has a lil house and one tree. but she used to decorate from the dollar store and you would have never geussed it. they were gorgeous

OMG Amy that is soooo wonderful! I am so happy for you!
You will have to have a big celebration, and we have to have one on the board as well. Let us know what day he is coming home. This is so exciting!
