Goos Morning

I'm Goosing and running, sorry, but this ones for MJ


I'm goosing and running too, but had to say hey...

See ya guys,

Boo, if you're out there...keep Harley safe, I don't know if you've been reading the papers but some maniac is abducting dogs and decapitating them, some hes even skinned. The count is up to nine right now, frickin sicko.
Goos peeps,
goos MJ,

Redd, that is Freaking HORRIBLE!!!
I can't believe what kind of sick person would do that.

I saw on the news where they were using cute little puppies, and cutting them and stuffing drugs in their under bellies and sewing them back up...Just to get through security at the airport... They busted a whole bunch in California. I don't even want to think what they did to those doggies AFTER they didn't need them!


Goos Stacey How are you doing hunny? I hope you are feeling better.
Goos MJ.
Goos All.
How are all my friends today?
Well Goos...sort of now that I have tears running down my mj face.I have this EXTRA soft spot for animals,Im the type if I see a animal dead on the road...I kid you not Ill think about it months later.If you ask me the people that do that stuff get out of it way too damneasy.I just cant understand that & how people can be so damn mean.I remember when I got my MJ the owners(who were so sweet)were telling me of these people that were calling up about the kittens because they wanted to use them for snake food instead of buying rats.To me ....
I better stop I could lecture & go bonkers all day
Terri keep your Harley safe hun!!!
Stacey...sweety I got your last letter but Ive been slow replying Im so sorry,.Its just because I (yes me)even get lost sometimes.It makes me happy to know you feel as you do about me & I hope our friendship just kkeeps growing.I always thought you were a AWESOME woman & your letters just reprove that too me

Goos Redd...I owe you a letter too
TOM OMGOODNESS I feel like striper season WILL NEVER start.Im going to try to get to the river this Sat morning....mj
Where is that being done with the dogs? Yeah, we live in a sick world. I've even heard of people using kittens for bait in fishing. I can't imagine doing things like that. People just don't have a conscience today.

Well, Good morning everyone, lol

i had heard that, but so far i dont think there has been any in my county, there is a dog or two in every yard on my street, big ones at that and an equal amount of firearms to match lol so i say to the perpetrator bring it on!!


MJ... Did you say Striper???

OMG, we go striper fishing in the winter, they come up in this little lake up north a bit. I never saw anything like it, when they come to the top just busting up all over the place. They came up all around our boat and bryan actually caught a 17 POUNDER one time. wow, that thing was a monster...

MJ, you don't have to rush on the emails. I got to go through a bunch of maternity clothes for a friend, she's prego and has no clothes... i'm writing a big ol' S on every one of them...haha
I will write you later and update you on some things.


Where do you live? In NY it's hard to have firearms, only the bad guys have them.

i am in michigan, there are alot of hunters around here. they sell rifles at walmart lol for real.

Stace I have YET to hook me a striper.OMGOODNESS your talking to someone who will get up at 4:30am on a Sat just to get to the river.Where I live we have these HUGE catfish & thats my kind of fight.But my BF keeps telling me its NOTHING like hooking a striper!!!They start running here around the first to middle week of May & Ill tell ya I am counting the days.If I could LIVE on the Hudson(in a houseboat)I would in a heartbeat
As far as the letter huny I never ever want you to feel as if Ive forgotten you.Sometimes Im alitlle slow on the uptake.
How are you feeling today???

Hey Liz GREAT to see ya post!!!

Liz are you talking pistols?cause I see rifles in alot of places.In Dicks (in Hudson Valley Mall)I have a winchester series 66.Its an old 22 pump & I love the stupid thing.Its just with so many new people moving into this area I have nowhere to shoot it anymore....
Hi MJ, Good to see you too. I am thinking of taking up fishing this year. The river is only a 10 minute drive from here. I'll just have to get a license.

Hey Terrianne, yeah, they are allowed to have rifles here too. They sell them in Walmarts. Handguns are hard to get I guess if you try legally that is. I personally hate guns, but I know I would change my mind real quick if somebody ever broke in here.

yeah i used to be uneasy about guns untill i got married and my ex had a collection of them for hunting, after being around them you learn to respect them. i actually did feel safer having them around for some reason.


my ex has a handgun he uses to hunt with as well. as long as he isnt concealing it, its leagal.
I'm sorry Jane, HI!!! how are you!!

I feel like my body is turning on me. I just feel so sicky, I am stuck at home with kaylin going through clothes...

I just haven't been happy. I wonder if the lexapro will work... it's only been just over a week

Liz you dont need one for river fishing.Just for stream fishing.You all by now know how I am with fishing.My whole world & all the problems fade when Im down there.Last year there was a Falcon that lived under the Rhincliff bridge...OMGOSH talk about beautiful!!! I hope hes there again Ill try to get some pics of him....
Are you on break from school Liz?How did your paper come out???

Stac some anti dees take up to 4 weeks to kick in.Try to ride it out.And if you find they arent helping there are alot of others out there.I myself got lucky & the ones I take control the depression pretty good (knock on wood)
What do you mean going through cloths?Doing that springtime thing???YUK Im not that ambitious!!!! I may sometime later grab a good book & go sit in the sun its beautriful here in NY today!!!
Oh ok, I thought you needed a license for fishing in the river too, that's cool that you don't. No, I'm not on break from school. The instructor is real angry at me right now and isn't responding to any of my questions. I'm not done with the paper yet and as of right now it's on hold. See, I had interviewed people for my paper. The instructor from my other class loved it and my academic counselor thought it was a great idea too. But this instructor has been right down rude about it. she upset me because one of the stories is of my husband and what happened to him from Gentamicin and she writes, Nice story. And gives me a 64 on it. Meanwhile in my other class I got an 89 on the paper so far. So I was extrememly upset and was telling her how I felt and she turned around and reported me to the code of conduct. So, I don't know what is happening right now. I've written her and even apologized and she's ignoring me.
Goos Morning Everyone!

For once it looks like we will get a nice day here also.............Around 60 degrees and I see some sun :)

Hoping it stays that way..........You never know in Illinois.
WTH liz?

The code of conducts? LOL

What did you say?? LMAO
Stacey-I hope it does too. Your beautiful girl and have so much in head of you. I've been thinking about you. Hang in there buddy.