Goos!!.. Thumper...Hope your having a good morning.. I just finished having breakfast with my family and thought I would jump on the goos quick and say hi...
goos Thumper and what's the plan with y'all today? I'm trying to wake up and maybe get some housework done...I need more coffee first though.
goos Afternoon all. What a nice Christmas we had here in NY.I had my girls with me & Mikey & just watching Annes face as she opeded her gifts....well it was priceless. I had to work this morning.Though we only have 2 cats there they still need time attention & love.I will have to go back later for the night feeding but I also made plans to take Anne,Amanda & a bunch of friends to the mall.besides the gifts Anne made out CASH wise so my little model wants to get her hair streaked & of course we must have new cloths.....I need some down time before Im taxi mom again though Whos around & how was everyones Christmas???