Goos Morning...

Well, it's another cold day here..Man I am getting sick of winter...
I hope everyone has a great day!..

Winter is 10 degrees in NY and I am getting cabin fever! Tony will be home for another 8 weeks so at least I have some company(when we aren't bickering). My dog is pissed too....he cries to go out and as soon as he is on the front steps he's like...WTF? He runs in after 2 minutes, freezing his little nuggets off. He wants to run and play...I just want to sit outside dammit. All these winter projects I planned to do...I have no motivation and I must get off my arse and do something besides cook and shop and watch every god-forsaken movie on TV! Hope your day is good..Love, S
Sunshine has returned and we may see 75--AAGH

Enjoy the cold--Doug-Sharon
KMA Buddy LOL..I sure wish it was warm here...have a good one(stop gloating) Love, S
LOL freezing his nuggets!!!LOL that made me laugh SO HARD!!!

Goos all.Well yesterday was a bittersweet day for me.see Ive had a kitty there that I swear if I could I would of brought him home in a heartbeat.A Beautiful 5 mth old Russian Blue.Well with my 3 females here(in a 2 bdrm apt)that little guy wouldnt stand a chance!!.Anyways he would just sit on my shoulders & hang out & stuff as I cleaned cages & such.Well yesterday my Glads(his nickname)went to a nice home.A very nice lady & her 3 kids.They have another 5mth old kitty home so I know he'll be happy.Ok I admit it....tears fell.I was sort of embaressed.The lady asked if I was ok & I was until I said......"Im so glad he wont be in a cage anymore.Im such an a**.I knew just knew Id get attached to those cats never thinking it would hurt to see them leave,.But it is bittersweet because he now has a home which just makes me happy.But Im going to miss him.

Ok enough sad things.Now for something COOL.The one manager saw me & asked if the other manager called me yet.I was like no not yet(of course when Im online I cant get calls)so I said...I guess thats good news huh>?& he just smile.What makes me happiest is KNOWING Ill pass the drug test with NO PROBLEM.For me its the first time EVER I dont have to worry about it.
Sorry to babble but I just wanted to share stuff with you all
Morning a blamy 16 out....Windchill of 6....
Actually warmer then the past few days. A heat wave must be on the way!
Absolutely beautiful outside, nice fresh covering of snow. I am loving it and can't wait to go out and play...which is where I am heading now.
Everyone have a great day!
Tina snow????The only snow I see is up in my beloved mountains.....Enjoy your playtime with princess!!!! Love ya
hey wheres all the beaners????I wont even name anyone just incase I mind fart & forget anyone...Come out & enjoy a cup of Java with us!!!
Goos morning everyone! Gotta get some coffee...brb
Goos morning everyone.

We have been having really nice weather here in AZ, so nice that I actually have to use the A/C when I drive my car. It was cold for a while, but it didn't last long. There is still snow on the mountains.

So how is everyone today? I am dragging today, I am actually thinking about staying home and sleeping, that is how tired I am. Ugh, I am trying so hard to wake up.

Sharonn, You made me laugh when you said "freezing his nuggets off", lol.

Mj, I think it is so sweet that you care so much about cats.
LOL...on the nuggets...a scene from Joe Dirt came to mind when the dog's nuggets froze to the porch and using a spatula to get them off...hahaha

We are warming up again, supposed to be somewhere near 65 today. It's very overcast today though. I have to run in and get a book that I requested from the library, I can return the 4 that I've read.

Hope y'all have a warm day today....lotsa layers!
Hey Ms J & Steph
Steph how are you feeling huny better?Thank you.The truth be known I love all animals...(except roosters)but cats are a special animal to me.Your comment made me feel good & as I said it wasx bittersweetr.I know the kitty(Glads)will be loved,taken care of + have another kitty his age,but I will miss him.It wont stop me from putting my heart into what I do.See most people thing "oh you bring them there & thats that.When these cats come in alot of times they wont eat,they are scared & it takes alot of love & tenderness to get them to the point where we can adopt them out
Shoot Im sorry you get me going on kittys & I babble Im so sorry.

Back to you,are you feeling better?Did you go to the Dr?
Janet coffee sounds good Im gonna go put some on BRB
Still very sore...too much Kenny lifting. I'm starting some prednisone this morning....I'm not doing the full scrip, just 1 a day until the soreness leaves. Basically they can only do the cauterization on the nerves, which I don't want to spend the money on, we are trying to recover from the last $500 procedure. They gave me another scrip for the Lidocaine patches and I go back in 2 months. Same ol sh*t, different day. Oh and what sucks about the patches, I can't reach back far enough to get them on I have to wait for someone to be home.

Okay, I'll bite, why don't you like roosters?

I was chased by an Emu when I was 8 months pregnant with Dylan and I still think they are cute (but mean)
Actually,I must confess....he did not freeze his nuggets off...he was neutered so I suppose the correct phrase would have to be "freezing his little nugget sac off"..poor baby!!! He is probably contacting a canine attorney to sue me for sexual harrassment. S
LOL...poor doggie!
Sharon LOLOLOLO I love you!!!
Janet the reason I dont like roosters or chickens for that matter is because when I was about 7 we had hens & roosters,& part of my chores were to gather eggs...well one day I just reached in & there was a hen on the nest...well that muther went up my arm onto my shoulders & pecked the hell out of me,in the mean time Mr freakin Rooster attached himself to one of my here is this 7 year old running from the back of the yard with a hen pecking the crap out of her head & a rooster attached to my leg...LOL IT must of been a funny site but ever since then way those suckers peck HARD!!!
Can you imagine a huge pregnant lady running as fast as possible to hide behind a tree??? I went into the peoples yard bc I saw that the Emu was loose and wanted to tell them...those suckers are very came at me ready to peck my head

I'm not crazy about chicken, unless it's cooked and on my plate.
I got a great visual on that..Too damned funny,. Roosters are mean and you don't want to mess with them. My cousin has a rooster named(seriously) A**hole. She lives in San day she e-mailed me to tell me how she went out to the yard and for no apparent reason, A-hole pecked the crap outta her and she fell down. I know it isn't funny, but when I read it it cracked me up.Janet, Sorry you are feeling crummy...MJ...glad to see you involved with the cats...I love cats too and they are so good for your soul....all pets. S
Hey where is Jody-girl?...anyone hear from her?..I haven't seen her
post in a long time...


Well I am still sick and I should go to the doctors, but I don't want to. I think I might just go to Mexico and get me some anitbiotics.

When you said you didn't like roosters I assumed that you must have been attacked by one. I don't blame you for not liking them. Those kittys you take care of are really lucky to have someone who is passionate about animals to take care of them. I think what you are doing is great.


Lol, you were chased by an emu when you were pregnant. I can just picture that in my head. Man, I would have ran for my life.