I got this in an email this morning...its soooooooooooooooo true and so funny,i had to share it with you all.
Baby Bear goes downstairs and sits in her little chair at the table.
She looks into her little bowl. It is empty. "Who's been eating my porridge?!!" she squeaks.
Daddy Bear arrives at the table and sits in his big chair..
He looks into his big bowl and it is also empty. "Who's been eating my porridge?!!" he roars.
Mummy Bear puts her head through the serving hatch from the kitchen and yells... "For Christ's sake, how many times do we have to go through this with you idiots?
It was Mummy Bear who got up first, it was Mummy Bear who woke everyone in the house, it was Mummy Bear who made the coffee, it was Mummy Bear who unloaded the dishwasher from last night, and put everything away, it was Mummy Bear who went out in the cold early morning air to fetch the newspaper, it was Mummy Bear who set the damn table, it was Mummy Bear who put the friggin cat out, cleaned the litter box and filled the cat's water and food dish, and now that you've decided to drag your sorry bear-asses downstairs and grace Mummy Bear's kitchen with your grumpy presence, listen good, cause I'm only going to say this one more time...
Goos Morning Kim! I got your email with the above joke, and I sent it to my girlfriend who is known for staying up hours after the rest of her family has gone to bed, so she can do all of her chores and have everything nice, neat and waiting for the family when they get up in the morning. Typical mom stuff, I suppose.
I am trying to raise my son to be the type of man no woman ever has to wait on, unlike his dad. My mother in law did everything for her sons and was of the old school belief that anything in the house was "woman's work". She about fell out of her chair when she came to visit a few years ago and saw my husband cooking breakfast! She asked him "Isn't there a woman in this house who can cook?". I was livid and told her that in no way did my husband's p**** interfere with his ability to cook a meal. Needless to say, she dropped it.
I am rambling here, but it's because this is a big issue at my house recently. My 11 year old is learning to make beds, wash dishes, use the washing machine, etc., and I know someday his wife will thank me.
I hope you have a nice day planned up there. I have to be on the road today with jewelry business, so won't be around. Take care, ttyl!
Hey Kim, Hey Carol!
Carol, good for you! It's funny but my 1st ex-husband (damn, first ex-husband sounds really bad, right?) He was so neat, he was way better in the house than me, a better cook too! My cooking....well...I like a clean house, I just don't like to clean it! He was so neat, he'd be making the bed before he was even out of it. He was a nice guy, it just didn't work out, but he wasn't the devil the way my ex was, is. Ron, my ex-boyfriend (all these ex's) from Texas has OCD. Seriously. Everything had to be just so, and he'd keep it like that. Everything facing one way in the closet (once, just to mess with him, I hung a shirt up inside out, and put it in the closet to see how long it took him to fix it (not long at all). Laces inside shoes, shoes according to color, whatever. Plus, he could cook....(maybe I should re-think that whole ex thing!)
Kim, that joke was very cute and I needed a laugh! Damn customer coming...gotta run!
Carol, good for you! It's funny but my 1st ex-husband (damn, first ex-husband sounds really bad, right?) He was so neat, he was way better in the house than me, a better cook too! My cooking....well...I like a clean house, I just don't like to clean it! He was so neat, he'd be making the bed before he was even out of it. He was a nice guy, it just didn't work out, but he wasn't the devil the way my ex was, is. Ron, my ex-boyfriend (all these ex's) from Texas has OCD. Seriously. Everything had to be just so, and he'd keep it like that. Everything facing one way in the closet (once, just to mess with him, I hung a shirt up inside out, and put it in the closet to see how long it took him to fix it (not long at all). Laces inside shoes, shoes according to color, whatever. Plus, he could cook....(maybe I should re-think that whole ex thing!)
Kim, that joke was very cute and I needed a laugh! Damn customer coming...gotta run!
Kim, LMAO I wrote this to you and accidently posted it on the wrong thread.........I wanted to be sure you saw it so I will put it here...............
Hey Kim,
Just got in and skimmed the posts and I wanted to be sure you know that I am sure you were not the person the poster was referring to.
YOU are certainly not any of those things, so she must have been talking about someone else.
You are loved, and respected. :-)
Hey Kim,
Just got in and skimmed the posts and I wanted to be sure you know that I am sure you were not the person the poster was referring to.
YOU are certainly not any of those things, so she must have been talking about someone else.
You are loved, and respected. :-)
Thank you carol,on second thought,youre probably right.I must have jumped the gun,regardless,my words were removed(censored)and her words remain for all to see,hmmmmm?wonder who she was referring to?Leaving those accusations up,just might get others to think "she" might be referring to them?
But i realise now it was not me,thanks for the heads up and...
Thanks for your firendship Carol,its much appreciated!~KIM
But i realise now it was not me,thanks for the heads up and...
Thanks for your firendship Carol,its much appreciated!~KIM
well i am real late but i wanted to say hi and we are having...........
so much fun mom and i ...
were here on the ocean and we went to many beaches today and
some were so nice cause there were no people and it was so peaceful to swim and play with the waves with my mom...
we laughed alot and had fun jumping the waves....
but the water burns my eyes..
oh and we saw a shark !!
he was BIG and a big fin thing on his back...
i bet he bites people....
we saw it on a ride that is in the air...i dont know what the ride is called but you sit in like a swinging chair and then you go up high and site see....
we drove around on A1A...we must of drove a million miles site seeing..
we were in our bathing suites and we were so care free...
we even went in stores in our bathing suites !
something i would dont normaly do.....
we pull off and swim in the ocean and then start driving again and then we'll see another beach area and go swimming again.......FUN
i am having FUN.
my mom is such a kind supportive person and it is so healing for me to spend this time with her...i really needed this...just me and her !!
my brother is here but he works so we have alot of time..
the next few days will be with my brother and his girlfriend...
cause he is off...he has not seen mom in two years...SAD
i could not do that...i can not live away from my mom.
may sound silly but ..i will be and live by my mom, so i can watch over her and spend time with her...i can drive to her house anytime i want to , just to say HI.
and sit with her...see her face...
sometimes i get so emotional when i look at my mom because she is getting older....so am I ....but at least we are getting older together and we can SEE one another grow older here in this life........
as you can see....i love my mom..............LOL
i work so hard and my job is so stressful at times...
it just feels so good to get away from EVERYTHING !
no one knows my fat butt here and i dont care what people think, i am going shopping in my swim suit !.............LOL
and were having some fun!
my legs hurt to from walking...we did alot of walking...
so were gonna take our showers and lay down and watch tv until we fall asleep..
there is a party going on in our hotel and they are getting down..
and it scares me, very loud folks..
even asked me in frount of my mom .."bab are you married"
i said.."yes sir , i am"
they was so drunk..ya know how folks go on vacation and get drinking and loud and BRAVE...
needless to say me and mom, will not be going to the party..
when i heard the music , i was excited and so was mom and we wanted to go by the pool and enjoy the music...
after i saw how the people were drunk, we got scared and left.
we locked the doors good...
goos night loves..............
i love you.
well i am real late but i wanted to say hi and we are having...........
so much fun mom and i ...
were here on the ocean and we went to many beaches today and
some were so nice cause there were no people and it was so peaceful to swim and play with the waves with my mom...
we laughed alot and had fun jumping the waves....
but the water burns my eyes..
oh and we saw a shark !!
he was BIG and a big fin thing on his back...
i bet he bites people....
we saw it on a ride that is in the air...i dont know what the ride is called but you sit in like a swinging chair and then you go up high and site see....
we drove around on A1A...we must of drove a million miles site seeing..
we were in our bathing suites and we were so care free...
we even went in stores in our bathing suites !
something i would dont normaly do.....
we pull off and swim in the ocean and then start driving again and then we'll see another beach area and go swimming again.......FUN
i am having FUN.
my mom is such a kind supportive person and it is so healing for me to spend this time with her...i really needed this...just me and her !!
my brother is here but he works so we have alot of time..
the next few days will be with my brother and his girlfriend...
cause he is off...he has not seen mom in two years...SAD
i could not do that...i can not live away from my mom.
may sound silly but ..i will be and live by my mom, so i can watch over her and spend time with her...i can drive to her house anytime i want to , just to say HI.
and sit with her...see her face...
sometimes i get so emotional when i look at my mom because she is getting older....so am I ....but at least we are getting older together and we can SEE one another grow older here in this life........
as you can see....i love my mom..............LOL
i work so hard and my job is so stressful at times...
it just feels so good to get away from EVERYTHING !
no one knows my fat butt here and i dont care what people think, i am going shopping in my swim suit !.............LOL
and were having some fun!
my legs hurt to from walking...we did alot of walking...
so were gonna take our showers and lay down and watch tv until we fall asleep..
there is a party going on in our hotel and they are getting down..
and it scares me, very loud folks..
even asked me in frount of my mom .."bab are you married"
i said.."yes sir , i am"
they was so drunk..ya know how folks go on vacation and get drinking and loud and BRAVE...
needless to say me and mom, will not be going to the party..
when i heard the music , i was excited and so was mom and we wanted to go by the pool and enjoy the music...
after i saw how the people were drunk, we got scared and left.
we locked the doors good...
goos night loves..............
i love you.
Thumper, i was just about to sign off and saw this!
I am so glad you're having this time with your mom. I know how much she means to you, and I am sure she loves you just as much. You are both so blessed to have each other, and to be away like this together. Sounds like you are really have a blast! What part of FL are you staying in? I know how some of those summer beach goers can get, LOL, so just ignore them, they are pretty harmless.
Cherish every moment of your time away. Rest some, too. I know you need that. I hope you can come home with a whole new outlook on things, Sweetie.
Good night.
i read the post to ...and i dont think , that anyone was reffering to you...
kee kee was probaly talking about someone else....
she is going through some hard times to...
cause her heart is breaking because she has to say goodbye
to her heart....her grandbaby...........
i have noticed that when someone is hurting or struggling they post more frequently......has anyone else noticed this?
like gina....she is going through some hard times to...
she has mentioned here about ...her divorce...
that is so hard...
i have great respect for any woman that has endured the pain of a divorce..
or man for that matter...
because it is hard.
hard on your heart, soul and spirit..
especally if you have been married for a long time..
most addicts have deep hurt.....
and well....when i see another poster here going through hard times, even if they dont talk much about it.... I ALWAYS THINK ABOUT THEM AND PRAY FOR THEM..........
some poster here open up real good and really talk about problems and some may mention what they are enduring in their life, but not talk to much about it.
i was going to get one to and the process of separting almost killed me...
my family and my husband had to all come together....
to help me...it was to much , i could not endure it...
so we are in couseling...it was about MONEY..
it was not about another woman or anything like that.. cause my husband is crazy about me, but can be selfish..and i can be controlling...and so can he.
so i feel that , i am doing the couseling and staying together will be healther for the both of us,,,
my husband and i ...found it to hard to live with out one another..
he kept beggin me and asking for me to forgive him and the things he said.
how could i not forgive him, when i have done all the things in my own life and have fallen flat on my face in front of the Lord and asked the Lord to please forgive me and help me out..........
i am not an angel either....i get mad and i can be mean,,,very mean and say some very mean things...so ....thats life everyone fights !
everyone says things they dont mean............
but thank God, my husbund loves God so much...
because it helps him to love me and read his bible...
so dont worry....KIMBER..........
just be you and you are loving and kind....
and i love you KIMBER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
big big hugs !
i read the post to ...and i dont think , that anyone was reffering to you...
kee kee was probaly talking about someone else....
she is going through some hard times to...
cause her heart is breaking because she has to say goodbye
to her heart....her grandbaby...........
i have noticed that when someone is hurting or struggling they post more frequently......has anyone else noticed this?
like gina....she is going through some hard times to...
she has mentioned here about ...her divorce...
that is so hard...
i have great respect for any woman that has endured the pain of a divorce..
or man for that matter...
because it is hard.
hard on your heart, soul and spirit..
especally if you have been married for a long time..
most addicts have deep hurt.....
and well....when i see another poster here going through hard times, even if they dont talk much about it.... I ALWAYS THINK ABOUT THEM AND PRAY FOR THEM..........
some poster here open up real good and really talk about problems and some may mention what they are enduring in their life, but not talk to much about it.
i was going to get one to and the process of separting almost killed me...
my family and my husband had to all come together....
to help me...it was to much , i could not endure it...
so we are in couseling...it was about MONEY..
it was not about another woman or anything like that.. cause my husband is crazy about me, but can be selfish..and i can be controlling...and so can he.
so i feel that , i am doing the couseling and staying together will be healther for the both of us,,,
my husband and i ...found it to hard to live with out one another..
he kept beggin me and asking for me to forgive him and the things he said.
how could i not forgive him, when i have done all the things in my own life and have fallen flat on my face in front of the Lord and asked the Lord to please forgive me and help me out..........
i am not an angel either....i get mad and i can be mean,,,very mean and say some very mean things...so ....thats life everyone fights !
everyone says things they dont mean............
but thank God, my husbund loves God so much...
because it helps him to love me and read his bible...
so dont worry....KIMBER..........
just be you and you are loving and kind....
and i love you KIMBER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
big big hugs !
thank you so much (((((((((((((((((((carol))))))))))))))))))))))
i wish i had an Aunt in the united states like you...........
can i adopt you?
thank you for your kindness and wisdom..
and thank you for reaching out to me and caring ....
big big HUGS..........
i wish i had an Aunt in the united states like you...........
can i adopt you?
thank you for your kindness and wisdom..
and thank you for reaching out to me and caring ....
big big HUGS..........
Thumper,thanks for the kind words.Maybe you are right,and i misunderstood?Hey it happens right?
Im so glad that you and your husband worked things out,they obviously were meant to be! I'll bet the two of you re much more mindful of each others feelings now.Sometimes it takes a scare like that to bring out your true feelings.
Enjoy the time youre haing with your mom.Put these days in your memory bank,think of them often.These are the days!~KIM
Im so glad that you and your husband worked things out,they obviously were meant to be! I'll bet the two of you re much more mindful of each others feelings now.Sometimes it takes a scare like that to bring out your true feelings.
Enjoy the time youre haing with your mom.Put these days in your memory bank,think of them often.These are the days!~KIM
thumper, i am so glad to read you and hubby got things worked out. It's hard, so very hard, to keep a marriage alive and happy. we just had our 29th anniversary, and i can assure it has not always been easy, but MAN, is it ever worth the trouble!
My husband is not perfect, nor am I (I know, you are shocked!), but he is one of the kindest, most loving and caring men I have ever known. Marrying him was the smartest thing I have ever done. BUT, we have had our problems, even got divorced once, but we were never apart. It was a strange situation, and totally my fault,but we worked it all out, and got remarried and had another child.
It always takes two, and we always have to be willing to bend a little, to make it work. I know you know that, and I know you have worked hard to make yours work. I hope you are both happier now, and with each bump in the road, you know, you only have a stronger relationship.
I love you, too, and I am always here for you when you need me. Just call me Aunt Carol, anytime!
aunt carol...............
yes..........your right sometimes it takes such a thing to make one another have a full understanding how to treat one another and also what it would feel like to lose what we have........
who said marriage was easy......
its not .......
thats alot of years aunt carol........
i pray to God i can say the same one day..........
thats very special........
thank you for your kind loving words.........
i love you.
aunt carol...............
yes..........your right sometimes it takes such a thing to make one another have a full understanding how to treat one another and also what it would feel like to lose what we have........
who said marriage was easy......
its not .......
thats alot of years aunt carol........
i pray to God i can say the same one day..........
thats very special........
thank you for your kind loving words.........
i love you.