Goos Morning!!!

Anyone else up this early??
I just saw Kat on another thread....anyone else around??
I have to run over to the store across the street ... be right back ... almost out of cig's....
I wish I would quit these nasty things!!!
But it could be worse ....

Morning Swizzle,im up bright and early. My darling grandson(hes 6)spends the night on Saturdays.Well,with the puppy here,hes just been so excited.Last week,Sunday morning,he got up at 3 AM.Got the puppy out of the kitchen where he is gated in,and was up for the day!!!Good lord. Today...not so bad...5:30 hes up.This kid ALWAYS gets up at the crack of dawn(actually its always still dark out)Where as my granddaughter, whos 4,will sleep til 9 if we let her.

So here i am while hes playing playstation.How are you doing this glorious morning?Are you always up this early on Sunday mornings?~KIM

OMG!!! 3 AM?!?! That's crazy!!! I would go crazy!!! LOL

My sleep has not been good lately - stress I'm sure - so it seems like I only sleep every OTHER night
Not fun for someone that always loved to sleep!
I was the teenager that would roll out of bed around noon on the weekends....

Oh well, I am getting used to it now and just enjoying the quiet time before my kids wake up

How are you doing??
Any plans for the day??
I am trying to figure out what to do today .... no idea yet ....

OK we are all up way too early on a Sunday morning. Let's go back to bed. Oh, wait, my spoiled dog has to go for his walk soon. Never mind. Good morning!!!
I was always the same way,LOVE my sleep.Mine hasnt gotten back to normal yet,even after 6 months.Maybe it never will? But like you,im geting used to it.
Yes,3AM,i came in his room while he played playstation,and dozed off in and out for a couple hours,i told him,grandma doesnt DO 3 oclock in the morning anymore,lol

Today i bring the grandkids bowling at 10 am.I joined them up for a 12 week league where they can pick out their own balls at the end of the 12 weeks.My grandson picked a steelers bowling ball.And my granddaughter picked a pink Hello Kitty bowling ball.We went last week and they had a blast.My youngest son and his girlfriend are on the same team as my grandchildren and they just love their uncle to pieces.

After that...they go home at 11:30 and i will grocery shop,go tan,then come home and watch the super bowl.No BIG thing,probably just me and my husband.Maybe one ot two of my sons will stop in.

Im not all that much into football anymore,but i will watch and am rooting for the steelers,my sons&grandsons favorite team.Do you get into the football? I prefer watching baseball and hockey.All three of my sons played baseball and hockey through high school,so thats what i watch mostly.~KIM
Superbowl Sunday=Super Shopping Day Sunday
Morning Kat,enjoy that walk with the dog.Hopefully you live in a warm area,cold and raining here.Still havent taken the steps to get my puppy outside,hes still doing the paper thing in the house,but thats getting REAL old(and smelly)so we need to start yesterday.Whats your plans for the day.Doing anything exciting for the Super Bowl?~KIM
Im with you Kat,any day is a good shopping day!~KIM
I am planning on laying in bed watching the other tv during the superbowl and ignoring all shouting coming from the living room. That's pretty much how I spend Sundays during football season.
Good Morning everyone, I to have been up since the crack of dawn. Don't sleep much with hubby snoring and my mind seems to race at night worrying about everything. Doesn't help I was on Ambien for years and stopped about a month ago. I did doze off for a bit last night but woke up freaked out because I had some messed up dream where I found a bottle of pills and was getting ready to take some and of all people to catch me was my sister who never has anything nice to say about me and doesn't believe I can do this. She told me the other day to come back to her in 2 years to tell her I was still clean and then she would believe it. Then I dozed back off and had another dream about something on this board I had read and of course it had to do with pills so finally I said that's it I'm getting up. I do have a busy day today. I have to get 5 of us out to church by 11, then I have to run my son and his friend to get paint ball supplies for his big paint ball game today then it's off to the high school my husband and daughter are score keepers for a big wrestling match today then it's back home to cook for the superbowl. I hate football but my husband named our son Dallas after the Dallas Cowboys so of course my son is a diehard football fan as is my husband. By the way my husband is from Dallas, Tx. I will probably lock myself in my room and watch lifetime channel and read. Hope everyone has a good day. Shantel
I was also up about an hour ago, the new pup wakes early to go outside to 'piddle'. No more sleeping in for us that have puppies, until they learn to out by themselves.. WHAT were we thinking..?? lol

All four animals sleep with us, the fifth and an older cat is a snob. He likes his own quilt down in the family room.

Good Morning Ladies..

Shantel,, I am addicted to Lifetime.. watched it most of the day yesterday.. of course I have seen most of the movies several times.
Brooke, I also watched it yesterday saw a couple of good movies. I'll trade the Lifetime channel addiction to pill addiction anyday. Shantel
Morning y'all. I'm up cause I have to work today at 6am. YUCK... At least I'll be busy for 8 hours of the day and not obsessing...Its amazing how quickly addictive thinking and behavior returns if your not careful... Hope everyone has a great time watching the superbowl!!

Goos morning everyone...I agree that sleep IS a wonderful solves a host of problems..having fibro and Lupus, it has always been a challenge for me to get a good night's sleep...I developed a plan..aways going to bed and waking up around the same time...when I go off, I am all screwed body has way less pain after 8 hours sleep.Obsessing over it only makes it more elusive. Have a great day!!!!!Love, Sharonn
Goos Morning CoffeeBeaners!!!

Geez, I slept in till 8, what a slug!

I went shopping yesterday and walmart was a mess. Parking lot looked liked Christmas. I doubt there will be football on here today, my hubby is still out planting pine trees, hopefully they will finish today. They put out 25,000, a little after-retirement enterprise raising pinestraw.

I will probably drink another cup of coffee, my stomach is finally getting back to normal. Tonight I will cook something other than

I hope everyone has a great day and gets to relax a little bit.
Hello all - I'm trying to get more involved in the board, as I am doing a taper from 10-12 Lortabs daily... so I thought I would join in the "Goos" thread.

Today, I got up at 9:00am central time and am driving two hours (one way) to help my 78 year-old dad with his paperwork and bills. Mounting piles of mail make him very,very anxious. When he gets a junk advertisement that says "ACT NOW" he truly worries that he has to "ACT NOW!!!"

We lost my mom late last year, and she did EVERYTHING financial -the opposite of most in their generation. I mean EVERYTHING. He honestly did not know how to write a check. When she knew she was going to die, instead of transferring everything to him - you guessed it - I got the job (I am a business type, so I guess it makes sense.......)

Anyway, slow but sure I am teaching him the facts of financial life. He was a teacher, so has a reasonable pension, and also still works at various "little" jobs at age 78.

He is lonely, and tries to get me to come up there all the time (but I work a TON at a full time demanding job) but I am sticking to no more than every two weeks, since I am trying to work on my recovery and my marriage, which suffered a bit during the two years my mom was sick. My husband is a really good guy, though, don't get me wrong... but I need time for me, and I became truly addicted to the pills as my mom was getting sicker....

Anyway, good or goos morning to all of you wonderful, caring people.

Goos everyone.I had a late start today.
Things arent good here in Bedrock but I dont feel like talking about it.
I hope everyone has a GREAT SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!!!! Ill be on for a couple if anyone needs to talk....If not take care all....mj
Emptynester, welcome to the Goos Morning thread, no better way to start your day. You are such a caring child to help your Dad. I hope that you are doing well with your tapering, from what I've read, it is a very hard thing to do. Best of luck to you and keep on posting.

MJ, sorry things aren't super-ducky at the homefront, you know that we are here for you. I hope your day gets a little bit brighter.
Thanks for the welcome, BumpsnoMore/Janet - I've read your ongoing story (I lurked for months before I joined) and you are a true inspiration.

Yes, aging parents are hard... but when my mom was dying last year I took the time off work and did a lot of the the caregiving and I don't regret it for one second; I was able to be with her, at home, when she died (she was on home hospice) and it was as peaceful as it could be. Work did suffer, but that's another story!! Paying the price now.

Unfortunately, during the time she was ill I got myself right in the middle of a pill addiction, which I am now trying to SLOWLY taper off from.. I have no illusions, I may not be able to do it without some sort of outpatient or even inpatient treatment, but it is worth a try.

Thanks again for all the support from everyone here.
Janet I dont know if you realize this but you are one of the MOST giving person on here.It seems everytime that not only me but anyone just needs some comfort YOU my friend always seem to be one of the first to offer help.I cant EVER thank you enough for being who you are.I hope you someday know just how much your love & support mean to me
As far as the crap....its not too bad & Im sure my day will get better.
I will say though I SWEAR Men get PMS too.& they sometimes need to take a Midol & shut the heck up!!! LOL

Empty Im sorry I also wanted to welcome you & offer my support.If I can be of any help I would like to.Thankfully this board helps make the hardest of times seem less lonely...mj