Goos Stormy Valentine's Day

Holy moly! We have icestorms and wind! It is raining sideways....geez....I hope it's over soon. I am ready for the warm weather.One good gives me the excuse to lay around in my pajamas all day in bed w/o guilt. everyone have a great day...Sharonn
goos rainy morning sharonn
where do you live? gina says its raining by her too.
we have snow!!! and lots of it! i LOVE pajama days, they are the best! jewels
I am NY...not way upstate(Ulster County) right near is bad, Winter depresses me, But I know it is almost March. I know why people retire in Florida. The older I get the more I can't deal. Next year I am planning a getaway....Have a good one...S
did mj say she got snow where she lives?
so did you get snow first and now rain? julie
mj here checking in!!! Yup we finally got snow.As I sit here by my window I hear the sleet ^& stuff comming down now....Bummer.I know your probaly going to think I went daffy BUT I must say I was talking to Mikey last night & I begged him if we have (just)a bilzzard if we could PLEASE go out in it!!! I know its crazy but I havent done that in YEARS! & if your careful it can be really fun.
Now with the ice unless it turned just to snow thats out.
BUT I will admit I kinda got my wish.Anne & Mikey are here safe with me Amanda is with her BF (who OMGoodness this is sweet)for Valentines made up a scavenger hunt for her than at the end was her present(big one)he got her a turtle which shes wanted for years.
anyways my point is everyone (my brood)is here safe & sound now I can enjoy sitting & watching it.
Goodness sorry this is so long & BY THE WAY
Happy Valentines/Goos morning! Well, my baby is officially a 'tween, he turned 12 today! He is still not up to par, but really glad that he can spend the day at home. No snow or rain, just bleak and in the low 40's here.

Will yous be my Valentine???
Happy Valentines to all
I cant' stand the snow we are getting hit again. My boys are both home but my 8 year old is sad because it was to be their valentine party at school today, we made valentine treat bags last night and he was excited to give them out. Actually we only got about 6 inches of snow so far but the temps are at minus 13 and the streets are pure ice so every school is closed. Unfortunatly I was getting back on my horse again and starting the baby back in gymnastics but with the 8 year old home I can't go so I let my hubby take the truck as his little sports car slides everywhere and ever since I got stuck in our driveway the other day I prefer he take the truck if I don't have to go out.
Hope everyone is staying warm and loved
Goos Roxy & Janet!!!! Happy Birthday to your tween Ms J!!!!
Roxy I was all happy when at around 9pm the snow started but now its sleeting but my blizzard fun is out.
We only got arounf 3-4in,but the weather channel say its suppose to keep going all day so ?????
To me the most important thing is my Anne & Mikey are here safe with me & I know Amanda is safe at her BF house!!!

Happy Valentine's Day, Goos Beaners.......... Stay warm and careful wherever you are.

I got you all some roses...enjoy!

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Love to you all on this day of love, Carol
Hey MJ I love having my boys home too. How old are your kids? I have two Nico is 8 and Kross is 3 We are VERY Italian if you have not guessed. My husbands family speaks Italian and came over when his Dad was six. My grandparents used to speak Italian in front of us when they wanted to say something we were not supposed to hear kind of like when me and hubby spell things hee hee. Kross's name is from the movie The Last Don it is originally Krossafecio Can you imagine walking around saying that Get out there in that snow and have some fun
My oldest Amanda is 18 & my baby is Anne 14.If I had your addy Id show you thier pics as I enjoy showing them off.Ive messed up alot in my life BUT my girls are the reason Im still here Still trying they give me both so much joy & so much pain...Teens!!!!

Goos Carol Thank You for the roses.Did you get my letter?Im sorry if it upsets you but I really have been thinking of your puppy (i know shes not)alot & I have said many prayers believe it or not

Janet is your son birthday today Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! if it is. Hope he is feeling better soon. Ah we just put together the boys drum set yesterday Yikes!! I can feel a headache coming on
Carol No word on your baby dog yet??? I am so sorry to hear that I am sending you my prayers.
MJ what is my "addy"
LOL AWW Roxy that was cute.I ment your email Id send pics.Maybe we both know someone on here that has yours & mine.I dont like posting mine.
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love to you all..............

MJ.............i would walk in a storm with you.....sounds fun...

get all bundled up and walk around..........

i like storms...
i sit right by the window and watch storms........

its sunny here, but alot of snow and very very COLD...........

(((sharon, Mj, jewels, Atlas, STEPHY, stace, doug, jeffery, just jodi, carol, roxy,
danny, CG, rae, brook, POOPIE, janet, Tim, JAVA, A2O, Gina.KEVEIN (bish),

i cant name you all, i wish i could........
because i love and care for you all and pray you all have a happy life...

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Honest Thumper walking is fun but I was thinking more in the lines of finding an empty parking lot & getting the truck spinning!!! I love that.My Camaro was so good for that but I wouldnt DARE bring it out in tHIS.
You Thumper are such a beautiful soul,I hope you realize this,your thoughtful kindness has touched so many on this board(I know it has a grip on my heart)& I wish I could more gentle like you.
You truley are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
Tyler is home this morning, he is moving out this Thursday, yay! Now I can get that bedroom cleaned up! I made a pan of fudge yesterday and he is going to walk out with most of it. So I guess we won't (?) be seeing him every 3 weeks for about 20 minutes??

Janet I kinda look forward to the day when my Anne is starting her life,yet a part of me ALWAYS wants to hang on so so tight.Its been me & her for so long.When that day comes I know it will feel as if part of my heart is walking out the door.
FUDGE????DID YOU SAY FUDGE???OMGOODNESS I COULD EAT TONS OF THAT.Every Christmas my aunt makes batches for the whole family.This year I actuall was good & took some out & sent the rest downstair to my sister!!!!I could eat & eat that....but come August Ill be kicking myself for it!!!!

Edited to ask Roxy how the canollis came out????
It was my first try at fudge, it came out a little bit hard, but it's good. I want to try making the peanut butter/cheese fudge next time.
GOOS Valentines ALL!!!

I got a very nice card and a big box with 3 gap sweaters and a big bag of homemade chocolate covered pecans this morning! Hubby's doing SOMETHING right! lol

It's also my boss' birthday. He called right before i got here, and his dad is having an emergency colonoscopy ...thinks he has colon cancer, so keep him in your prayers.

I'm holding down the fort this morning trying to wake up with some dunkin donuts coffee...

You guys enjoy your snow...lucky dogs.

GOos MJ, JAnet, Thumper, Where's Java and Stephy?

Goos Roxy!


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