Goos Tuesday Morning

How are you all this sunny glorious morning?!?!?!?!

I called off my womans group this morning,i just needed a little "ME" time so i called and fibbed,just a little,i actually dont feel all that great this morning,but its funny how once youve begged off a meeting or a day at work you feel so much better,lol.Anyway,the day is too beautiful to spend an hour and a half talking to the same woman saying the same things over and over.To be honest,some days i truly look forward to the group,today is not one of them!

Whats up with everyone?Its been awhile,so bring me up to speed.I go back to work at 12 until 3 then have the rest of the day off,whihc im really looking forward to.~KIM
Oh,by the way,youre not getting off that easy this morning..ive got to show off my big boy,he got his first baby swing yesterday,and loved it!!!! he is...Our precious boy!

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awww what a lil cutie.................i would kiss his knees !

good for you kimber poo..............stay home and rest and enjoy your family and your day...

i have to go to work..............

gotta go ...........

love you.

he is soooooooooooooooo adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i LOVE and look forward to pictures you post of him, keep em coming!!!!
you must be so proud!!!! i wish my mom would have loved her grandbabies like you love yours! you are the grandma i hope to be one day! love jewels
Thanks Thumper and Jewels!

i wish my mom would have loved her grandbabies like you love yours! you are the grandma i hope to be one day! love jewels

I know exactly what you mean Jewels,i think thats why i love my grandchildren the way i do.I'll bet anything you will be one to adore yours too!!!!!~KIM